Periplus Pocket Mandarin Chinese Dictionary. Philip Yungkin Lee
Читать онлайн книгу.对 n rival, opponent
duìwài zhāoshāng 对外招商 v to attract foreign investment
duìxiàn 兑现 v to cash a check
duìzhǎng xiùbiāo 队长袖标 n armband on a captain/skipper
dùjì 妒忌 v to be jealous
dúlìde 独立的 adj on one’s own
Dūnhuáng shíkū 敦煌石窟 n Dunhuang Grottoes
duō 多 adj much, many
Duō cháng? 多长?how long?
Duō dà suìshù? 多大岁数? how old?
Duō dà niánjì? 多大年纪? how old?
duō yīdiǎnr 多一点儿 adv more (comparative)
Duō yuǎn? 多远? how far?
duóbiāo 夺标 v to win the championship
duóguàn 夺冠 v to win the championship
duōguó wéichí hépíngbùduì 多国维持和平部队 n multinational peace-keeping force
duōjí shìjiè 多极世界 n multipolar world
duōjíhuà 多极化 n multipolarization
duōméitǐ 多媒体 n multimedia
Duōshao qián? 多少钱? how much?
duōyuán shèhuì 多元社会 n pluralistic society
duōyuánhuà 多元化 adj pluralistic
duōyúde 多余的 adj unnecessary
duōyún 多云 adj cloudy, overcast
duōzhǒng jīngyíng 多种经营 n diversified economy
dúpǐn 毒品 n drug (recreational)
dúshēng zǐnǚ 独生子女 n only child
dúxiāo 毒枭 n drug trafficker
dúyào 毒药 n poison
dùzi 肚子 n stomach, belly
é 蛾 n moth
é 鹅 n goose
é 额头 n forehead
è 饿 adj hungry
È’ěr nínuò xiànxiàng 厄尔尼诺现象 n El Nino phenomenon
èpíng 恶评 n unfavorable comments
èr 二 num two (numeral)
ěrduo 耳朵 n ear
ěrhuán 耳环 n earrings
èr jìngōng 二进宫 v to go to jail/prison the second time
èr jìnzhì 二进制 n binary (computer)
érkē yīshēng 儿科医生 n pediatrician
èrnǎi 二奶 n mistress of a married man
érqiě 而且 conj moreover
èrshí 二十 n twenty
èrshǒu shāngpǐn 二手商品 n second-hand goods
èrshǒu yān 二手烟 n second-hand smoking
èrshǒufáng 二手房 n second-hand house
èryǎnghuàtàn 二氧化碳 n CO2 (carbon dioxide)
èryuè 二月 n February
ěryú wǒzhà 尔虞我诈 n mutual deception and rivalry
èrzhàn 二战 n World War II
érzi 儿子 n son
éwàide 额外的 adj extra
èxìng tōnghuò péngzhàng 恶性通货膨胀 n hyperinflation
èxìng xúnhuán 恶性循环 n vicious circle
fā ànlǜ 发案率 n incidence (of criminal cases)
fā báirìmèng 发白日梦 v to daydream
fā chuánzhēn 发传真 v to fax
fā diànzi yóujiàn 发电子邮件 v to email
fā yīmèir 发依妹儿 v to email
fāchòu 发臭 v to stink
fādá guó jiā 发达国家 n developed countries
fǎdìng huòbì 法定货币 n legal tender
fādòng 发动 v to start
fādòngjī 发动机 n engine
fādǒu 发抖 v to shiver
Fǎguó 法国 n France
Fǎguóde 法国的 adj French (in general)
Fǎguórén 法国人 n French (people)
fákuǎn 罚款 n fine (punishment)
fāliàng 发亮 adj shiny
fǎlǜ 法律 n laws, legislation
fāmíng 发明 v, n to invent: invention
fǎn dàndàodǎodàn tiáoyuē 反弹道导弹条约 n Anti-ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM)
fǎnbài wéi shèng 反败为胜 v to turn the tables
fān’guòlái 翻过来 v to turn over
fàncài 饭菜 n dish (particular food)
fāndǎo 翻倒 v to turn over
fǎnduì 反对 v to object, protest
fàng 放 v to put, place
fángbàosǐ xìtǒng 防抱死系统 n ABS (anti-lock braking system)
fāngbiàn 方便 adj convenient
fāngbiàn shípǐn 方便食品 n instant food
fāngbiànmiàn 方便面 n instant noodles
fángchǎn gūjiàshī 房产估价师 n real estate evaluator
fángchē 房车 n camper, RV
fángdàomén 防盗门 n security door
fángdìchǎn 房地产 n real estate
fángdìchǎn shìchǎng 房地产市场 n real estate market
fángdú miànjù 防毒面具 n gas mask
fāngfǎ 方法 n way, method
fānggéde 方格的 adj checked (pattern)
fànggāoqiú 放高球 v to lob (sports)
fángguǎn 房管 n real estate management
fángjiān 房间 n room (in hotel)
fàngqíngle 放晴了 adj clear (of weather)
fángshàiyóu 防晒油 n sunscreen lotion
fàngshēng 放生 v to free wildlife from captivity
fàngshèxìng 放射性 adj radioactive