Structural Analysis and Synthesis. Stephen M. Rowland

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Structural Analysis and Synthesis - Stephen M. Rowland

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surface. (a) Cylindrical folds. (b) Non‐...Figure 4.8 Terms used to describe interlimb angles of folds.Figure 4.9 Block diagram showing inclined folds that are overturned.Figure 4.10 Eastward plunging folds. (a) Map view. (b) Block diagram.Figure 4.11 (a) Vertical, (b) reclined, and (c) recumbent folds.Figure 4.12 Construction of dip isogons. (a) Drawing tangents at a predeterm...Figure 4.13 Classification of folds based on the characteristics of dip isog...Figure 4.14 Westward‐plunging folds. (a) Map view. (b) Block diagram.Figure 4.15 Southward‐plunging, overturned folds. (a) Map view. (b) Block di...Figure 4.16 Basic technique for drawing a geologic structure section perpend...Figure 4.17 Geologic map and corresponding structure section drawn at an ang...Figure 4.18 Arc method for drawing structure sections of folded beds. (a) Ge...Figure 4.19 Down‐plunge viewing of a map (top) to see the fold profile (bott...Figure 4.20 Method for constructing a fold profile using down‐plunge project...Figure P4.1 Cutout to construct a block diagram for Problem 4.1.Figure P4.2 Maps for use in Problem 4.2.Figure P4.3 Cutout to construct a block diagram for Problem 4.3.Figure P4.4 Map and topographic profile for use in Problem 4.4.Figure P4.5 Map and topographic profile for use in Problem 4.5.Figure P4.6 Geologic outcrop map for use in Problem 4.6.

      5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 The β‐axis/fold axis is the intersection of planes tangent to a f...Figure 5.2 Beta diagram. The great circles represent four bedding attitudes ...Figure 5.3 Pi diagram. The π‐circle is the great circle common to the four p...Figure 5.4 Equal‐area net showing the use of a pole plotter. The constructio...Figure 5.5 Block diagram of folds showing the profile plane, axial plane, an...Figure 5.6 Equal‐area net plot. The axial plane is the great circle common t...Figure 5.7 Method for constructing the profile view of a fold exposed on a f...Figure 5.8 Equal‐area net plot. The Axial Plane is the great circle common t...Figure 5.9 Simple equal‐area diagrams showing orientation of the folds. Ax. ...Figure 5.10 Point diagram with 50 attitudes plotted.Figure 5.11 Technique for counting points for the purpose of contouring. (a)...Figure 5.12 Results of counting the points in Figure 5.10.Figure 5.13 Deriving the π‐circle. (a) Contours drawn on a point grid. (b) S...Figure 5.14 Kalsbeek counting grid.Figure 5.15 Method for counting poles and posting the totals on a Kalsbeek c...Figure 5.16 Profiles and corresponding contoured π‐diagrams of variously sha...Figure P5.1 Pole plotter to be used with equal‐area net.Figure P5.2 Diagram for use in Problem 5.1.Figure P5.3 Pole counter for use with Problem 5.4.Figure P5.4 Grid for pole counter for use with Problem 5.4.Figure P5.5 Kalsbeek counting grid for use with Problem 5.4.

      6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Rotation of three coplanar lines on a net. (a) Oblique view of li...Figure 6.2 Two‐tilt problem. (a) Block diagram showing the current relations...Figure 6.3 Drill‐hole problem. (a) Drill core. (b) Oblique view of the proje...Figure 6.4 Part A of drill‐hole solution. (a) Plot of orientations of holes ...Figure 6.5 Part B of drill‐hole solution. (a) Plot of orientations of holes ...Figure 6.6 The steps required to unfold a fold on a net. (a) Plotting fold a...

      7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Antiform showing axial planar cleavage and bedding–cleavage relat...Figure 7.2 Antiform showing fanning cleavage and bedding–cleavage relationsh...Figure 7.3 Antiform showing transecting cleavage and bedding–cleavage relati...Figure 7.4 Types of parasitic folds. Arrows show the sense of rotation.Figure 7.5 Attitudes of beds and parasitic folds. (a) Map view. (b) Same map...Figure 7.6 Axial planar foliations (cleavage). (a) Map showing attitudes of ...Figure 7.7 Superposition of folding (map view). (a) First generation of fold...Figure P7.1 Geologic map and cross section line for use with Problem 7.2Figure P7.2 Outcrop map, geologic map and cross section line for use with Pr...Figure P7.3 A hand sample of a rock showing multiple foliations for use in P...Figure P7.4 Geologic map of an area in the Hudson Highlands of New York with...Figure P7.5 Geologic map of the Hundley Dome in the Altavista area of Virgin...

