Mini Burmese Dictionary. Aung Kyaw Phyo
Читать онлайн книгу.spend freely
let phyan N လက္ဖ်ံ forearm
let phyit N လက္ျဖစ္ handmade
let phyout tee V လက္ေဖ်ာက္တီး snap one’s fingers
let pite V လက္ပိုက္ fold one’s arms
let pite kyeet V လက္ပိုက္ၾကည့္ look on without intervening
let ponn dadee ADV လက္ပြန္းတတီး familiarly; intimately
let pyat N လက္ျပတ္ 1 sleeveless vest or jacket
let pyaungg let hlwell N လက္ေျပာင္း လက္လႊဲ change of hands; transfer of ownership
let pyit koo V လက္ပစ္ကူး swim
let sa phyout V လက္စေဖ်ာက္ destroy all traces of evidence
let sarr chay V လက္စားေခ် take revenge
let sa that V လက္စသတ္ finish or complete sth
let saung N လက္ေဆာင္္ gift
let sayy gwet N လက္ေဆးခြက္ washbasin; washbowl
let shawt V လက္ေလွ်ာ့ give up; stop trying
let sheet ADJ လက္ရွိ present
let sint kann N လက္ဆင့္ကမ္း relay
let sit N လက္ဆစ္ finger joint
let sut N လက္စြပ္ ring (jewelry)
let swell V လက္စြဲ handbook
let swell bownn N လက္ဆြဲပုံး pail; bucket
let swell gyinn N လက္ဆြဲျခင္း handbasket
let taet sann V လက္တည့္စမ္း try out
let tet N လက္တက္ tributary of a river
let thae N လက္သည္ midwife
let tha gyway N လက္သူၾကြယ္ ring finger
let thamarr N လက္သမား carpenter
let thann N လက္သန္း the little finger
let thee N လက္သီး fist
let thell N လက္သည္း fingernail
let thell hnyat N လက္သည္းညွပ္ nail clippers
let thin N လက္သင္ beginner; novice; intern
let thoat pawar N လက္သုတ္ပ၀ါ hand towel
let to N လက္တို short-sleeved shirt
let toht V လက္တို႔ tip off
let to let taungg N လက္တိုလက္ေတာင္း chores
let toon hlell N လက္တြန္းလွည္း trolley
let twayt N လက္ေတြ ့practical experience
let twell V လက္တြဲ join hands
let twell khaw V လက္တြဲေခၚ help sb along
let twell phyoat V လက္တြဲျဖဳတ္ part company with sb
let wagyee oat V လက္၀ါးႀကီးအုပ္ monopolize
let warr N လက္၀ါး palm of the hand
let well N လက္၀ဲ left
let well yit ADV လက္၀ဲရစ္ counterclockwise
let wut let sarr N လက္၀တ္လက္စား jewelry
let ya phann V လက္ရဖမ္း seize, catch
let yann N လက္ရန္း railing
let yar N လက္ယာ right-hand side
let yar yit ADV လက္ယာရစ္ clockwise
let yat khaw V လက္ယပ္ေခၚ beckon
let yayy N လက္ေရး handwriting
let yayy mu N လက္ေရးမူ manuscript
let yell V လက္ရဲ have the nerve to do sth
let yet htae N လက္ရက္ထည္ handwoven cloth
let yownn yi N လက္ရံုးရည္ skill in martial arts
let ywayy zin N လက္ေရြးစင္ process of selection (of people or things)
li bar N လီဗာ 1 lever (of machines) 2 accelerator (of vehicles)
lin N လင္ (informal) husband
lin bann N လင္ပန္း tray
linn ADJ လင္း bright; full of light
linn bai N လင္းပိုင္ dolphin
linn yown N လင္းယုန္ eagle
lin sheet mayarr N လင္ရွိမယား married woman
lint noht N လင္းႏို႔ bat
lit V လစ္ 1 slip out, slip away 2 steal; lift
lit hinn V လစ္ဟင္း neglect; fail to care for
lite V လိုက္ 1 follow; chase 2 keep up with sb
lite lyaw V လိုက္ေလ်ာ go along with; agree to sb’s proposal
lite nar V လိုက္နာ follow; obey
lite par V လိုက္ပါ accompany
lite phet V လိုက္ဖက္ match
lite poht V လိုက္ပို႔ send off; see off
lite pyayy V လိုက္ေျပး elope
lite yaw nyi htway ADV လိုက္ေလ်ာညီေထြ appropriately
lo V လို 1 want; need 2 lack; miss
lo at V လိုအပ္ require; need
loat V လုပ္ do; work; carry out; make
loat arr N လုပ္အား labor; productivity
loat arr payy N လုပ္အားေပး voluntary worker
lo at chet N လိုအပ္ခ်က္ requirement; need
loat htownn loat nee N လုပ္ထံုးလုပ္နည္း