Mini Burmese Dictionary. Aung Kyaw Phyo
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kywinn kyan V ၾကြင္းက်န္ remain
la N လ 1 moon 2 month
la byayt N လျပည့္ full moon
lae V လည္ revolve; rotate
lae N လယ္ paddy field; farm
lae bat kyohh N လည္ပတ္ၾကိဳး collar (for animals)
lae binn N လည္ပင္း neck
lae binn kyee yaww gar N လည္ပင္းၾကီးေရာဂါ goiter
lae gyaungg N လည္ေခ်ာင္း throat
lae hite N လည္ဟိုက္ low-cut neckline
lae hton V လယ္ထြန္ plough
lae thamarr N လယ္သမား farmer
lae zayt N လည္ေစ့ Adam’s apple
lae zee N လည္စည္း scarf
lae zwell N လည္ဆဲြ necklace
la ga N လခ 1 salary; pay 2 monthly fee; rent
lagaungg ADV လည္းေကာင္း as well; also
la gyann N လျခမ္း half moon
lahar byin N လဟာျပင္ open space
lahar byin zayy N လဟာျပင္ေစ်း outdoor market
laii N လိုင္း line; route
lai sin N လိုင္စင္ license
la kwae N လကြယ္ moonless night
la kyat N လၾကတ္ lunar eclipse
lann ADJ လန္း fresh
lann N လမ္း road; street; route
lann gwa N လမ္းခြ fork in road
lann gwell N လမ္းခြဲ branch line
lann gyarr N လမ္းၾကား alley
lann gyaungg payy V လမ္းေၾကာင္းေပး guide
lann hlwell V လမ္းလႊဲ divert
lann hman N လမ္းမွန္ the right way
lann hnyon V လမ္းညႊန္ 1 direct; tell sb how to get to a place 2 show sb the right way in life
lann khook lat N လမ္းခုလတ္ midway
lann koo N လမ္းကူး road crossing
lann ma N လမ္းမ main road
lann pann set thwae yayy N လမ္းပန္းဆက္သြယ္ေရး transport and communications
lann phae V လမ္းဖယ္ 1 remove obstacles 2 move out of someone’s path
lann shout V လမ္းေလွ်ာက္ walk
lann thwae N လမ္းသြယ္ branch road; lane
lann zin N လမ္းစဥ္ the way; doctrine
lann zown N လမ္းဆံု junction; intersection
lant ADJ လန္႔ afraid of
laphet N လက္ဖက္ pickled tea leaves
laphet chout N လက္ဖက္ေျခာက္ green tea
laphet yay acho N လက္ဖက္ရည္အခ်ိဳ sweet tea
laphet yay gyann N လက္ဖက္ရည္ၾကမ္း hot green tea
lar V လာ come
larr လား yes/no question particle (at end of sentence)
larr N လား mule
larr larr hmya ADV လားလားမ်ွ entirely; completely
larr yar gadeet N လားရာဂတိ the next life (in Buddhism)
lat ADJ လတ္ medium, middle, fair
late N လိပ္ tortoise, turtle
late pyar N လိပ္ျပာ butterfly
late pyar thant V လိပ္ျပာသန္႔ have a clear conscience
late sar V လိပ္စာ address
lat htohh V လာဘ္ထိုး bribe
lat kaungg ADJ လာဘ္ေကာင္း auspicious
lat sarr V လာဘ္စား accept a bribe
lat sat ADJ လတ္ဆတ္ fresh
lat talaww ADV လတ္တေလာ presently; currently
laung V ေလာင္ burn
laungg V ေလာင္း 1 pour 2 water 3 offer (alms to a monk)
laungg gazarr N ေလာင္းကစား gambling
laungg gyayy N ေလာင္းေၾကး wager
laungg koat inn gyi N ေလာင္းကုတ္အက်ႌ overcoat
laung zar N ေလာင္စာ fuel
law ri N ေလာ္ရီ truck
lawt kat thee N ေလာ့ကတ္သီး locket
laww ADJ ေလာ hasty; rash
laww ba N ေလာဘ greed
laww bazaww N ေလာဘေဇာ greediness
laww ka N ေလာက the world
laww ka wit N ေလာက၀တ္ social conventions
laww ki hmook N ေလာကီမႈ worldly matters
laww laww lat lat ADV ေလာေလာလတ္လတ္ recently
laww laww zae ADV ေလာေလာဆယ္ at present
lay N ေလ 1 air; breeze; wind 2 (slang) lip service 3 rhetoric
la yaung N လေရာင္ moonlight
lay ayy zet N ေလေအးစက္ air conditioner
lay bway N ေလေပြ whirlwind
lay choat V ေလခ်ဳပ္ suffer from gas in the stomach
lay chon V ေလခြ်န္ whistle
lay dagon N ေလတံခြန္ kite