Fundamentals of Cancer Detection, Treatment, and Prevention. Surya K. De

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Fundamentals of Cancer Detection, Treatment, and Prevention - Surya K. De

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milligram mg/dl milligrams per deciliter MgSO4 magnesium sulfate mL milliliter mm millimeter MM or M million mm of Hg millimeters of mercury mMol millimole MMR measle‐mumps‐rubella (vaccine) mol wt molecular weight MR modified‐release MS morphine sulfate or magnesium sulfate
MSO4 morphine sulfate
midi at midday
min. minimum [or] minim [or] minute
mist. mistura mixture
mit., mitt. mitte number of tablets provided
mod. præscript. modo præscripto in the manner directed
nebul, neb. nebula a spray
NMT not more than
n or noct. nocte at night
non rep. non repetatur no repeats (no refills)
NPO, n.p.o. nil per os nothing by mouth
N/A not applicable
NAS intranasal
NDC National Drug Code
NGT nasogastric tube
NKA no known allergies
NKDA no known drug allergies
noct. maneq. night and morning
NP nurse practitioner
NS normal saline (0.9%)
1/2NS half‐normal saline (0.45%)
NTE not to exceed
NSAID nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drug
o 2, o2 both eyes
O2 oxygen
OC oral contraceptive
o.d. omni die every day (once daily)
o.d. oculus dexter right eye
OJ orange juice
o.m. omni mane every morning
OM otitis media
omn. bih omni bihora every two hours
omn. hor. omni hora every hour
o.n. omni nocte every night
OPD once per day
o.s. oculus sinister left eye
o.u. oculus uterque both eyes
OTC over‐the‐counter
oz ounce
p. continue
part. æq.
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