Structural Analysis and Synthesis. Stephen M. Rowland

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Structural Analysis and Synthesis - Stephen M. Rowland

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Structural Synthesis Chapter 15: Deformation Mechanisms in Mylonites Chapter 16: Construction of Balanced Cross Sections Chapter 17: Introduction to Plate Tectonics

      26  Index

      27  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 1Table 1.1 Common symbols used on geologic maps.

      2 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Data from a rock fracture experiment. Mohr circles corresponding t...Table 10.2 Data from three fracture experiments on identical rock samples. Th...Table 10.3 Coulomb coefficient μ of nine rock units (Modified from Suppe 1985...

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Strike and dip of a plane.Figure 1.2 Trend and plunge of an apparent dip.Figure 1.3 Azimuth and quadrant methods of expressing compass directions.Figure 1.4 Pitch (or rake) of a line in an inclined plane.Figure 1.5 Measuring the strike or trend of a structural symbol using a prot...Figure 1.6 Topographic map showing linear ridges and the line to measure str...Figure P1.1 Base map on which to plot structural symbols in Problem 1.4.Figure P1.2 Map with structural symbols to be read back in Problem 1.5.Figure P1.3 Topographic map showing linear ridges with uneven slopes to meas...

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Horizontal layer in a stream valley. (a) Block diagram. (b) Map v...Figure 2.2 Vertical layer strikes perpendicular across a ridge and valley. (...Figure 2.3 Inclined layer strikes perpendicular across a horizontal ridge. (...Figure 2.4 Inclined layer dipping upstream that flows 90° to strike. (a) Blo...Figure 2.5 Layer dipping parallel to stream gradient (perpendicular strike)....Figure 2.6 Layer dipping downstream more gently than the stream gradient wit...Figure 2.7 Layer dipping downstream more steeply than the stream gradient; s...Figure 2.8 Example of structure contours on a structural surface.Figure 2.9 Block diagram (a) and structure‐contour map (b) of a subsurface f...Figure 2.10 Solution of a three‐point problem using a combination of graphic...Figure 2.11 Technique for drawing a topographic profile. (a) Draw section li...Figure 2.12 Technique for drawing a cross section. The top diagram is a map ...Figure 2.13 Determination of outcrop pattern using structure contours. (a) T...Figure 2.14 (a) Structure‐contour map from Figure 2.13 shifted such that the...Figure 2.15 Determination of outcrop pattern of a gently bent surface using ...Figure 2.16 Technique for determining the orientation of a plane from its ou...Figure 2.17 Neogene units in the Bree Creek area. Tg = Conglomerate; Thd = S...Figure 2.18 Trigonometric relationships used for determining stratigraphic t...Figure 2.19 Determining stratigraphic thickness t on slopes. (a) Lengths h a...Figure 2.20 Three combinations of sloping topography and dipping layers, wit...Figure 2.21 Technique for determining stratigraphic thickness by orthographi...Figure P2.1 Map of an area showing contacts and topographic contours to be u...Figure P2.2 Cutout to produce a block model of the area in Figure P2.1 to vi...Figure P2.3 Base map showing locations of wells to be used in Problem 2.2.Figure P2.4 Topographic contour map to be used in Problem 2.3 showing locati...Figure P2.5 Topographic base map with outcrop locations to be used in the so...

      3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Main elements of the equal‐area lower hemisphere projection.Figure 3.2 Nets used for stereographic projection. (a) Stereographic net or ...Figure 3.3 Lower‐hemisphere view of the projection of a plane striking north...Figure 3.4 Projection of a plane striking 315° and dipping 60°SW. (a) Plotti...Figure 3.5 Projection of a line that plunges 32°/160° (S20E). (a) Plotting o...Figure 3.6 Projection of a plane (N–S, 40°W) and the pole to the plane. (a) ...Figure 3.7 Projection of a pole (point 10o/S16E) to the plane (dashed line) ...Figure 3.8 Projection of the line of intersection of two planes (322°, 65°SW...Figure 3.9 Measuring the 40° angle between two lines (points) in a plane (gr...Figure 3.10 Pitch of a line in a plane. (a) Block diagram showing a lineatio...Figure 3.11 Determination of true dip from strike and apparent dip. (a) Mark...Figure 3.12 Determination of strike and dip from two apparent dips. (a) Appa...Figure P3.1 Equal‐area net.

      4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Some terms for describing the geometry of folds. (a) Profile view...Figure 4.2 Profile plane and the axial surface of folds.Figure 4.3 Examples of folds showing crestal and axial traces. (a) Map view....Figure 4.4 Block diagrams showing synclines and anticlines.Figure 4.5 Block diagram showing a synform and an antiform.Figure 4.6 (a) Symmetric

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