Mini Burmese Dictionary. Aung Kyaw Phyo

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Mini Burmese Dictionary - Aung Kyaw Phyo

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competence; ability

      loht CONJ လို႔ (spoken) because

      lo in N လိုအင္ desire; wish

      lo lo gyin gyin ADV လိုလိုခ်င္ခ်င္ willingly

      lon N လြန္ 1 rope 2 drill; gimlet

      lon lon kyon kyon ADV လြန္လြန္ကြ်ံကြ်ံ excessively; out of hand

      lon myout V လြန္ေျမာက္ pass, get beyond, overcome

      lon zan V လြန္ဆန္ go against

      look V / ADV လု 1 take by force; rob 2 nearly; about to

      look yet hmook N လုယက္မႈ robbery

      loo lell hta V လူးလဲထ haul oneself up or out of

      lout N / V ေလာက္ 1 maggot 2 be sufficient; be adequate

      lout lann N ေလာက္လမ္း mosquito larva

      lown gyown ADJ လံုျခံဳ safe

      lown gyown yayy N လံုျခံဳေရး security

      lownn ADJ လံုး round; spherical

      lownn bann V လံုးပန္း strive, endeavor

      lownn barr parr V လံုးပါးပါး dwindle away

      lownn lownn ADV လံုးလံုး completely, totally

      lownn zayt pat sayt ADV လံုးေစ့ပတ္ေစ့ in detail

      lownt la wi yeet ya N လံု႔လ၀ီရိယ diligence

      lo yinn N လိုရင္း point; essence

      lu N လူ 1 human 2 man; guy

      lu arr N လူအား manpower

      lu ayy N လူေအး quiet person

      lu barr wa V လူပါး၀ be insolent

      lu baung N လူ႔့ေဘာင္ human society

      lu baw lu zaw N လူေပၚလူေဇာ္ opportunist

      lu bown N လူပုံ audience; the public

      lu byo N လူပ်ိဳ bachelor

      lu byo bout N လူပ်ိဳေပါက္ male adolescent

      lu byo yan N လူပ်ိဳရံ best man

      lu chann thar N လူခ်မ္းသာ wealthy person

      lu daww N လူေတာ society; the public

      lu dook N လူထု the masses; the public

      lu dook pyin nyar yayy N လူထု ပညာေရး mass education

      lu galayy N လူကေလး young boy

      lu gaungg N လူေကာင္း nice person; good person

      lu gyann N လူၾကမ္း villain

      lu gyee N လူႀကီး 1 adult; grown-up 2 superior person; authority

      lu gyee lu gaungg N လူႀကီး လူေကာင္း gentleman

      lu gyee zate N လူႀကီးစိတ္ mature mind

      lu hmook phu lown yayy N လူမႈဖူလံုေရး social security

      lu hmook set san yayy N လူမႈဆက္ဆံေရး public relations

      lu hmook win dann N လူမႈ၀န္ထမ္း social services

      lu hmook yayy N လူမႈေရး one’s social duties and obligations; social conventions

      lu hmook yayy mi di yar N လူမႈေရး မီဒီယာ social media

      lu hmook yayy thate pan N လူမႈေရးသိပၸံ social sciences

      lu kell khat V လူကဲခတ္ size sb up

      lu kown htan N လူကံုထံ wealthy person

      lu kyint wut N လူ႔က်င့္၀တ္ ethics; morals

      lu lae N လူလည္ wily person

      lu larr myout V လူလားေျမာက္ come of age

      lu lat N လူလတ္ middle-aged person

      lu leain N လူလိမ္ crook; liar

      lu leain mar N လူလိမၼာ person of good character

      lu lut N လူလြတ္ unmarried person

      lu mamae N လူမမည္ child

      lu mamar N လူမမာ person in poor health; a person who is sick

      lu mite N လူမိုက္ 1 thug 2 silly, stupid person

      lu myarr zook N လူမ်ားစု the majority

      lu myin gwinn N လူျမင္ကြင္း public place

      lu myohh N လူမ်ိဳး race, ethnicity; nationality

      lu myohh gwell N လူမ်ိဳးကြဲ a person of a different race

      lu myohh gyarr N လူမ်ိဳးျခား foreigner

      lu myohh yayy N လူမ်ိဳးေရး racial issue

      lu myohh zook N လူမ်ိဳးစု ethnic group

      lu nar N လူနာ patient; sick person

      lu nar tin karr N လူနာတင္ကား ambulance

      lu nell zook N လူနည္းစု minority

      lu ngae N လူငယ္ youth; young person

      lu ngarr N လူငွား tenant

      lu oo yay N လူဦးေရ population

      lu pown N လူပံု appearance

      lu see dwell N လူစီးတြဲ passenger coach (of trains)

      lu sinn yell N လူဆင္းရဲ the poor

      lut V လြတ္ 1 escape; be released 2 be out of control

      lu thar man N လူသာမန္ ordinary human being

      lu tharr N လူသား human; mankind

      lu that hmook N လူသတ္မူ murder

      lu theet shin kyarr ADV လူသိရွင္ၾကား openly; publicly

      lut lat khwint N လြတ္လပ္ခြင့္ right to freedom

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