Global Warming. Duncan G. Ewing

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Global Warming - Duncan G. Ewing

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      The topic of global warming is interesting in that it determines what is happening to our climate today. We don’t know why it is so strange in weather due to our inability to comprehend what is happening. However, as the globe heats up and the disaster effects start to surface, it seems evident that the threat is very real. People need to realize the damage that is causing our planet to spin out of control. As we realize that this world is in dire need of change, we see our precious globe that god created go into ruins. With it seems an interesting task to solve a problem that is only getting worse. The question then is how far gone is this world in terms of fossil fuels and greenhouse gases.

      As BC saw a roller coaster of weather in 2019 starting with a 1st half of winter that was very mild and spring-like. However, on February 3rd the shift occurred, and the Jetstream went to favor a cold and snowy pattern that wouldn’t break until March 10th. In February alone BC broke all time snow and cold records in general in what is usually a mild and wet pattern from the pacific. As these records were shattered, the concern was is this the new norm that winters in BC will be cold and snowy and spring-fall warm and dry. The reality is that possibly this is only one bad year, and everything will return to normal in 2020 or is a recurring situation due to climate change. However, it is important to note that in March when the shift back into warmer weather occurred, we broke many record high temperatures for the month of March alone.

      So, as we have seen with the wicked weather BC has experienced in 2019, it is evident that our planet is unstable, and the Jetstream is reacting to the changes in the atmospheric temperatures. In terms of what we know from El Niño winters in BC, never has a warm pattern favored cold and snowy. Usually El Nino is warm and dry in BC and western Canada due to the Jetstream keeping the moisture and cold away from BC blocking it back north. However, in 2019 this didn’t happen properly and as a result the weather favored the iconic Jetstream that only was stagnant meaning it didn’t move until spring eventually started. In fact, it was the coldest and snowiest El Nino winter BC has experienced since 1950. The reality is that even La Nina the last 2 years back to back didn’t produce such a consistent cold and snowy pattern. Usually when we get arctic outbreaks in the winter, they last 1-2 weeks then go back to being mild and wet.

      It is evident wicked weather has hammered not just BC but the whole globe and it is getting much worse due to the emissions of greenhouse gases and CO2 into the atmosphere. Thus, such a trend is concerning because it seems that our globe is angry with us for hurting it that way we are. Humans are so selfish in that they cannot see the damage caused by their choices daily. Scientists have said for years ditch the vehicle and walk or take public transit, yet people don’t get the message. This book is like many others on the market that our world is suffering because folks won’t open their eyes and look around at the extreme weather happening. It is time to act now before it is too late to go back, and this is the future folks and the science backs it up.

      It is evident that the topics our climate change that will be covered in this book are not just another shake up but the reality that has been occurring for the last 200 years. If we are having this extreme weather in 2019, then how bad will it be in 50 years? That is the question that people are asking based on how quickly it has occurred that climate change is worsening and nothing seems to be working to solve this trend. We as the citizens of the earth must realize that as the planet warms, many nasty things will increase and result in our planet being too hot to sustain any sort of human life. However, as this issue isn’t being addressed as it should due to the government not reacting with productive measures to reverse climate change.

      The question is as we introduce what will be covered in this book, it seems evident that with all the media portraying this climate warming, people don’t realize how serious this issue is. The evidence is there about a future that will not be okay for our future generations as they try to cope or adapt to a planet this is too hot to sustain any form of stability. In the context of how past warm periods and cold periods did stabilize the trend of climate change with little effect. However, the current trend of warmth has being going on for 150 years now and has no signs of slowing down anytime soon. In fact, with the robotic age coming soon, as we watch movies like divergent and allegiant, this is how our world will be in 100 years. So, one can imagine how hot it will be in the 22nd century, not something that we desire to think about cause of the inability to process the damage our behaviors are causing.

      One must realize how bad it can get before we finally realize that it is too late to change the course of history. In fact, it might already be too late to reverse the damage of greenhouse gases and CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. It is thus evident that we stop and look around at the state of the world and comprehend what exactly we are doing to this world. If everyone can see the changes that are happening, such a catastrophe can be avoided but this will never be the reality till this planet is exhausted. Thus, are there any other planets that can harbor life in our solar system beyond earth? Such a question is interesting cause scientists have tried to determine this but without any effect. Thus, mars or mercury may be good fits but then again, there could be aliens on both those planets.

      You are probably wondering why this book is being written and the purpose of all this talk now in 2019 about climate change? The answer seems evident that we need to realize everything that is happening is due to man-made climate change. What this means is that it is not due to the natural affect of the earth warming up or going in these cycles of warm and cold periods which will be talked about in this book. It is more about our choices that we are making each day, week, month and year. If only people would stop and think about what they are doing when they litter on the street, or drive everywhere, then maybe the planet will be better off. However, people are so consumed in their own reality of self-fulfillment that they find even thinking about the future impossible.

      To be honest it is scary thinking about climate change because it so real and getting to a point of no return. So, what determines a person’s life, not caring seems evident and is shameful but we cannot force others to view the threat as real as it is. The contents of this book will be scary to read since it involves current and worsening threats that will in fact destroy this world. However, we must dive into the reality since our future depends solely on it. If we don’t act now, then what will our future be like if the planet goes out the window. There are people very worried about climate change so much they are becoming activists for change. It seems to me, that others won’t follow suite because they are not informed about what is really happening or they just don’t care.

      Why then should we care? Caring is the notion that as a world we have failed to adapt to changes in climate that will persist causing more new normal weather events. These events are already starting to happen around the globe and will get much worse till we have summer in winter. The reverse could be true to have winter in summer. It is such a change that society should care about the future and what it will look like because it will not get any better unless people realize this is only going to get worse.

      Looking at the future seems like it is not going to be good for humans as the climate warms up, these extreme weather events continuing and becoming part of a new normal that will scratch any hope of a cool down, stay tuned for what is coming up in this book cause the time to act is now. If the climate warms at the rate it is currently going, then it will take an asteroid impact to cool the planet and end global warming.

      Chapter 1: What is Global Warming?

      Global warming is the reality of our poor choices that we continue to adapt and wont change regardless of what the experts tell us not to do. So, what really is this global warming and how does it influence how we make our choices regarding how to not take care of god created universe. Such a travesty indeed to think that this has never happened before, yes, we have had warm and cool period including a ice age lasting basically 350-400 years which will be talked about later but for now is what is the fuss all about.

      The definition is long and has lots of parts but the 1st is changes to earth’s climate or long-term weather patterns that vary from place to place. It could be snowing in July somewhere in the northern hemisphere where usually it is hot and sunny. Or it could be hitting the 20s in January in the same hemisphere when it is supposed to be cold and snowy. Such that these climate changes basically

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