Fundamentals of Cancer Detection, Treatment, and Prevention. Surya K. De

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Fundamentals of Cancer Detection, Treatment, and Prevention - Surya K. De

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dL deciliter DS double strength DBP diastolic blood pressure DKA diabetic ketoacidosis DM diabetes mellitus DO Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine DOB date of birth DPT diphtheria‐pertussis‐tetanus DR delayed‐release DVT deep vein thrombosis DTO deodorized tincture of opium
DW distilled water or dextrose in water
elix. elixir elixir
e.m.p. as directed (in the manner prescribed)
emuls. emulsum emulsion
et et and
EOD every other day
ex aq. ex aqua in water; with water
exhib. exhibiatur let it be given
EC enteric‐coated
EENT eye, ear, nose, and throat
emuls. emulsion
ER extended‐release
ER emergency room
f. fiat make; let it be made
F Fahrenheit
f or F female
f.h. fiat haustus make a draught
fl., fld. fluidus fluid (liquid)
f.m. fiat mistura make a mixture
f. pil. fiat pilula make a pill
f.s.a. fiat secundum artem make according to art
ft. fiat make; let it be made
FBS fasting blood sugar
Fe iron
FFP fresh frozen plasma
ft foot
g, gm gram
garg. gargarisma gargle
gr. granum grain
gtt(s) gutta(e) drop(s)
gutt. gutta(e) drop(s)
guttat. drop by drop
GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease
GI gastrointestinal
GTT glucose tolerance test
GU genitourinary
H hypodermic
h, hr, hor. hora hour
habt. let him have
h/o history of
hor. alt. hora alternis every other hour
hor. decub. hora decubitus at bedtime
hor. intermed. horis intermediis at intermediate
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