New research on the kitchen table. Try this again. Лим Ворд

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New research on the kitchen table. Try this again - Лим Ворд

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n the kitchen table

      Try this again

      Лим Ворд

      © Лим Ворд, 2018

      ISBN 978-5-4490-8462-0

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Experiments – forgotten, but pretty

      First of all, the author wishes to present to the reader the most ancient of his experiments. It is possible that some of this will interest you.

      Radio receiver under the hood

      So, we take a conventional radio receiver on batteries, set it to any wave and output the volume to the maximum. The receiver (see Fig.) Is located on a high dielectric stand, approximately in the center of the cavity of the structure, made up of several steel, cast-iron and aluminum pipes. The diameter of the inner tube is 30 cm, the height is 50 cm. From above and below all this is tightly closed now with steel plates of 50 mm, with the addition of aluminum and brass shields.

      The structure is grounded.

      As we conserve the receiver, the wave gets lost, and, instead of pleasant music, we hear only white noise.

      According to all the provisions of physics, no external radio waves are able to break through to the oscillatory circuit of the receiver.

      With the help of a simple device, a transformer and two discharge electrodes, we form an electric spark. The receiver will immediately respond with a characteristic creaking change in the tone of the noise.

      What happened? After all (we will open the textbook of physics) even so-called. called the Faraday grid, incomparable with thick-walled metal screens, according to scientists, successfully absorbs the entire spectrum of radio waves.

      Assumption 1. Electrons in a metal simply do not have time to synchronize their own reciprocating motion with incoming waves. But, only in this way they screen the radio wave.

      Assumption 2. The receiver superheterodyne itself emits radio waves. Reflecting in a confined space, the waves constantly rebuild the oscillatory circuit. Thus, the receiver every minute runs through the entire range of settings, and is able to receive radio waves that have penetrated through the shielding screen.

      Assumption 3. The electric spark and the oscillating circuit of the receiver, in this position, randomly emits radio waves, are similar to each other. Objects that have approximately the same spectrum of radiation – absorption communicate with each other in a special way, in addition to the laws of physics known to science. Changes in one object (A) are immediately responded to in another (B).

      The receiver with autonomous power is in a steel earthed cylinder. The spark discharge penetrates the metal layers.

      Speed and gravity. Empirical research

      Imagine that you have an orange in your hand. If you find the power to throw it parallel to the surface of the Earth at a speed of 8 km. with., he will become a companion of our planet and, somewhat simplistically speaking, will lose weight.

      Suppose you dropped the fruit at a rate of only a few meters per second. The effect of reducing weight again, will take place, although these changes are measured in fractions of a milligram.

      Imagine now that your friend is throwing an orange back. Both of you are standing on a platform of sensitive scales. Will, for the time of this game, the system you-friend-orange, in general, easier?

      The simple becomes very complex very quickly. Some additional, more obvious schemes represent that “yes.”

      All physical bodies consist of a myriad of “oranges” – elementary particles. The average velocity of oscillatory motion of the latter, at twenty degrees Celsius, is about three hundred meters per second. As the temperature increases, the speed of movement increases.

      So, we can expect that with a decrease in body temperature (in a closed system), its weight will increase slightly. And, with increasing T, the pressure on the support will gradually disappear.

      To calculate more accurately, it is necessary to combine some formulas for bodies moving along a circle, and also the dependence of the velocity of molecules (acting here as “satellites”) on temperature. Friends, I once did all this, but after so many years from the time of the failed publication in “TM”, much has been forgotten. Try it yourself. The result, in general, is quite interesting. I myself did not conduct full-scale experiments, but I used the data, alas, to measure the body weight of a person before and after his death. The difference is about 10 grams (weight is added).

      And the results of calculations, for a body weighing 80 kg, cooling down from 40 C, to 20 C, fully correspond to this.

      Experiments with a flywheel unwinding to a certain speed are also known. The weight of the top is reduced.

      In this case, the movement of the orange, sorry, is closed in a ring. Nothing more, in fact, does not change.

      And, the results of calculations for the top-orange are quite in line with expectations.

      …The next simple, complex visual construction. Space station, satellite, … a physical body, sweeping along the surface of the Earth at a speed of 8 km. from. as if lose weight. Well, an object that rushes directly to the center of the planet, from the depths of the Cosmos, let’s set it at a speed of 20 km. from. – What happens to him? Does the Earth, with its gravity, add extra speed to it? Are you sure? Well, if this body moves even with an acceleration above 9.8 m. sq. m. (acceleration of free fall) – also add speed?

      There is a feeling that in the celestial mechanics everything is not so simple. Objects moving near planets with velocities are much higher than the acceleration of free fall (at a given distance from the center of mass) of the latter, practically do not obey the influence of “local” gravity.

      Perhaps this phenomenon caused many of the failures of Soviet cosmonautics. For example, of the ten missiles launched with the moon, Lunokhods, only two of them reached the surface of Selena. With Mars, the situation is much worse. Most of the vehicles flew past these large celestial bodies.

      American scientists are less conservative people, and among their practitioners there are those who could accept the need to amend the known laws of Newton.

      …Gravitation depends on the mutual speed of interacting bodies. To some extent this position can be tried to reveal at the level of classical mechanics. But, perhaps, to clarify the details, it is better for us to plunge into the depths of quantum physics.

      Rotating rotor

      The Mössbauer effect… Particles frozen to the vicinity of the absolute zero of the crystals lose the opportunity to exchange quanta in the event that their mutual velocity exceeds several centimeters per second. The levels of radiation-absorption cease to coincide, and the objects simply “lose each other from view.” in a not frozen state, things interact only because the microparticles that make them constantly, fairly quickly, move. Thus, a quantum can almost always meet a particle suitable for it in the spectrum, and be absorbed by it.

      Recall that the average velocity of molecules at room temperature is about 300 ms, electrons in the electron gas of metals are of the order of one hundredth of the speed of light.

      All electrodynamics is based on the fact that charged particles exchange gluins, and so on. It is not entirely clear whether there are energy levels in this case, but, yes, it may be. And, therefore, the effectiveness of the interaction here also depends on the mutual velocity of the microparticles.

      Therefore, if we move objects relative to each other at a speed, say, 1 km. the interaction of atomic nuclei consisting of positive protons and neutral neutrons will be violated in the first place. Lighter and faster electrons will lose only a thousandth of the total interaction, and will stay in touch with each other.

      In general, the body that has acquired speed above the Earth’s

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