Fundamentals of Cancer Detection, Treatment, and Prevention. Surya K. De

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Fundamentals of Cancer Detection, Treatment, and Prevention - Surya K. De

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AAA apply to the affected area or abdominal aortic aneurysm a.c. ante cibum before meals a.c.h.s., ac & hs ante cibum et hora somni before meals and at bedtime a.d. auris dextra right ear ad., add. adde addatur Add let there be added, upto ad. to; up to ad lib. ad libitum Freely, as much as desired ad sat. to saturation admov. admove admoveatur apply [or] add add; let there be added ad us. ad usum according to custom æq. æquales equal agit. agita agitate (stir or shake) alt. d., alt. dieb. alternis diebus every other day; on alternate days
alt. h., alt. hor. every other hour; at alternate hours
a.m. (A.M.) ante meridiem morning, before noon
amp. ampulla ampule
amt amount
aq. aqua water
aq. bull. aqua bulliens boiling water
aq. com. aqua communis common water
aq. dest. aqua destillata distilled water
aq. ferv. aqua fervens hot water
a.l., a.s. auris laeva, auris sinistra left ear
ALT alanine aminotransferase
alt. alternis alternate
ant. anterior
ante before
ap before dinner
APAP acetaminophen
aPTT activated partial thromboplastin
ASA aspirin
AST aspartate aminotransferase
ATC around the clock
a.u. (A.U.) auris utraque each ear; both ears
BCP birth control pills
BDS, b.d.s. bis die sumendum twice daily
bib. bibe drink
bis bis twice
bid, BID, b.d. bis in die twice daily
bis ind. bis indies twice a day
bis in 7 d. bis in septem diebus twice a week
BM bowel movement
BMI body mass index
bol bolus, short‐time infusion
BP blood pressure
BS blood sugar
BSA body surface area
BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy
b.t. bedtime
bucc. bucca buccal, inside check
cap., caps. capsule
cap. capiat let the patient take

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