Mini Burmese Dictionary. Aung Kyaw Phyo
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hnoat kyann ADJ ႏႈတ္ၾကမ္း foul-mouthed
hnoat pae V ႏုတ္ပယ္ expel; remove
hnoat phyarr N ႏႈတ္ဖ်ား tip of the tongue
hnoat phyay N ႏႈတ္ေျဖ viva voce; oral examination
hnoat set pwell N ႏႈတ္ဆက္ပြဲ farewell party
hnoat yayy N ႏႈတ္ေရး eloquence
hnohh V ညိွဳး wither; wilt
hnohh swa V ႏွိဳးဆြ activate; agitate; stimulate
hnohh zaw V ႏွိဳးေဆာ္ urge; remind
hnohh zaw sar N ႏိွဳးေဆာ္စာ reminder; notice
hnohh zet N ႏႈိးစက္ alarm
hnownn N ႏႈန္း rate
hnwar V ႏႊာ peel
hnyat V ညွပ္ 1 cut with scissors 2 clamp; clip; grip
hnyat pha nat N ညွပ္ဖိနပ္ slippers; sandals
hnyat yohh N ညွပ္ရိုး collarbone
hnyeet V ညွိ 1 level; compare 2 negotiate
hnyet ADJ ညွက္ small; diminutive (body)
hnyinn V ညွဥ္း torture
hnyoht V ညွိဳ႕ charm; attract
hnyon V ညႊန္ direct; point out
hnyon kyarr gyet N ညြန္ၾကားခ်က္ guidance; instruction
hnyon kyarr yayy hmoo N ညြန္ၾကားေရးမွဴး director
hnyon kyarr yayy hmoo gyoat N ညႊန္ၾကားေရးမွဴးခ်ဳပ္ director general
hnyonn V ညႊန္း 1 indicate; refer 2 recommend; review
hnyut V ညႊတ္ bend; bow
hnyut kyohh V ညြတ္က်ိဳး respect
ho PRON / ADV ဟို 1 that 2 there
hoat hman ADJ ဟုတ္မွန္ true
hoat kaet ADV ဟုတ္ကဲ့ yes
hoat larr INTERJ ဟုတ္လား Really?
hoat tar pawt ADV ဟုတ္တာေပါ့ of course; indeed
honn tee V ဟြန္းတီး honk a horn
hout V ေဟာက္ 1 snore 2 shout at; scold
hout pet ADJ ေဟာက္ပက္ hollow
hownn hownn tout V ဟုန္းဟုန္းေတာက္ be ablaze
hta V ထ 1 get up (from bed) 2 (toothache / disease) act up
htaet V ထည့္ put in; insert; include
htai V ထိုင္ 1 sit 2 settle
htaii ADJ ထိုင္း 1 damp; moist; dull 2 dumb; not intelligent
htai khown N ထိုင္ခံု seat; chair
hta kywa V ထၾကြ 1 become active 2 rebel
htaminn N ထမင္း cooked rice
htaminn boo N ထမင္း lunch box
htaminn gyaw N ထမင္းေၾကာ္ fried rice
htaminn gyet N ထမင္းခ်က္ cook
htaminn zabwell N ထမင္းစားပြဲ dining table
htaminn zai N ထမင္းဆုိင္ Burmese restaurant
htan ADJ ထန္ violent; strong
htann V ထမ္း carry on the shoulders
htann zin N ထမ္းစင္ stretcher
htanyet N ထန္းလွ်က္ palm sugar
htar na N ဌာန 1 department 2 place
htar na gyoat N ဌာနခ်ဳပ္ headquarters; central office
htar nay N ဌာေန place of birth
htarr V ထား put, place; keep
htar wazin ADV ထာ၀စဥ္ forever; always; permanently
htat V / ADV ထပ္ 1 stack; pile 2 overlap 3 repeatedly; again
htat khohh N ထပ္ခိုး attic; mezzanine
htat kyawt V ထပ္ေၾကာ့ repeat
htat laungg ADV ထပ္ေလာင္း in addition
htat talell lell ADV ထပ္တလဲလဲ repeatedly; again and again
htat tu htat hmya ADV ထပ္တူထပ္မွ် exactly; equally; in the same way
htate lant ADJ ထိပ္လန္ ့ terrified; frightened
htate tann hlyoht hwet ADJ ထိပ္တန္းလွ်ိဳ႕၀ွက္ top secret
htaung V ေထာင္ 1 stand; put sth upright 2 set up (a business)
htaung NUM ေထာင္ thousand
htaung bai N ေထာင္ပိုင္ warden of a jail
htaung bown yar bown ADV ေထာင္ပံုရာပံု in great numbers
htaung dwet N ေထာင္ထြက္ ex-convict
htaung gyee gyoat N ေထာင္ႀကီးခ်ဳပ္ remand
htaung gyout N ေထာင္ေခ်ာက္ trap; snare
htaung hlwarr ADJ ေထာင္လႊား arrogant; haughty
htaung hmoo N ေထာင္မွဴး jailer
htaung htaung maungg maungg ADJ ေထာင္ေထာင္ေမာင္းေမာင္း tall and large
htaung kya V ေထာင္က် be imprisoned; be jailed
htaung kyat N ေထာင္ၾကပ္ warder; watchman
htaung phann V ေထာင္ဖမ္း set a trap
htaung tharr N ေထာင္သား prisoner
htaungg V ေထာင္း pound; crush
htaw V ေထာ္ pout
htaw law kant lant ADV ေထာ္ေလာ္ကန္႔လန္႔ contrarily; perversely