2015—2020. Роман Арзянцев

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2015—2020 - Роман Арзянцев

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also very interesting to find out how many districts in the Tajikistan Republic are, and the number of them is 58. So, probably they are the same as other small districts in other countries, well, as a matter of fact, four main Tajikistan Regions include or consist of 58 districts. So, as I need to write about the first velayat in Tajikistan – Sughd Region, then there are 14 districts, and the central velayat, called officially Region of Republican Subordination, consists of 12 districts, and the South Khatlon Province includes 23 districts, and the last and the most underpopulated province of velayat – Gorno-Badakshan Autonomous District consists of six districts. So, the biggest district of all these 58 districts is Murghab District which is located in the eastern part of the Tajikistan Republic, near China, and, of course, it has borderlines with the People’s Republic of China and Afghanistan. So, the population of this, one can say, very big area of Region or District, according to information of 2008, is only about 17 000 people, and district area covers 38 442 km2. So, if it seems interesting to you, with what Region of China Murghab district of Tajikistan has borders, then it is Xinjiang Region of China. So, the administrative centre or the biggest city of Murghab District is Murghab town, well, probably, it’s quite isolated and no so populated town with just 4 000 residents living in Murghab. So, this city is situated in the eastern part of Murghab District of the Tajikistan Republic, of course, in deep mountain area; and it is very interesting to know about the weather in this tow, and can’t you believe in that? But, for these places it is very cold throughout a year, and you know, the average temperature in July can come down to about +8° C or 9° C. Well, of course, it’s very cold for these places what are situated in Central Asia, of course, the climate is very variable in this country, so, if you go to the western part of the Tajikistan Republic, there will be very hot and warm in July, and the temperature in the capital Dushanbe can rise up to +40° C or even +45° C. But, of course, in eastern parts of Tajikistan located near the Pamir Mountain area, near China borders, the climate is not so warm any more, and one might say, that it is quite cold, even in summer months, and especially in July the temperature could be just +10° C during daytime. Maybe also, Murghab town has the coolest weather in winter, for example, in January the daily mean temperature can fall lower than -19° C. I think that winters in these places and, of course, in this town with population amounting to only 4 thousand residents, can be extremely cold; and temperatures can be lower than -20° C in winters. You will be surprised, but there are only four months during a whole year when the temperature is higher than 0° C, that is, only from the middle of May and until the end of September the weather temperature can be higher than 0° C, and all the next time, autumn, winter and, I think about it, also the weather in spring can and may be cold. So, you like April, and maybe in Murghab town the weather in that month might be colder than -3° C. It’s quite unbelievable, because for these places it looks like as untrue and unreal story. So, Murghab town is the highest city or town in Tajikistan with 3 6500 m above the sea level. So, of course, landscape of this area is very mountainous, and maybe there is also snow during the biggest part of year. Maybe, one can say, that, of course, there is lot of snow and ice on peaks of the Pamir Mountains. This suggests that climate in the Tajikistan Republic is quite variable, and, of course, the weather in some parts of areas of Tajikistan can be very different. So, the most important transport connection of Murghab town with other cities of the Tajikistan Republic is only the Pamir Highway, therefore, it is the most important and the biggest road and or highway in the country going through the main cities of Tajikistan and going through the whole Tajik territory from the eastern to western parts of the country. This highway crosses not only the Tajikistan Republic, but also Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan Republics. Well, I think, of course, that some parts of this main highway are looking quite good, but maybe some cities in this Republic very far-located from Dushanbe, don’t have good conditions… And, looking at some pictures, for example, how this highway looks near Khorugh city in the southern part of the Tajikistan Republic near the Afghanistan border, then, of course, the view is not so optimistic any more, and also, one may say, that transport on this Pamir Highway is not safe, because the road goes through the Pamir Mountains and, how often it has happened during several seasons of year, such as winter, spring and autumn, there is a big percent of erosion and landslides which often can happen. Yes, and as I am also thinking about it, the biggest part of the Pamir Highway Road is mostly unpaved. This means that this highway has only unpaved road without any constructions. And, of course, during the night time driving there also is not so safe, because many places or big sectors of this highway doesn’t have any electric lights.


      Well, probably last day I wrote about administrative division of Tajikistan, as on official level, there are four main parts or provinces in Tajikistan, or as they are referred to in this country – velayati. Thus, three of them are situated in the western part of the Republic, and they are: Sughd Region in the northern part of Tajikistan, near Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan borders, in the western – central part of Republic the Region of Republican Subordination is located with the capital Dushanbe, and in the southern – western part of Tajikistan is Khatlon Province. These are three parts (provinces) of Tajikistan which officially don’t have autonomous status, while the last region, officially known as Gorno-Badakshan Autonomous Region or District has autonomous status in official level of the Tajikistan Republic. Well, as each Region or Velayat has its administrative capital or the biggest town in this district, so, there is Khujand city in Suhgd Region; Dushanbe city covering area of about 125 00 km2 and having population of 8.5 million residents, which, perhaps, is the highest number for this country, in Region of Republican Subordination; then there is Qurghonteppa in Khatlon Region which is situated in the south-western part of Tajikistan, and Khorugh city in Gorno-Badakshan Autonomous Region. Well, of course, the largest city is the capital of the Tajikistan Republic – Dushanbe city with population of about 800 000 residents (according to information of 2014), while population of other cities hardly exceeds just 100 000 residents. Well, of course this Republic…

      Sughd Region, Region of Republican Subordination, Khatlon Region

      Gorno-Badakshan Autonomous District

      15 MAY 2015, FRIDAY

      Well, I think that it will be a good idea to start to write about each district of the Tajikistan Republic, maybe, for the next few days. Well, yesterday I wrote about Murghab District which is situated in the eastern part of the Tajikistan Republic near China border, and is included into Gorno-Badakshan Autonomous District of Province. Well, of course, it’s the most underpopulated district of the whole Tajikistan Republic, and its population is only about 18 000 people. As you remember, the administrative centre of Murghab District is a town with the same name, so, it is Murghab town with population of only 5 000 residents, situated very near to Chinese border. But, maybe, it’s also necessary to write about some other districts which are also included in Gorno-Badakshan Autonomous Region. As you know, this Province consists of six districts, and maybe it will be quite interesting to write about one district which is situated near Afghanistan border, and it is known as Darvoz district. Well, the area of Darvoz District is about 3 thousand km2, this, of course, is not so big area of this district, it may be said that it is very small, well, the population of this district (Davroz district) is about 25 000 residents, but information is from 2008. There is a town, and the location place of this town is near Afghanistan border, this town is called Kalaikhum. So, this town, or, to tell the truth, village is the administrative capital of Darvoz district, and Kalaikhum village has population of about 2 thousand residents. As it also was written in the most of information sources, Pamir Mountains are hanging out over this village; and it is situated at an altitude of 1 thousand 2 hundred meters above sea level. It should be a very high area, as well most of the Tajikistan cities are situated in high mountainous areas, but, of course, elevation of Kalaikhum town above sea level in lower than of Murghab town which is situated at 3 thousand and maybe 5 hundred meters above sea level; so this Murghab town is town with the most high-elevation. But, of course, if you, for example, would like to know more about Kalaikhum village, so

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