Mini Burmese Dictionary. Aung Kyaw Phyo
Читать онлайн книгу.thwarr N အံသြား molar
anyar tharr N အညာသား person from upcountry
anyeainn zarr ADJ အၿငိမ္းစား retired
anyeaint N အၿငိမ့္ traditional performance with singing, dancing and comedy
anyi ADV အညီ equally; in line with; in accordance with
anyinn akhown N အျငင္းအခုန္ argument; dispute
anyinn than ADJ အျငင္းသန္ argumentative
anyo amell N အညိဳအမည္း black and blue bruises
anyont N အညြန္ ့ sprout; tendril
anyont khoo V အညြန္ ့ခူး exploit others
an zwell N အံဆြဲ (furniture) drawer
ar baungg aryinn than V အာေပါင္အာရင္းသန္ speak assertively and stridently
areet yar N အရိယာ (Buddhism) person on the Right Path to Nirvana; saintly person
ar gaung N အာေခါင္ palate
ar kar tha N အာကာသ space
ar kar tha yin N အာကာသယဥ္ space ship
ar loo N အာလူး potato
ar ma gan N အာမခံ insurance
ar nar N အာဏာ power
ar nar bai N အာဏာပိုင္ authority
ar nar par na N အာနာပါန meditation that focuses on breathing in and out
ar nar shin N အာဏာရွင္ dictator
ar nar shin sanit N အာဏာရွင္စနစ္ dictatorship
ar nar theainn V အာဏာသိမ္း seize state power
ar neet thin N အာနိသင္ result; effect
ar pout V အာေပါက္ be tired of saying the same thing again and again
arr N အား strength; force; power
arr gazarr N အားကစား sports
arr kohh V အားကိုး depend on
arr kya V အားက် 1 emulate; envy 2 admire
arr lownn PRON အားလုံး all; everything
arr nar ADJ အားနာ 1 slightly embarrassed for accidentally doing sth that might trouble sb 2 slightly embarrassed for not being able to help sb 3 slightly embarrassed to accept presents or help from sb
arr nell ADJ အားနည္း weak
arr nell gyet N အားနည္းခ်က္ weakness
arr payy V အားေပး encourage; support
arr thon khon site ADV အားသြန္ခြန္စိုက္ with much effort or physical strength
arr thwinn gyohh N အားသြင္းႀကိဳး charger (for phone, computer)
arr ya V အားရ be satisfied
arr ya wann thar ADV အားရ၀မ္းသာ gladly; heartily
ar tate N အာတိတ္ the Arctic
aryown N အာရုံ sense
aryown gyaww N အာရုံေၾကာ nerve
aryown pyook V အာရုံျပဳ concentrate; visualize
aryown site V အာရုံစိုက္ concentrate
arzarni N အာဇာနည္ martyr
asa N အစ 1 bit; fragment; piece; part 2 the beginning
asann N အစမ္း rehearsal
asann khant karla N အစမ္းခန္ ့ကာလ probationary period
asa phaw V အစေဖာ္ give a clue or hint to help remember
asa pyohh V အစပ်ိဳး initiate
asa pyout V အစေပ်ာက္ disappear; banish
asar N အစာ food (especially for animals)
asar kyay V အစာေၾက digest
asar ngat khan V အစာငတ္ခံ starve oneself
asarr N အစား 1 food; eating 2 (math) division
asarr asar N အစားအစာ food
asarr htohh V အစားထိုး replace; substitute
asarr payy V အစားေပး compensate
asasa ayaryar PRON အစစအရာရာ everything
asat N အစပ္ spiciness; hot food
asate N အစိတ္ 1 a quarter; one-fourth; twenty five 2 poison
asate thint V အဆိပ္သင့္ be poisoned
asaung N အေဆာင္ hostel
asaungt N အေစာင့္ 1 security guard 2 guardian spirit
asay gan N အေစခံ slave
asayt N အေစ့ seed
aseainn N အစိမ္း raw meat or vegetables
asee away N အစည္းအေ၀း meeting
asee ayownn N အစည္းအရုံး association; organization
aset N အစက္ 1 spot; dot 2 link; joint
aset asat N အဆက္အစပ္ connection; relevancy; interrelationship
aset athwae N အဆက္အသြယ္ communication; contact
aset mapyat ADV အဆက္မျပတ္ continuously
aset pyat V အဆက္ျပတ္ be disconnected; lose contact
ashawt payy V အေလွ်ာ့ေပး give in; agree to
ashay N အရွည္ length
ashayt N အေရွ ႔ the East; the front
ashayt myout N အေရွ႕ေျမာက္ northeast
ashayt taii ADJ အေရွ႕တိုင္း oriental
ashayt taung N အေရွ႕ေတာင္ southeast
asheain N အရွိန္ speed; force; momentum
asheain lon V အရွိန္လြန္ overshoot; get out of hand
asheain pyet V အရွိန္ပ်က္ lose