Mini Burmese Dictionary. Aung Kyaw Phyo

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Mini Burmese Dictionary - Aung Kyaw Phyo

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N အဂတိ corruption

      ahar ra N အာဟာရ food; nourishment

      ahar ra choht daet N အာဟာရခ်ိဳ ႔တဲ့ malnutrition

      ahaungg N အေဟာင္း something old; the old one

      ahla N အလွ beauty; decoration

      ahlu N အလွဴ donation

      ahlu shin N အလွဴရွင္ donor

      ahlwar N အလႊာ layer; class

      ahlyarr N အလ်ား length

      ahmaet N အမွည့္ ripeness

      ahman N အမွန္ truth

      ahmarr N အမွား mistake; error

      ahmat N အမွတ္ mark; point

      ahmat atharr N အမွတ္အသား mark; sign

      ahmat dazate N အမွတ္တံဆိပ္ symbol; trademark; label

      ahmaung N အေမွာင္ darkness

      ahmayy N အေျမွး membrane; diaphragm

      ahmi ADV အမွီ in time

      ahmite N အမႈိက္ rubbish; trash

      ahmook N အမႈ case; lawsuit

      ahmook dann N အမႈထမ္း crewman; government staff

      ahmook dwell N အမႈတြဲ case file

      ahmook phwint V အမႈဖြင့္ (legal) open a case

      ahmook sit V အမႈစစ္ (legal) hear a case

      ahmook thae N အမႈသည္ client (of a lawyer)

      ahmook zaung N အမႈေဆာင္ executive

      ahmown N အမႈန္ dust; particle

      ahmownt N အမႈန္ ့ powder

      ahmwar N အျမႊာ twin

      ahmwayy dai N အေမႊးတိုင္ stick of incense

      ahmya N အမွ် 1 equal share; act of sharing equally 2 the act of sharing the benefits of one’s good deeds (Buddhism)

      ahmya way V အမွ်ေ၀ express a wish that others may also acquire benefit from one’s meritorious deed (Buddhism)

      ahmyin N အမ်ွင္ string; thread; filament

      ahmyout N အေျမွာက္ 1 multiplication 2 flattery

      ahngarr cha V အငွားခ် lease; hire out (land, property, etc.)

      ahnyohh N အၿငိဳး grudge

      ahnyonn N အညႊန္း direction for use; prescription

      ahtoat pat teet N အတၳဳပတၱိ biography

      aka N အက dance

      akae ywayt CONJ အကယ္၍ if

      akant athat N အကန္ ့အသတ္ limitation; constraint

      akar N အကာ cover; shell

      akaung N အေကာင္ general term to refer to an animal

      akaung ahtae phaw V အေကာင္အထည္ေဖာ္ implement

      akell phyat V အကဲျဖတ္ evaluate; judge

      akha N အခ fee; charge

      akhai amar ADV အခိုင္အမာ firmly; strongly

      akha maet ADJ အခမဲ့ free; free of charge

      akhan N အခံ base; foundation

      akhann N အခန္း room

      akhann anarr N အခမ္းအနား event; occasion; ceremony

      akhann anarr hmoo N အခမ္းအနားမွဴး master of ceremonies

      akhant mathint ADV အခန္ ့မသင့္ accidentally

      akharr N အခါး bitterness

      akhaungg N အေခါင္း 1 cavity 2 hole 3 coffin

      akhaw awaw N အေခၚအေ၀ၚ term; jargon

      akhet akhell N အခက္အခဲ difficulty; obstacle

      akhinn N အခင္း 1 sheet; cloth 2 occurrence; event; incident; circumstance

      akhohh N အခိုး fume; smoke

      akhon N အခြန္ tax

      akhon N အခြံ outer skin of a fruit; peel; shell

      akhon khwar V အခြံခြာ remove the peel or shell

      akhon kout V အခြန္ေကာက္ tax; put a tax on sb

      akhon saung V အခြန္ေဆာင္ pay tax

      akhook ADV အခု now

      akhook hteet ADV အခုထိ up to now; till now

      akhout N အေခါက္ 1 bark (of tree) 2 rind (of pork) 3 time(s)

      akhownn N အခုံး 1 convexity 2 bump; hump 3 dome

      akhway N အေခြ 1 coil 2 general term for cassette, CD and DVD 3 music album

      akhwet N အခြက္ 1 concavity 2 (slang) one’s face

      akhwint N အခြင့္ permission; chance; opportunity

      akhwint alann N အခြင့္အလမ္း opportunity; chance

      akhwint arnar N အခြင့္အာဏာ authority

      akhwint ayayy N အခြင့္အေရး right; opportunity

      akhwint ayayy yu V အခြင့္အေရးယူ take advantage; exploit

      akhwint doo gan N အခြင့္ထူးခံ privileged person

      akin N အကင္ barbecue; grill

      akite akhell N အကိုက္အခဲ ache

      akite akhell pyout sayy N အကိုက္အခဲေပ်ာက္ေဆး pain killer; analgesic

      ako N အကို older brother

      akohh akarr N အကိုုးအကား reference; citation

      akown N အကုန္ all; everything

      akown akya N အကုန္အက် expense

      akown khan V အကုန္ခံ bear the expense

      aku anyi N အကူအညီ aid; help

      akwae N အကြယ္ cover; shelter

      akwar awayy N အကြာအေ၀း distance

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