      8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Shear strain measured as angular shear (Ψ). (a) Before deformatio...Figure 8.2 The strain ellipse. Beginning with a circle with a radius of 1 un...Figure 8.3 Seven circles and their corresponding strain ellipses. The seven ...Figure 8.4 Graph on which 1 + e2 is plotted against 1 + e1 for a given strai...Figure 8.5 Graph on which 1 + e2 is plotted against 1 + e1, showing three fi...Figure 8.6 Total strain ellipse with lines of no total longitudinal strain....Figure 8.7 Undeformed trilobite showing bilateral symmetry across the spine....Figure 8.8 Wellman technique for determining strain ellipse. In this example...Figure 8.9 Using the Wellman technique on deformed fossils. (a) Five non‐per...Figure 8.10 Using the Mohr circle technique on one deformed fossil plus exte...Figure 8.11 Using the Mohr circle technique on two deformed fossils. (a) Two...Figure 8.12 Using the Mohr circle technique on two boudinaged fossils. (a) T...Figure P8.1 Schematic brachiopod. (a) Undeformed. (b) Deformed. For use in P...Figure P8.2 Deformed crinoid ossicles in sandstone for use in Problem 8.2. S...Figure P8.3 An exposed fold in sandstone for use in Problem 8.3.Figure P8.4 Several deformed brachiopods for use in Problems 8.4, 8.5, and 8...Figure P8.5 Boudinaged tourmaline crystals on quartzite from the Chickies Fo...

      9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Minimally deformed strain ellipse showing difficulty in choosing ...Figure 9.2 Manual Fry method analysis. (a) Tracing paper showing dots traced...Figure 9.3 Manual Rf/φ method analysis. (a) Measuring the semi‐major and sem...Figure P9.1 A field of deformed spherical objects for use in the Fry method ...Figure P9.2 A field of deformed non‐spherical objects for use in the Rf/φ me...

      10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Two‐dimensional relationship between a plane and its state of st...Figure 10.2 Mohr diagram for graphing the state of stress on a plane. Within...Figure 10.3 Conventional signs assigned to shearing stresses for the purpose...Figure 10.4 Main features of the Mohr circle for stress. The Mohr circle is ...Figure 10.5 Mohr circle solution to a sample problem requiring the determina...Figure 10.6 Schematic diagram of a rock‐fracture experiment in which a cylin...Figure 10.7 Mohr circles of successive stages of the rock‐fracture experimen...Figure 10.8 Main characteristics of a failure envelope. The envelope is defi...Figure 10.9 Generalized relationships between the principal stresses and ang...Figure 10.10 Effect of pore pressure on brittle failure. The dashed Mohr cir...Figure 10.11 Block diagram showing an oblique‐slip fault that was experiment...Figure 10.12 Mohr circles and failure envelope for Weber Sandstone at Rangel...Figure P10.1 Diagrams for use in Problems 10.1 and 10.2.Figure P10.2 Schematic diagram for use in Problem 10.6.Figure P10.3 Diagram of a fractured block of limestone for use in Problem 10...Figure P10.4 Diagrams for use in Problems 10.8 and 10.9.

      11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Schematic block diagram showing systematic joint sets (planar‐pa...Figure 11.2 Generalized map of two perpendicular joint sets A and B with thr...Figure 11.3 Diagram from Figure 11.2 showing the parameters used in Eq. (11....Figure 11.4 Rose diagram analysis with a completed Rose diagram of joints fo...Figure 11.5 Example of a length vs strike diagram.Figure 11.6 (a) Interpretation of a Rose diagram, showing labeling of maxima...Figure 11.7 Analyzing joint density of an area by (1) gridding the map for j...Figure P11.1 Rose diagram blank template for plotting.Figure P11.2 Analyze the joints in the fracture pattern shown in the map in ...

      12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Block diagram showing a dip‐slip fault. This is a normal fault b...Figure 12.2 Block diagram showing a left‐lateral or sinistral strike‐slip fa...Figure 12.3 Block diagram showing a listric fault. The bold arrow shows the ...Figure 12.4 Block diagram showing a rotational fault. This is a scissor faul...Figure 12.5 (a) Geologic map showing the difference between offset and strik...Figure 12.6 The solution of a slip problem. (a) Geologic map. (b) Block diag...Figure 12.7 The solution to a rotational‐slip problem. (a) Geologic map. (b)...Figure 12.8 Block diagram showing the omission of strata (as exposed on the ...Figure 12.9 Block diagram showing domino‐style normal block faulting, result...Figure 12.10 Block diagram showing the repetition of strata (as exposed on t...Figure 12.11 (a) Map and (b) cross section showing typical elements of a thr...Figure P12.1 Geologic map for use in Problems 12.1 and 12.2.Figure P12.2 Geologic map for use in Problem 12.3.Figure P12.3 Geologic map for use in Problem 12.4.

      13 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 The diagonal force of a hand pushing on a tabletop at an angle r...Figure 13.2 (a) The three principal stresses and the three planes of zero sh...Figure 13.3 Relationship between the three principal stresses and conjugate ...Figure 13.4 Block diagrams and equal‐area plots of three classes of faults p...Figure 13.5 (a) Cross section diagram of a normal fault dipping 30° to the e...Figure 13.6 Equal‐area plot of five reverse faults,

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