Mini Burmese Dictionary. Aung Kyaw Phyo
Читать онлайн книгу.zate N လူစိတ္ humane feelings; humanity
lu zeainn N လူစိမ္း stranger
lu zohh N လူဆိုး 1 bad person; criminal; thug 2 villain
lu zook N လူစု group of people
lu zook khwell V လူစုခြဲ (of a crowd) disperse
lu zook lu way N လူစုလူေ၀း crowd
lu zown tet sown N လူစုံတက္စံု full complement
lu zwann gaungg N လူစြမ္းေကာင္း hero
lwae ADJ လြယ္ easy
lwae lint dagu ADV လြယ္လင့္တကူ easily
lwann V လြမ္း long for, yearn for; miss someone
lwann thook pann gway N လြမ္းသူ႕ပန္းေခြြ memorial wreath
lwell hmarr V လြဲမွား be wrong
lwell ywayt CONJ လြဲ၍ apart from
lwin byin N လြင္ျပင္ plain
lwint V လြင့္ be blown away; float in the air
ma V / N မ 1 to lift 2 odd number 3 general term of address for females, usually placed before the name
ma-au malae ADV မအူမလည္ with naivety; naively
ma … bell CONJ မ … ဘဲ without
macheet tin kell ADV မခ်ိတင္ကဲ inconsolably
madeainn hmook N မုဒိမ္းမႈ rape (sexual assault)
maet V မဲ့ lack
mahar ADJ မဟာ great; noble
mahar byu har N မဟာဗ်ဴဟာ strategy
mahar mate N မဟာမိတ္ ally
mahlai N မလိုင္ cream
mahlann makann N မလွမ္းမကမ္း nearby place
mahmate mathown ADV မမွိတ္မသုန္ persistently
mahmi makann ADV မမီမကမ္း just beyond one’s reach
mahnit ka N မနွစ္က last year
mahoat tayoat N မဟုတ္တရုတ္ nonsense; rubbish
mahti layy zarr ADV မထီေလးစား disrespectfully
mahti maet myin ADV မထီမဲ့ျမင္ disrespectfully
mai N မိုင္ mile
mai dai N မိုင္တိုင္ milestone; mile post
maii N မိုင္း 1 mine (explosive) 2 mine (source of gold / jade, etc.)
maka CONJ မက more than; not only
makaungg dat ywayt ADV မေကာင္းတတ္၍ unavoidably
makaungg hmook N မေကာင္းမႈ evil or sinful deed or action
makaungg makann ADJ မေကာင္းမကန္း poor (quality)
makaungg sohh warr N မေကာင္းဆိုး၀ါး evil sprits
makhan gyin zate N မခံခ်င္စိတ္ indomitable spirit
makhan mayat nai V မခံမရပ္နိုင္ become intolerable; lose patience
makhohh makhant ADV မခိုးမခန္႔ disrespectfully
makyar khana ADV မၾကာခဏ often; frequently
makyarr wint manar thar N မၾကား၀ံ့မနာသာ foul language
malae mawae ADV မလည္မ၀ယ္ naively
malwell mathway ADV မလြဲမေသြ certainly; inevitably
ma … mi CONJ မ … မီ before
mamyin makann ADV မျမင္မကန္း without seeing clearly
man N မာန္ pride
manar lo ADJ မနာလို jealous; envious
manarr dann ADJ မနားတမ္း nonstop
manaww N မေနာ mind; heart; attitude
man dai N မ႑ိဳင္ 1 center; focal point 2 pillar
manet phyan N မနက္ျဖန္ tomorrow
mann dat N မ႑ပ္ pavilion; decorated stage
manoat tha N မႏုႆ human
manoat tha bay da N မႏုႆေဗဒ anthropology
man tinn V မာန္တင္း brace oneself; steel oneself
mapawt maparr N မေပါ့မပါး pregnancy
maphwae mayar N မဖြယ္မရာ inappropriate and impolite manner
maphyit salout N မျဖစ္စေလာက္ insignificant amount
mapyat ADV မျပတ္ always; continuously
mapyet makwet ADV မပ်က္မကြက္ without fail
mar ADJ မာ hard; firm; stiff
mar khout khout ADJ မာေခါက္ေခါက္ hard and tough
mar kyaww kyaww ADJ မာေက်ာေက်ာ stubborn
mar lar N မာလာ (literary) flower
mar leain N မာလိန္ pilot
mar li N မာလီ (archaic) gardener
mar na N မာန pride
mar na kyee ADJ မာနႀကီး arrogant; conceited
mar phalar N မာဖလာ scarf
mar salar N မဆလာ masala; curry powder
mar sat sat ADJ မာဆတ္ဆတ္ 1 blunt and rude 2 hard and not well-cooked (food)
mar teet kar N မာတိကာ table of contents
mar yar N မာယာ wile; guile
masaii matwa ADV မဆိုင္းမတြ without hesitation
mashayy mahnaungg ADV မေရွးမေနွာင္း at about the same time
masheet sinn yell N မရွိဆင္းရဲ the poor
masi masai N မဆီမဆိုင္