Mini Burmese Dictionary. Aung Kyaw Phyo
Читать онлайн книгу.CONJ လ်က္ while
hlyin ADJ / CONJ လ်င္ 1 swift, fast, quick 2 if
hmaet N မွဲ႔ mole
hmaii N မွဳိင္း 1 fumes 2 negative influence
hmaii meet V မွဳိင္းမိ be captivated; be negatively influenced
hman ADJ မွန္ correct; true
hman baloo N မွန္ဘီလူး magnifying glass
hman kan V မွန္ကန္ be correct
hmann V မွန္း estimate; predict
hmar V မွာ 1 send word; leave word 2 order (food or drink)
hmarr ADJ မွား wrong; incorrect
hmarr ywinn hmook N မွားယြင္းမႈ mistake
hmat N မွတ္ 1 mark; spot 2 mark; point; score
hmat chet cha V မွတ္ခ်က္ခ် comment; remark
hmat hmat ya ya ADV မွတ္မွတ္ရရ vividly; distinctly
hmat meet V မွတ္မိ remember
hmat nyan N မွတ္ဥာဏ္ memory
hmat pown tin N မွတ္ပံုတင္ register; patent; registration card
hmat tann tin V မွတ္တမ္းတင္ record; keep account
hmaung kho zayy N ေမွာင္ခိုေစ်း black market
hmaw N ေမွာ္ sorcery; magic
hmeainn N မွိန္း two-pronged spear
hmee N ၿမီး tail
hmi V မွီ lean against
hmin N မင္ ink
hmin kyaung N မင္ေၾကာင္ tattoo
hmo N မႈ mushroom; fungus
hmoat V မႈတ္ blow; send out air from the mouth
hmoat say N မႈတ္ေဆး spray paint
hmo gyohh hmyit chohh ADV မႈိခ်ိဳးမွ်စ္ခ်ိဳး (criticize sb) severely; scathingly
hmo gyout N မႈိေျခာက္ dried mushrooms
hmown daii N မုန္တိုင္း storm
hmownt N မႈန္ flour; powder
hmwayy V ေမႊး be fragrant
hmya V မွ် share
hmyarr N / V မွား 1 arrow 2 lure; bait
hmyarr pya V ျမွားျပ indicate direction with an arrow sign
hmyaw V ေမွ်ာ္ 1 look into the distance 2 expect; look forward to
hmyaw myin V ေျမာ္ျမင္ perceive; think about future
hmyawt N ေမွ်ာ့ leech
hmyaww V ေမွ်ာ set adrift
hmyint V ျမွင့္ raise; increase
hmyit N မွ်စ္ bamboo shoot
hmyite V ၿမိွဳက္ singe; scorch
hmyout V ေျမွာက္ 1 raise 2 flatter
hmyout htohh pint gaw V ေျမွာက္ထိုးပင့္ေကာ္ incite
hmyout pint V ေျမွာက္ပင့္ flatter
hmyout sarr V ေျမွာက္စား favor; promote
hmyu V ျမွဴ lure; entice; coax
hnaet V ႏွဲ႔ loosen; lever
hnaii V ႏႈိင္း compare
hnahtat kwann ADV ႏွစ္ထပ္ကြမ္း second time; twice
hnakhann N ႏႈတ္ခမ္း lip; brim; brink
hnakhann hmwayy N ႏႈတ္ခမ္းေမႊး moustache
hnakhaungg N ႏွာေခါင္း nose
hnakhaungg pate V ႏွာေခါင္းပိတ္ have blocked nose
hnako gwell N ႏွစ္ကိုယ္ခြဲ dual role; double role
hnalownn N ႏွလံုး heart
hnalownn yaww gar N ႏွလံုးေရာဂါ heart disease
hna myaww ADJ / V ႏွေျမာ 1 stingy; not willing to give 2 feel sorry to lose sth
hna-oo hnaphet N ႏွစ္ဦးႏွစ္ဖက္ both sides; both parties
hnaphoo N နဖူး forehead
hnan V ႏွံ႔ spread out
hnann N ႏွမ္း sesame
hnant V နွန္႔ wag (tail); jiggle (knee)
hnar chyay V ႏွာေခ် sneeze
hnar sayy V ႏွာေစး have a runny nose
hna sae NUM ႏွစ္ဆယ္ twenty
hnat V ႏွပ္ tenderize (meat)
hnate V ႏွိပ္ 1 press (button) 2 massage 3 stamp, seal
hnate kwot V ႏွိပ္ကြပ္ oppress; suppress
hnaungt shet V ေႏွာင့္ယွက္ disturb; bother; annoy
hnaww V ေႏွာ mix; merge
hnayy ADJ ေႏွး slow
hneaint V ႏွိမ့္ lower
hneaint cha ADJ ႏွိမ့္ခ် humble
hnee hnaww V ႏွီးေႏွာ discuss
hnee hnaww phalae bwell N ႏွီးေႏွာဖလွယ္ပြဲ seminar; symposium
hngarr V ငွား borrow; hire on payment; rent; lend; loan
hnget N ငွက္ 1 bird 2 kind of small sampan
hnget phyarr N ငွက္ဖ်ား malaria
hnget thite N ငွက္သိုက္ 1 nest 2 edible bird’s nest
hnin V ႏွင္ 1 drive out; expel 2 go on a journey
hninn N / V နွင္း 1 snow; frost 2 (formal) confer; grant
hninn pate ADJ ႏွင္းပိတ္ foggy
hninn zi N ႏွင္းဆီ rose
hnint CONJ / PREP ႏွင့္