Fresh Joy. Heidi McLaughlin

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Fresh Joy - Heidi McLaughlin

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      Jack went into the kitchen for a second cup of coffee, dropped to the floor, and stopped breathing. While I did CPR on him, he took his last breath. Within 14 minutes the paramedics arrived and brought back a pulse. Would Jack survive?

      In a matter of hours our children and grandchildren flew in from all parts of North America. They left their careers, universities—wherever they were—and came home to be in ICU around Jack’s bed. It was five days of bittersweet sorrow. We prayed for healing, but God knew this was Jack’s time to go to his heavenly father’s home, and on Tuesday, November 15, Jack was released into God’s glory. My pastor and friend, Tim Schroeder, who was at my side through the entire ordeal, said, “Heidi, you loved deeply; you will grieve deeply.”

      Oh, how I wished his words weren’t true, but they were. Again. This time, how would I recapture the refreshing fruit of joy?

      This book is filled with my stories and the stories of other people who overcame obstacles. But mostly, this book is about how God gifts us with everything we need to tap into his joy. The Bible says, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). As Christians, we know we have the blessed assurance of being in heaven and united with Jesus when we die. But how can we be “overcomers” and still find joy while we’re still travelling this broken, tarnished, and hurtful planet?

      Through surviving the tragic deaths of both of my beloved husbands I was taught by God how to lean into all the gifts he has given me, to come to a place where I am “complete and lacking nothing” and once again filled with joy.

      Now is the time to prepare. You can’t expect to withdraw a million dollars out of your bank account if there is no money in the bank. In the same way, you can’t expect to have joy if your spiritual tank is empty. Invest in God’s gifts while the time is right so that you can build a foundation of joy no matter what trials come your way.

      My other books have always credited my beloved Jack as my greatest cheerleader and supporter of my writing. This is the first book without my Jack. I miss the hours sitting on our deck, overlooking the glistening turquoise and blue waters of Okanagan Lake and the rugged mountains, and talking about the thrust of each new chapter. His insights and wisdom always sent me in the right direction, and his opinions were invaluable.

      This book was written seeking the guidance and wisdom of the Holy Spirit. I talk to the Holy Spirit the same way I talked to Jack. “Does this make any sense?” “Which Bible story should I use?” “Is this too personal or too abstract? Will the reader get it?” “Help me figure out the next chapter.”

      I thank God that he speaks to me in different ways: through his words in the Bible, wise people, wonderful books, friends, and even quotes on Facebook. I give all glory and honour to him; without him there would be no book. Without his gifts of the Holy Spirit I would not be experiencing fresh hope, a good future, and sustainable joy.

      At the end of each chapter, you will find a place to S.T.O.P. This is where you take your questions and allow the Holy Spirit, through the mind of Christ in you, to help you fulfill your life and find joy in ways you could never imagine.


      Ask God a question.

      S: Scripture verse. A verse is available for reflection.

      T: Thanksgiving. Thank God for what he has the power to accomplish.

      O: Observation. What would you like to ask God to do in your life?

      P: Prayer. Ask him. I end each chapter praying with you because I am passionate about God fulfilling your life in all aspects.

      I may never have met you, but I have encountered women similar to you for the past 28 years. I am passionate about all of you becoming strong and beautiful from the inside out. Strength and beauty are not only relevant when times are good, but they prepare us for times when trouble comes. I know God can do this for you because he is the King of kings and Lord of lords, Creator of all life—including yours. It’s time to take hold of the gifts God has already given you. It’s time to be an overcomer and embrace joy.

      To my beloved Jack: Because of your love, I am forever changed.




      5,000 Gifts


      Gratitude produces deep, abiding joy because we know that God is working in us, even through difficulties.—Charles Stanley1

      I laced up my running shoes, grabbed my water bottle and iPhone, and sluggishly headed out for my 5-kilometre walk. There was no bounce in my step on this hot summer day, but I was determined to use this next hour to listen to my pastor’s latest sermon. With all my travelling, I had missed yet another church service, and I wanted to stay connected to the church’s teaching series.

      During my hikes, the landscape was usually breathtaking, but that day I was oblivious to the beauty—all I wanted to do was check “take walk” off my to-do list. Finally, I plugged into my cellphone, and the church service sounds erupted. The worship team opened with “Raise a Hallelujah,” and unprompted, my step quickened. I was bouncing. The music and song lyrics injected life, hope, and new energy, and I came alive with praise: my hands were in the air, and I was singing off-key. Tears streamed down my face as my heart overflowed with thanksgiving for the worship songs that opened my eyes and transformed my bland day into one of renewed awe of the majesty and beauty of God’s magnificent landscape. I was reminded that praise and thanksgiving invite the presence of God. They have the power to stop the enemy’s fiery darts and empower the spirit to rise above the drudgery of life to ignite new possibilities and spark joy—even if they don’t change the circumstance or scenery. Our thanksgiving and praise are like drops of water falling into an empty rain barrel to refill it and remind us of the Father’s love. They widen our understanding of the grace and freedom in Christ. We expect people, career positions, creative comforts, and adventure to give us joy, but these things mostly leave us gasping for air. We need to cultivate thanksgiving so we can have the pleasure of joy.

      Thankfulness Is a Superpower

      Ten years prior to Jack’s death in November 2016, God taught me the power of thankfulness. On September 12, 2010, six days before Jack and I were scheduled to speak at conferences in three different cities in Poland, Jack was diagnosed with gall bladder cancer. The surgeon’s explanation of the grim prognosis shook our world. The half-packed suitcases lying on our bedroom floor were a mocking reminder of how quickly life changes. Then there was the gripping angst of the prospect of becoming a widow for the second time. While Jack and I endured the seemingly endless doctors’ visits and wait times for x-rays, MRIs, and surgeon’s appointments, I desperately looked for hope and peace in God’s Word.

      Everywhere I turned in the Bible, I encountered verses on thankfulness. It was as though God illuminated the words and they jumped off the pages. I couldn’t get away from them. As I lingered over the verses, they infused me with hope and stirred up new energy.

      • “Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness” (Col. 2:7 NLT.)

      • “Since we are receiving a Kingdom that is unshakable, let us be thankful and please God by worshiping him with holy fear and awe” (Heb. 12:28 NLT).

      • “Let us come before him with thanksgiving. Let us sing songs of praise to him” (Ps. 95:2 NLT).

      • “The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving” (Ps. 28:7 NLT).

      Then the verse that rocked my world was “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thess. 5:16–18). I’d seen this

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