Global Warming. Duncan G. Ewing

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Global Warming - Duncan G. Ewing

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change. It isn’t climate variability due to the notion that when the climate is variable it always reverts to the stabilizing balance. However, the reality is that it has nothing to do with the factors that we all think are accurate based on what the climate was in the past. It is like we have messed up the atmosphere so much that anything to reverse the effects seem pointless.

      The first is water vapor which seems like blocking the clouds from cooling the climate. IE this year alone BC has experienced the humidex every day this summer and even not cooling below 20.C till 3 in the morning. How water vapor works is a magnificent reality that usually the sun cannot penetrate forever, and eventually the clouds move back in and cool things down. It seems evident only in desert areas that the sun can potentially block out the clouds because that is typical for that kind of climate.

      Clouds and precipitation result in the temperature dropping due to the reality that the sun cannot penetrate through due to the thickness of the clouds. However, most of the time temperate climates have increased precipitation in the fall and winter seasons due to the natural effect of the time of the year. With that being stated, it seems evident that somehow, we have messed up that notion of the atmosphere preventing the sun from shining each day. What we have done is simply by emitting those gases into the atmosphere prevented the normal precipitation to occur in places that are aren’t desert. It is normal for Arizona to never experience rain since that is normal cause there is no grass and it gets hot in the summer like over 40.C but in other places of Canada not so much. Yes, the interior of BC hits 30.C mostly in the summer because it is kind of a desert. However other places like Vancouver Island rarely see days above 30.C in the summer due to the mountain influence diverting that hot air away from the coast.

      Water vapor is interesting since it explores what happens in the fall for example when the days start cooling down in the mornings. Dew is formed when the temperature goes below 10.C at night which usually starts happening in BC like late September. In fact, it is interesting to note why the leaves change color in the fall and shed all their foliage. It is since the water vapor is evident in these seasons due to the reality of the change from summer into fall.

      During the fall we usually get fog due to the water vapor settling in overnight in many areas as the temperature is usually cooling down low enough for the air to form crystals that magnify everything great about the fall season. In the fall, at night t shirt attire is usually not evident since it is too cold to even entertain that prospect. However, come November is when the first frost occurs means the temperature hits 0.C. Usually this time of the year is when the atmosphere is cooling down to the point that winter is on the horizon. Remember summer is only 3 months of the year and when it ends, it starts to cool right of. Mid-September is when the change happens as that is when the days are equal in day and night duration of 12 hours. It is evident that water vapor is never present in the summer only in the fall-spring. The only time water vapor is present in the summer is when it rains, and the temperature is between 10-15. C. Other than that, it mostly is warm enough to wear a t shirt.

      How does water vapor point to climate change is the question since usually there is no answer? Mostly, the theory is that the more vapor is trapped in the stratosphere, the higher likely that the clouds will not form to block out the suns heat. Whereas if the sun is not being challenged by the vapor, then it is safe to state that humans are the result of the consistent change in the vapor of water particles that are trapped into the atmosphere. For example, it is not normal in October for it to be 17.C-20.C at 9pm because the sunset is 6:30pm. The reality is one would assume it would cool down when the sun sets behind the clouds and usually this is the case. However, if the water vapor is not doing what it should, then the atmosphere cannot cool properly and thus leads to the temperature not moving.

      Second is Co2 or carbon dioxide and this has a major effect of the current cause of climate change. The reason CO2 is released is mostly due to volcanic eruptions around the world. These events happen all the time and it releases the lava into the atmosphere which in turn causes the heat to be trapped in the ozone. Thus, if the toxic substance of lava is bad enough, the fact that the CO2 is released means that the vapor is not dealing with the issue and as a result the planet heats. However, there have been eruptions that have caused ice ages, but this happened only in the 1600s.

      CO2 is common and is all around us, we breath it in everyday, it is in our drinks and foods. It also is hidden in many items that one would think don’t possess CO2 which is scary science, but it is relevant to the day and age. However, it is the emissions from vehicles that causes the most problems with CO2 because that way releases most of the issues into the atmosphere. It happens directly because cars emit so much gases and fumes due to the engine driving down the streets. The more people drive, the more CO2 is released into the atmosphere and this causes the planet to warm because the vapor is not enough to replace the incoming overload of CO2 emitted from the vehicles.

      It is the reality that CO2 alone causes most of the man-made global warming because it is intentional. People intentionally drive for no reason and this causes the atmosphere to become polluted since humanity is all about self-destruction than self-preservation. Why would people intentionally desire to destroy the planet? They don’t realize that CO2 will cause the atmosphere to have trapped gases that in turn will cause climate change to continue to get worse until we end up hotter than mars. Think about how many cars are on the road today, way too many and this is problematic because if you need to drive to work fine, but for no purpose just stop and ditch it.

      Deforestation is another way CO2 is released into the air and this is problematic because people enjoy cutting down trees. If the tree is dying and this is okay but if the tree is perfectly healthy then it shouldn’t have to be cut down. People don’t realize that their actions of destroying nature will lead to climate change but again humanity is foolish. How could someone cut down a tree that has birds and other species in it, those humans are not only putting the climate at risk, they are putting species at risk. It is so selfish and foolish that people would not consider other species that have to survive their home being chopped down because of someone who desires to make money.

      Burning fossil fuels is another way CO2 is trapped into the earth and this is mostly from fires heated homes. If someone has a wood stove fire every night in the fall and winter, then basically the smoke is released into the atmosphere causing the climate to change. However, people don’t realize how serious it really is because the thought process is distorted. If you keep using a gas wood stove, then the emissions will lead to climate to change, how silly is this. For me, my parents used a gas wood stove fire and it was contained with no issues, but people burn leaves and other trash that doesn’t need to be burned.

      Fossil fuels from other sources lead to issues but usually aren’t as bad as smoke because they are in lower concentrations. However, we need to realize that if humanity is behind the production of these fossil fuels, then it is safe to say that people don’t know how to do anything correct to save a planet that is already messed up because of these fossil fuels burning and this is the reality of a planet that is ready to react in a negative way. The factories that make paper need to know how to do it safely so that no emissions are released into the atmosphere and this will replace anything that people deem to be relevant cause they are stupid anyway.

      The issue is that CO2 is the main cause of global warming because it has been going on since way back. People don’t realize that this is the reason our climate is changing, and the patterns of weather are becoming more erratic. However as stated humans will not change their ways ever because it is like they don’t think about the future generations that will have to clean up the mess of the past.

      Methane is another cause of climate change and this one is often overlooked due to the notion that it is usually off the radar. However, agriculture activities use this gas to grow their crops and livestock. Usually the cause of climate change is related to whether the producer of the agricultural land uses the fertilizer in the right way. However, as we can see, most of the time it is safely consumed to the land that the farmer is planting on.

      Landfill waste is a reason for methane being released into the atmosphere due to the reality that once the garbage gets into the landfill it only takes not much effort to pollute the planet. Usually if some company throws everything in the landfill instead of recycling it, then the methane is released into the atmosphere which

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