Latinx Business Success. Frank Carbajal

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Latinx Business Success - Frank  Carbajal

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       Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data

      Names: Carbajal, Frank, author. | Morey, José, author. Title: Latinx business success : how Latinx ingenuity, innovation, and tenacity are driving some of the world’s biggest companies / Frank Carbajal, José Morey.

      Description: Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, [2022] | Includes index. Identifiers: LCCN 2021045300 (print) | LCCN 2021045301 (ebook) | ISBN 9781119840817 (hardback) | ISBN 9781119840831 (adobe pdf) | ISBN 9781119840800 (epub)

      Subjects: LCSH: Hispanic American businesspeople. | Leadership. Classification: LCC HD2358.5.U6 C38 2022 (print) | LCC HD2358.5.U6 (ebook) | DDC 658.4/0908968073—dc23 LC record available at ebook record available at

      Cover Design: Paul McCarthy

      Cover Art: Getty Images Tape: © Emilija Manevska Globe: © Chad Baker

       Dedicate my book to my parents Regino and Hermelinda Carbajal My wife Molly, and children Alia, Myla and Bria

       —Frank Carbajal

       To my son, José, mis padres, Juan y Ivonne, mi hermano, Juancy, mi hermana, Carmen, mis abeulos, todos mi sobrinos y sobrinas y Puerto Rico. You are always in my heart.

       —José Morey

      This is an important book at this moment in time as the U.S. Latino population becomes increasingly accountable for the economic well‐being of our country. Frank Carbajal learned about economic accountability early in his life while helping his parents make ends meet. His experiences as the son of migrant agricultural workers provides the foundation for this book, which begins with his own story of his journey from a one‐bedroom home for his family of seven in El Centro, California, to his successful career in the Silicon Valley.

      Carbajal then does the same for many successful Latino and Latina individuals who also came from humble beginnings, faced economic and racist hardships, but found the inner strength to persevere and achieve their dreams. The reader is taken on personal journeys of exemplary leaders in a broad spectrum of sectors of our society.

      I believe Frank Carbajal's hope in compiling these inspiring stories is for you, the reader, to find the whole of this book to be greater than the sum of its parts.

      —Sol Trujillo Chairman of Trujillo Group LLC


      My dad at that point began to realize the importance of being a father, a man of the household. We did not have much of a house with seven of us in a one‐bedroom home in El Centro, California.

      After I was two years old, my father had the ambition to move us to the Santa Clara Valley, today known as the Silicon Valley. In 1973 my parents were fortunate to find positions in canneries, which was an industry that was considered better than working in the fields.

      However, my parents could afford to live in only one place: an area known as Meadowfair, which was based in East San José, California, and known as a barrio (Spanish‐speaking neighborhood).

      This was a great success for my father because we moved into a four‐bedroom home. Everything my parents needed was within a two‐mile radius, such as the well‐known Mexican shopping center known as Tropicana, which had everything from clothes to food.

      From a bird's‐eye view, in the early 1970s the Silicon Valley resembled a salad bowl. About three miles east from my childhood home were orchards for picking seasonal fruit. However, to the west and north of my neighborhood the Silicon Valley companies,

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