Periplus Pocket Mandarin Chinese Dictionary. Philip Yungkin Lee

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Periplus Pocket Mandarin Chinese Dictionary - Philip Yungkin Lee

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存心 n intention

      cúnzài 存在 v to exist

      cūnzhuāng 村庄 n village

      cuòde 错的 adj wrong (mistaken)

      cuòwù 错误 n error, mistake

      cùxiāo 促销 n promotion (sale)


      dǎ 打 v to hit, strike

      dà 大 adj big, large

      dà bùfèn 大部分 adv mostly

      dà chūxuè 大出血 v to make a big markdown

      dǎ diànhuà 打电话 v to make a phone call

      dà ér quán 大而全 n large and comprehensive

      dǎ fángyìzhēn 打防疫针 n vaccination

      dǎ hēqiàn 打呵欠 v to yawn

      dà hōngdòng 大轰动 n blockbuster

      dà huánjìng 大环境 n the overall situation

      dà jiǎngsài 大奖赛 n grand prix

      dà jiǎnjià 大减价 n markdown sales

      dà jiànmài 大贱买 n sale (reduced prices)

      dà lǎocū 大老粗 n uneducated person

      dǎ májiàng 打麻将 v to play mahjong

      dà mǎnguàn 大满贯 n grand slam

      dǎ pēntì 打喷嚏 v to sneeze

      dà shuǐguàn 大水罐 n pitcher, jug

      dǎ yóujī 打游击 v to fight a guerrilla warfare; work as a seasonal labor

      dǎ zhāohu 打招呼 v to greet

      dà’àn yàoàn 大案要案 n major cases (legal)

      dǎbài 打败 v to defeat

      dǎbàn 打扮 v to get dressed

      dǎbǎo piào 打保票 v to vouch for somebody; guarantee something

      dǎbāo 打包 v to use doggy bags to take food home

      dábiāo 达标 v to be up to the standard

      dàbiàn 大便 v to defecate

      dàbó 大伯 n brother-in-law (husband’s older brother)

      dàchóubīn 大酬宾 v to give a large discount to one’s customers

      dǎchū wángpái 打出王牌 v to play one’s trump card

      dádào 达到 v to attain, reach

      dǎfān 打翻 adj overturned

      dǎfān shēnzhàn 打翻身战 v to fight to change for the better

      dáfù 答复 v, n to reply; response

      dàgài 大概 adv about (approximately), probably

      dǎgōng 打工 v to work for others

      dǎgōngmèi 打工妹 n young female worker

      dǎgōngzǎi 打工仔 n young male worker

      dàguīmó shāshāngxìng wǔqì 大规模杀伤性武器 n weapon of mass destruction

      dǎhēi 打黑 v to crack down on yakuza (organized crime syndicate)

      dǎhuǒjī 打火机 n lighter

      dài 带 v to carry

      dài wènhǎo 代问好 v to say hello

      dàifu 大夫 n doctor

      dàigǎng 待岗 adj waiting for job/employment

      dàigōu 代沟 n generation gap

      dàilǐ fúwùqì 代理服务器 n proxy server (Internet)

      dàitì 代替 v to replace

      dàixīn jiàqī 带薪假期 n paid holidays

      dàixuéjīn 贷学金 n student loan

      dàiyè 待业 adj job-waiting

      dàiyè rényuán 待业人员 n people on job-waiting

      dàiyùn mǔqīn 代孕母亲 n surrogate mother

      dāizhàng 呆帐 n bad debt

      dàizi 袋子 n bag

      dǎjī 打击 v to strike, hit

      dǎjī bàofù 打击报复 v to retaliate

      dǎjiǎ 打假 v to crack down on counterfeit goods

      dǎjià 打架 v to fight (physically)

      dǎjiǎo 打搅 v to bother, disturb

      dàjīng xiǎoguàide 大惊小怪的 adj fussy

      dǎkāi 打开 v to open

      dǎkāi tiānchuāng shuō­liàng­huà 打开天窗说亮话 v to speak frankly

      dàkāi yǎnjiè 大开眼界 be an eye-opener

      dǎkǎjī 打卡机 n punch machine

      dàkuǎn 大款 n rich man, tycoon

      Dálài lǎma 达赖喇嘛 n Dalai Lama

      dǎléi 打雷 n thunder

      dàlì kòushā 大力扣杀 v to smash (a ball)

      dàlìshén 大力神 n Hercules

      dàlóu 大楼 n building

      dàlù 大陆 n continent

      dàmá 大麻 n marijuana

      dàmén 大门 n gate (main entrance)

      dàmǐ 大米 n rice (uncooked grains)

      dànǎo sǐwáng 大脑死亡 n cerebral death

      dàn’gāo 蛋糕 n cake, pastry

      dān’ge 耽搁 v to delay

      dānbǎo 担保 v to guarantee

      dānbiān zhǔyì 单边主义 n unilateralism

      dàndào dǎodàn 弹道导弹 n ballistic missile

      dāndāo fùhuì 单刀赴会 v to start a solo run

      dānchéngpiào 单程票 n one-way ticket

      dānchúnde 单纯的 adj plain (not fancy)

      dāndiào 单调 adj bland

      dāndú 单独 adj alone

      dǎngjiànpái 挡箭牌 n excuse; pretext

      dāngjīn 当今 adv nowadays

      dāngqián yònghù 当前用户 n active user

      dāngrán 当然 adv of course

      dāngrán kěyǐ 当然可以 exclam certainly!

      dǎngzhèng jīguān 党政机关 n Party and government organizations

      dāngzhōng 当中 adv be in the middle of doing

      dàngzuò ěrbīan fēng 当作耳边风 v to turn a deaf ear to something

      dànjì 淡季 n off season


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