2015—2020. Роман Арзянцев

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2015—2020 - Роман Арзянцев

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is, and how exactly hard life and low level of life quality is there, and taking it into account, of course, it is unbelievable, that there are three international or Asian Universities in in Khorugh; one of them is the University of Central Asia. So this educational establishment was founded in 2000. But, you know, it was very interesting for me to find out that this higher academic school has double campuses in other Republics of Central Asia, such as Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. The number of education programs of academic programs is very big. And this is not only because a higher academic establishment or university school is situated in Khorugh. I think about that if the population of this city amounts to about 40 000 residents and there are three International Higher Educational Establishments or Universities – it’s very great, probably it is quite difficult to find any information about that, how many educated persons those universities have, and can, for example, a middle-level inhabitant or a person from this city study in these schools? So also, it was very interesting to inquire about the literacy rate in this Central Asia Republic, and there are about 99% of Tajikistan population who can read and write, they have, maybe, also some education level which is, maybe, not so high as a higher or university education, but this country has some neighbour countries, such as Afghanistan and also provinces of the People’s Republic of China, where the literacy rate or education level is quite lower than in the Tajikistan Republic. This, of course, means that the situation is not so catastrophic or bad, and thus it is ensured that Tajikistan population can be integrated in the public life of all kinds, such as job sphere and other kinds or circles of professional community. Of course, it is very difficult to find any job of a source of income in Tajikistan, but maybe, certainly the situation in the capital and other most populated cities is no so bad, but, of course, this can’t be said about some poorest places in Tajikistan, were most of residents keep their routine lifestyle, and, of course have no jobs. Probably, the major part of Tajikistan population has no idea how to go or to migrate for job opportunities to other republics. Well, it’s also a surprise, but for most of the residents there is only one choice, and Afghanistan and some other republics of Central Asia are the most visited countries by Tajik citizens for job opportunities. So, Afghanistan, of course, is situated very near to Tajikistan in cultural circle, the language and culture is very similar with just a little difference. I think that the Kazakhstan Republic is the number second of these countries where migration of Tajik nation for job opportunities is directed to. Probably the biggest part of this work force works for not so high income or salaries, there also was information that the largest part of Tajik workers is sending their income or transfer money to Tajikistan. Well, if you are interested, it is also worth to write about information from southern districts of Tajikistan, and it was information about salary for some jobs, that persons in mountain or natural resources industries earn about 1500 USA dollars, it sounds very unbelievably for Tajikistan, but maybe it is so in some international industrial manufactures which can guarantee higher salaries. Of course, it is true that the highest percent of native population working outside the borders of native country or going for jobs abroad is from Tajikistan. But if I want to disclose some facts about that how many Tajik citizens are living in other countries, then here are some data: the biggest part of Tajik population lives in Afghanistan, and there are about 8.5 million of them (in 2013), after that goes the Uzbekistan Republic with 1.5 million of native Tajiks, so, it follows thence that the biggest part of this nation is, in all respects, living in countries with the same religion and culture…


      You know, that maybe it is the right time for some facts concerning time zone and, probably, what is the difference between the time of those places and the time used in the Tajikistan Republic. And the official time zone or time difference from Greenwich Time is +6 hours from the UK time. This means that the time zone in Dushanbe and the Tajikistan Republic goes far, about for hours from the London time. It also was quite a surprise that this country does not use the summer time, so, it is probably necessary to understand that time does not have +1 hour, and this means that this time during a whole year is the same. For example, here it is 9 o’clock, 9 hours after midday, but in Tajikistan there are 11 hours after midday, and the difference is not so big… So, of course, the time is very essential and important, and, you know, I think, that in Central Asia a day starts from early morning, maybe also from 6 o’clock in morning. I don’t know, but to my opinion, I think that during the same day in this country it is really very hard to work, to go to some places and spend such a long time on the streets of some cities in this republic; the weather is very warm and the sun shines during the whole day from early morning until evening… Well, maybe, some days in summer the air temperature can rise up to 40° C or even 45° C, maybe a lower temperature can be only in mountains areas or near, you know, to Pamir Mountain area…

      Time Zone in Tajikistan Republic and Dushanbe City

      9 MAY 2015, SATURDAY

      Water, water is the most important source for life existence; water is the most important substance. Of course, no life is possible without water, maybe that’s why there are no populated settlements or cities in places in different continents and areas where there are no water resources. As regards to Tajikistan, well, I think that this country doesn’t have such problems, because it has very rich water resources, and they include some natural water resources, such as rivers and lakes, and there are a great number of them in the Tajikistan Republic. In mountain area there are many rivers flowing from mountains. And, of course, Tajikistan has a big water % as natural resources. That’s why this republic has no problems with lack of water, and that’s why some biggest cities in the country also have no problems with electricity, and of course, the same cannot be said about another republic on the west from Tajikistan, near the Caspian Sea- Turkmenistan. About 70% of its area are covered by desert, called the Karakum desert where, of course, no water resources can be found, and Turkmenistan certainly has many problems with lack of water and water supply system in desert areas. It may be very dangerous if you probably have lost yourself, or for some reason you have to stay in desert areas of this country. The temperature is extremely hot and is higher during summer season when daytime temperature can rise up to +50° C, and during night time it often falls below 0° C. It can be also dangerous because there are no water resources in this area. Of course, this is a very interesting country, but if you probably want to talk about a republic near Chinese and Afghan borders, that is, about the Tajikistan Republic, there are, of course, no such problems present, as absence of water, and, of course, the summer temperature also is not so high as in Turkmen country; in summers the temperature can reach +40° C, except only mountain areas where the air can be colder and not so hot. In winter the air temperature in mountain areas of the Tajikistan Republic can be very cold, and as I know and have read about that, in some places in upland regions of this country the temperature can fall below -20° C. Thus, probably, winters in the Tajikistan Republic can be very cold, but the cold period lasts not so long. Of course, in some places west of the Tajik Republic the weather is not so extremely cold, and maybe the climate in this republic can be not so warm in winter time, as it could be in this area, and not so fresh and cold in summer. But there also some natural disasters can happen, such as snow avalanches what use to happen in Western China and Nepal, in the Himalayas. Also it is very interesting to watch how the weather, maybe for example, can touch the Tajik capital – Dushanbe city. Streets in this season are covered with snow, as exactly in other northern cities. But then snow disappears rather quickly, it does not stay on streets for a long time. It may be only for a half of week, and then streets, squares and parks of Dushanbe city regain the same look as exactly other South cities, maybe without snow, and the air temperature is about +5° C or just higher… As it happens to be in this season and this time, but recently the Government of the Tajikistan Republic, not in official level, or just wanting to tell to all Tajik nation that there is a holiday, maybe it has to do with the New Year and its celebrations, what are no so popular for Tajikistan people because it is not a cultural holiday and a day celebrated by the Islamic world and Muslims; and that’s why the traditions of that holiday have to become or are becoming a thing of the past… Because, as it may be with Persian nations

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