Global Warming. Duncan G. Ewing

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Global Warming - Duncan G. Ewing

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to suffer the consequences. Whatever we put in the landfill will have negative consequences if the behavior is not changed or altered. Society must realize that in order to preserve what we have left of this planet, then we should stop using landfills to dispose of all our garbage.

      Now manure management with domestic livestock is another example of methane being released into the atmosphere. This way is obvious in rural areas such that the main source of income and production is from farms and livestock. However, noted that the reality of people thinking that in these small areas, it is safer to produce the livestock and manure necessary to keep the farms going. When in doubt, a farmer must realize that their best efforts to curb the effects of what methane is produced as a result of their choices has costs to the planet. Usually it is scuffed as no big deal because it is just manure, but this is a result of the planet responding to various levels of this gas in excess to the reality of how much is needed.

      Methane from farts is not very important because it is from a human being. However, as we can see, this sort of methane still contributes to climate change because if we do it on the street, the gas from our body will release into the air traveling upward. It is accurate to assume that humanity is constantly releasing methane from their bodies each day causing probably lots of gas to be accumulated into the air. With methane being a gas that stinks in the form of fart, it is safe to say that humans release a lot of it.

      Nitrous oxide is another form of gas that can cause global warming. Usually this is known as laughing gas meaning it is odorless and can knock someone out. If you ever got your wisdom teeth out, the dentist injects a sedative that has the oxide in it, and it causes the brain to shut off causing sleep. It is usually for the duration of the procedure to prevent the sufferer from experiencing any pain while the teeth are extracted.

      Usually this form of nitrous oxide really doesn’t pollute the planet because it is not released into the air, but into the person. However, there are other man-made environmental causes of this gas that will contribute to the warming of the planet. Through soil cultivation practices, it is possible to produce enough of this gas to really mess up the planet. People think that soil cannot possibly do anything to harm the environment but that thinking is flawed since it is what we do with soil that is the issue. If soil is used to make things, then the process of cultivating it will indeed lead to negative climatic effects.

      Mostly the fertilizer to kill anything like weeds and produce fruit in the growing season is the cause of the gas emitting into the air. Besides killing weeds, fertilizer helps plants grow and trees stay alive, so it is very important but dangerous cause it emits the oxide which effects the climate. People need to understand using fertilizer has its ups and downs because if the planet cannot take a lot of the chemicals, then the air will be polluted. Plus, the toxicity of the fertilizer on human health causing long term health issues.

      CFCs mostly used in industrial occupations are considered greenhouse gases because they contain things to pollute the air. In construction and other occupations that emit these harmful chemicals into the air, it is safe to assume that the negative effects are far binding. As people don’t realize that welding or smelting and other occupations that rely of the CFC to achieve the effect of the product being finished can have negative effects on the atmosphere. People need to understand that their jobs that they engage in might not only put their health at risk, it will most certain put the climate at risk.

      The solution is instead of emitting these chemicals, emit something else that is safer for the environment meaning less gas is produced into the air. Mostly people need to realize that in order to curb any effects of these chemicals being emitted starts with knowledge. This knowledge comes from the person who makes the products that will use the chemicals in order to make them work. Such that if the producer knows of the risks, they can better access how to prevent a situation that will pollute the air.

      This has been around for hundreds of years and is why we see all the buildings and roads. It was the industrial revolution that produced the concrete and wood that inhabits people to live and drive on. However, it must be noted that in order to stop or reduce climate, change starts with knowledge of what the risks are of ignoring the trials of how we shouldn’t go about doing or creating our things.

      If the ozone layer can be destroyed by these chemicals, then it will never get its stability back. This will lead to more intense climatic effects that will cause the destruction of the planet and species in it. Such effects will be catastrophic to all species and the future generations because of all the gases that are emitted into the air every day. Changes need to be made to preserve what we have left.

      The main causes of climate change are the reality of a society that has not done things right. The basis of why we keep doing the things to pollute and destroy the environment is beyond reasoning. It mostly states how a society full of people who don’t care about anything other than money can ever comprehend what the future effects will be. If people are this ignorant and selfish now, what will it be like when robots take over in 100 years. Eventually this planet will be so hot it will not be able to sustain any life or species. Wondering this causes most to consider why they even bother making a difference to stop global warming when most people continue directly destroying the planet god created.

      It takes courage to face the reality of a fallen system of choices that directly impact the core of the planet. What will it take for us to wake up and realize global warming is not going away until we address the causes of all the gases that contribute to the demise of this planet? How hot does it have to get so people realize how screwed up it is. Or will it not make any difference if it is 20.C in the winter every year in regions such as west coast of Canada. The goal is to look around and see the destruction and think do I want this for my future generations.

      Chapter 3: Hurricanes/Cyclones

      Hurricanes are a powerful force of nature that are both scary and interesting at the same time for storm chasers who love nature at its finest. The reality that hurricanes occur each year strikes the most comparison to the reality that all it takes is the pressure to be released to create such a cataclysm. Most of the hurricanes occur in the Atlantic Ocean and are in the category 1-5 range with some tropical storms, this chapter will touch on the various categories of hurricanes.

      Starting with why hurricanes occur is the reality of fascination into the temperament of mother nature. How can mother nature be so angry all the time when she must take a chill pill but that is not the way she desires to act. With such knowledge into why she acts in such a manner paints a picture that our world is screaming at us to change our ways. The planet is letting the 7.5 billion people realize how their current actions impact the climate and mood of mother nature.

      When mother nature is angry, she states it with such clarity and passion it is evident trouble brews on the horizon. She must be angry enough to let the while world know each year by intensifying the hurricanes/cyclones that cause millions of dollars in damage. However, it must be noted that mother nature has no mercy for witless, idiotic people that choose to keep destroying her habitat. She clearly has no obligation to stop anytime soon, but to keep going until the world is destroyed by damage caused by her hurricanes.

      Before we dive into the 5 categories of hurricanes it must be stated that the reader must realize the reality of a changing planet. If the person notes that each time, they think their neck of the woods is safe, it must be asserted that it isn’t always the case. If people don’t think about what effects climate change has on the earth, then it is obvious the notion of fearing mother nature isn’t evident.

      People think that El Nino brings less hurricanes then Enso Neutral and La Nina. That thinking is partly correct but, nothing can really prevent the water from heating to the point that hurricanes happen. The warmer climate has a lot to do with how many intense hurricanes will hit each year and the strength of each one. If we keep polluting and destroying our gracious planet, then it seems evident that major hurricanes will occur in places that aren’t custom to such travesties like the west coast of north America.

      Why would hurricanes occur in North America near the pacific northwest? It sounds impossible to assume that we can have hurricanes if the mountains protect us from most of the damaging storms. However, as noted climate change will find a way to counterbalance any attempt

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