Mini Burmese Dictionary. Aung Kyaw Phyo

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Mini Burmese Dictionary - Aung Kyaw Phyo

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class; standard

      asint myint ADJ အဆင့္ျမင့္ advanced; higher

      asint sheet V အဆင့္ရွိ 1 (things) be of a high standard 2 be a person of good character

      asint sint ADV အဆင့္ဆင့္ step by step; in stages

      asin thint ADV အဆင္သင့္ opportunely; readily

      asit N အစစ္ 1 the real one; the authentic one 2 joint; node

      asi yin khan sar N အစီရင္ခံစာ report; formal written report

      aso N အစို wetness; the wet one

      asoat N အစုတ္ 1 torn pieces of cloth or paper 2 lung 3 cluster; bunch of flowers

      aso daw N အဆိုေတာ္ singer

      asohh ya N အစိုးရ government

      ason N အစြန္ edge; end; extremity

      asonn N အစြန္း stain; blemish

      asook away N အစုအေ၀း gathering; mass

      asout a-oo N အေဆာက္အဦး building

      asownn N အဆုံး end

      asownn ama N အဆုံးအမ teaching sb to do good deeds and to avoid evil

      asownn aphyat N အဆုံးအျဖတ္ decision; judgment

      asownn that V အဆုံးသတ္ end; complete; terminate

      asownn yout N အစြန္းေရာက္ extremist

      aswann asa N အစြမ္းအစ ability; talent

      aswell N အစြဲ obsession

      at N အပ္ needle

      atan N အတံ 1 rod; stick 2 atom

      ataw ADV အေတာ္ quite; rather

      at choat set N အပ္ခ်ဳပ္စက္ sewing machine

      ate N အိတ္ bag

      ate V အိပ္ sleep

      ate cheain N အိပ္ခ်ိန္ bedtime

      ate khann N အိပ္ခန္း bedroom

      ate ngite ADJ အိပ္ငိုက္ sleepy

      ate pyaw V အိပ္ေပ်ာ္ fall asleep

      ate sayy N အိပ္ေဆး sleeping medicine; sleeping pill

      ate yar N အိပ္ရာ bed

      ate yar hta V အိပ္ရာထ get up from bed

      ate yar win V အိပ္ရာ၀င္ go to bed

      ateet akya ADV အတိအက် definitely; precisely

      athan N အသံ sound; voice

      athan dwet N အသံထြက္ pronunciation

      athan hlwint V အသံလႊင့္ broadcast

      athan phann V အသံဖမ္း record

      athar layy ADV အသာေလး gently

      atharr N အသား meat; flesh

      athay ADV အေသ crazily; intensely

      athayy N အေသး the small one

      athee N အသီး fruit

      athee thee ADV အသီးသီး respectively

      atheet N အသိ 1 acquaintance 2 consciousness

      atheet nyan N အသိဥာဏ္ intelligence

      atheet zate N အသိစိတ္ consciousness; sense

      athell N အသည္း liver

      athell athan ADV အသည္းအသန္ seriously; desperately; strongly

      athell nar V အသည္းနာ be deeply hurt emotionally

      athell ngae V အသည္းငယ္ be chicken-hearted

      athet N အသက္ life; age

      athet shu V အသက္ရွဴ breathe

      athet thwayy gyaww N အသက္ေသြးေၾကာ life blood

      athet win V အသက္၀င္ come to life; be vibrant; be full of life

      athinn N အသင္း club; society

      athinn aphwaet N အသင္းအဖြဲ ့ club; association

      athinn tharr N အသင္းသား member of an association

      athinn win V အသင္း၀င္ join an association

      athint atint ADV အသင့္အတင့္ fairly; moderately

      athit N အသစ္ the new one

      at hnan V အပ္ႏွံ 1 entrust (money); save (money at the bank) 2 enroll 3 place an order (with a tailor)

      athoat N အသုတ္ 1 group; batch 2 mixed rice salad

      athownn asaung N အသုံးအေဆာင္ utensils

      athownn kya V အသုံးက် be useful

      athownn pyook V အသုံးျပဳ use

      athownn win V အသုံး၀င္ be useful

      athownn zayate N အသုံးစရိတ္ expenses

      at htama N အဌမ eighth

      athwarr N အသြား 1 going 2 blade 3 teeth (of a machine)

      athwarr alar N အသြားအလာ traffic; coming and going; movement

      athwarr apyan N အသြားအျပန္ going and coming back

      athwin N အသြင္ form; appearance

      atook N အတု fake; imitation; counterfeit

      atook khohh V အတုခိုး imitate

      at pali kayy shinn N အက္ပလီေကးရွင္း app

      at ta N အတၱ self; ego

      atu dagwa ADV အတူတကြ together

      atudu ADV အတူတူ together with

      aung V ေအာင္ pass

      aung bwell N ေအာင္ပြဲ victory; celebration

      aung bwell khan V ေအာင္ပြဲခံ celebrate (victory)

      aw V ေအာ္ shout; call

      awa N အ၀ entrance; mouth

      awaii N အ၀ိုင္း circle


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