Mini Burmese Dictionary. Aung Kyaw Phyo
Читать онлайн книгу.ADJ ထက္ 1 sharp 2 bright; intelligent
htet chann ADV ထက္ျခမ္း in halves
htet than ADJ ထက္သန္ eager
hti N ထီ lottery
htin gyayy N ထင္ေၾကး opinion; guess
htin hat V ထင္ဟပ္ reflect (in mirror, in one’s mind)
htin myin V ထင္ျမင္ 1 visualize 2 have an impression of
htin myin gyet N ထင္ျမင္ခ်က္ opinion; view
htinn N ထင္း firewood
htinn shoo N ထင္းရွဴး conifer
htinn site V ထင္းဆိုက္ use as firewood
htin paw ADJ ထင္ေပၚ well-known
htin sharr ADJ ထင္ရွား obvious; distinct; noticeable
htite theet arr hlyaw zwar ADV ထိုက္သည့္အားေလ်ာ္စြာ appropriately
hto PRON ထို that
htoat V ထုတ္ 1 take out; extract 2 fire (from job) 3 expel from a school or university 4 publish; produce 5 proclaim 5 pack; wrap with paper
htoat hnoat V ထုတ္ႏႈတ္ extract (from larger piece of text)
htoat kown N ထုတ္ကုန္ product
htoat loat V ထုတ္လုပ္ make; produce; manufacture
htoat payy V ထုတ္ေပး issue; give; disburse
htoat phaw V ထုတ္ေဖာ္ reveal
htoat pyan V ထုတ္ျပန္ proclaim; publicize
htoat way V ထုတ္ေ၀ publish
htoat way thu N ထုတ္ေ၀သူ publisher
htoat yu V ထုတ္ယူ take out
htohh V ထိုး 1 poke, stab 2 play (chess or draughts) 3 pick (teeth) 4 strike (bell, clock)
htohh kya V ထိုးက် fall down
htohh phout V ထိုးေဖာက္ pierce; penetrate
htohh zayy N ထုိးေဆး medicine (for injection, not oral)
htoht gyaungt CONJ ထို႕ေၾကာင့္ so that; because of that
htoht nout CONJ ထို႔ေနာက္ then; after that
htoht pyin CONJ ထို႔ျပင္ besides, in addition, plus
hton V ထြန္ harrow; till
hto nee atu CONJ ထိုနည္းအတူ in the same wayhtonn V ထြန္း shine, emit light
htonn pout ADJ ထြန္းေပါက္ outstanding
hton zet N ထြန္စက္ tractor
htoo ADJ / V ထူး 1 extraordinary 2 answer (sb’s call)
htoo gyon ADJ ထူးခၽြန္ outstanding; brilliant
htook V ထု 1 hit with a hammer 2 thump; beat, strike
htook chay V ထုေခ် crush
htook gyay hlwar N ထုေခ်လႊာ letter of explanation
htout hlann V ေထာက္လွမ္း investigate; enquire
htout khan V ေထာက္ခံ support; recommend
htout khan zar N ေထာက္ခံစာ credentials; letter of recommendation
htout pant V ေထာက္ပံ့ support; assist; help
htout pya V ေထာက္ျပ point out
htown V ထံု be numb (part of the body)
htown htaii ADJ ထံုထိုင္း 1 inert lethargic; torpid 2 inactive
htownn V ထံုး knot
htownn dann zin lar N ထံုးတမ္းစဥ္လာ custom; tradition
htownn kyout N ထံုးေက်ာက္ limestone
htownn phwaet V ထံုးဖြဲ႕ arrange one’s hairstyle
htown zayy N ထံုေဆး anesthetic
htu ADJ ထူ 1 thick 2 (informal) dull; stupid; unintelligent
htu htat ADJ ထူထပ္ dense; crowded
htwar V ထြာ measure by handspan
htwarr ADJ ထြား large; stout (usually to refer to growth of a child or size of fruit)
htway pyarr ADJ ေထြျပား 1 complex; complicated 2 confused
htwayy V ေထြး 1 spit out 2 wrap (with cloth, blanket, etc.) 3 keep sb in arms; enfold
htwet V ထြက္ 1 go or come out 2 yield; produce 3 leave
htwet chet N ထြက္ခ်က္ statement made in law court
htwet khwar V ထြက္ခြာ leave; depart
htwet kown N ထြက္ကုန္ product
htwet paw V ထြက္ေပၚ appear; come out
htwet pout V ထြက္ေပါက္ exist
htwet pyayy V ထြက္ေျပး run away; take flight
htwet sar N ထြက္စာ letter of resignation
htwinn V ထြင္း 1 carve; sculpt 2 drill (tunnel; hole)
hu V ဟူ say; declare
hwayt V ေ၀ွ႕ butt; gore
hwayt yann V ေ၀ွ႕ယမ္း wave
hwayy (gwayy) N ေ၀ွး testes
hwet V ၀ွက္ hide, conceal
i kway tar N အီေကြတာ equator
in arr N အင္အား force; strength
in arr zook N အင္အားစု task force
in gar N အဂၤါ 1 Tuesday 2 organs; part of the body
in gyinn N အင္ၾကင္း sal tree
inn N အင္း lake
inn galate ADJ အဂၤလိပ္ English
inn gyi N အကၤ် ီ top; shirt; blouse; coat; jacket
it nayt N အစ္ေန ့ Eid
it salan N အစၥလာမ္ Islam
ka V က dance