New research on the kitchen table. Try this again. Лим Ворд

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New research on the kitchen table. Try this again - Лим Ворд

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of negative charges prevails. Consequently, a shell with such a high initial velocity will push away from the Earth – what should be taken into account in the ballistic tables.

      Simultaneously with this projectile, a charge flows, a cloud of plasma is formed. This is indeed the case, according to the recollections of many eyewitnesses: this phenomenon can not be explained only by heating the air.

      When an object collides with a target, an imbalance arises between the number of protons and electrons. In this case, the disc is subjected to a special action of internal forces, in the process of self-destruction, releases additional energy. Here the special attention, friends, are subject to observation and investigation of the artillery officer VV Yavorsky. The thermal energy emitted by the projectile when it hits the shield is sometimes four times the kinetic energy. In addition, with accelerated photography, it is clear that even before the projectile comes into contact with a metal screen, a flash like lightning occurs between them.

      …The so-called discs or, otherwise, John Searle’s generators are known. The general meaning (exemplary first of all, in this case) is that metal discs rotating at high speed emit powerful electrical discharges, jam the radio receivers next to them and jump upwards.

      The author’s own experience is not so effective. Two electric motors, located on a dielectric stand, are connected by shafts. The stators are short-circuited, i.e., essentially metal cylinders.

      One of the motors is included in the network. The second motor is not connected. We measure the voltage between its body (including the stator), and the Earth.

      When the rotation starts between the Earth and the motor, a voltage of 1—2V appears. When the voltage is turned off, it gradually decreases to zero.

      In a simplified version, only one motor is used, and the same voltage change is measured with a deceleration of the rotation during a trip.

      The meaning of what is happening. According to the above arguments, the force of interaction between the Earth’s protons and stator protons sharply decreases, while between the electrons of these two bodies remains the same. There are many nuances here, but electrons flow from the motor surface into space. The voltmeter registers the variation of the cylinder potential – although, of course, much less than in experiments with Searle disks.

      1. Dielectric stand, 2. Plug-in motor 3. Coupling between shafts. 4. A motor whose stator is used as an analog of Searle’s disk, 5. A voltmeter, 6. Earthing

      …Unfortunately, there is no picture of Generator John Searle available on the Web. The general meaning. On the stator are located magnets, defined poles to the axis. The rotor is studded with magnets with poles outwards. Everything, as if, is simple. As soon as you give the rotor a certain speed of rotation, this “disc” starts to rotate by itself.

      We know that the magnetic energy is conservative. If, say, to place a magnet under the veneer, it can accelerate the steel ball located on its (horizontal) surface. But, after a certain point, this ball can not move any more. The same magnet returns it back.

      But, how then, for example, does the “gravitational catapult” known in space work? A certain space station approaches, like an example, to Jupiter, is captured by its gravitational field, acquires an additional velocity of the planet’s motion around the Sun. Then it is somehow freed from the influence of the planet’s gravity and, with a gain in energy, flies to other bodies of the Solar System.

      Another example is “cathode rays.” The electron flies to a charged positively plate, accelerates it, then passes, and for ever leaves. The reverse action of the anode, as if, is somewhat weaker than the primary one. If we take our example with a magnet and a ball, it would turn out that this ball would jump a magnet, lose contact with it, and roll on. If the ball (or other magnet) is fixed on the disk next to the magnet, we would get perpetual motion…

      …We can try to take as an example a ram jet engine. Essentially, this is a pipe open at both ends. Inside the fuel is burnt. There is no asymmetry. Until then, it’s still no engine. The energy of the kerosene is wasted, and nothing is set in motion by the ramjet.

      But, if we give this pipe a considerable speed (comparable, it seems, with half the speed of sound), an amazing asymmetry arises, and the engine produces decent traction. The analogy, of course, is doubtful, but there are not any others yet.

      As we have shown above, at certain mutual speeds, physical bodies change the strength of mutual electromagnetic, electrostatic, and possibly gravitational interactions. According to the e-mail, the quantum theory of gravitation, the interaction here is also transmitted by some, subtle particles. It is unlikely that this interaction is very different from other fundamental forces. The coincidence of energy levels is important everywhere, and this is impossible at high relative velocities of interacting bodies.

      Like friends, you… it’s very difficult for us to get to know… establish a strong bond with someone, if you do not drink coffee motionless, next to each other, and in a hurry, as usual, you pass by…

      So. The magnet accelerates the ball. The speed becomes so great that the force of interaction decreases to a large extent… and the connection breaks. But, the speed in this case should be very significant. It can be calculated only experimentally.

      The primary promotion of the disk, the speed to enable the “ramjet” is simply necessary.

      Where can magnets take their energy from? Probably, from the ordered circulation of electrons around the atomic nuclei, in numerous magnetic domains-grains. The velocity of revolution of electrons along the orbitals is very high (appreciable fraction of C). Probably, electrons will go to the lower levels, emitting some radiation. In Searl’s experiments, it was as if it was constantly observed. Maybe the magnets will cool down or degauss.

      All this can be revealed only by new natural (and presented to the general public) experiments.

      Simplified image of the Searl generator. On the outer ring-stator are shown magnets, with the same poles facing inwards. They are answered by the rotor magnets. In fact, there are a few dozen magnets. At a certain rotational speed of the rotor, the system stands on “self-catching” and, as the inventor notes, rotates due to some of its internal sources of energy.

      Sometimes it comes back (high quality energy)

      …How to collect scattered in space, as if already falling asleep energy? Obviously, there are natural natural processes that increase its quality to its original value.

      These are not some complicated devices. Everything happens by itself. You just need to be able to correctly see.

      The boiled kettle on the table gives energy to the space – to the table, to the air streams, etc. As time passes, it cools down. The motion of molecules is evenly distributed in the environment. The energy of high order disappeared, replaced by a uniform thermal background. Is it possible to reverse the process? Will the impulses from the environment of the teapot be transferred in a particular case, will it boil right on your kitchen table?

      This is how it should be if in nature, from the beginning of time, there is a cycle of energy.

      One of the author’s first publications on this topic is an article in “TM”, No. 4, 2000:

      “What is the difference between an object of the macrocosm – a monolith – from a cloud of dust obtained as a result of its long grinding and subsequent shaking? Well-known: the area of contact with the environment of another phase, for example, with gas. That is why the chemical reactions that occur in powders are completely unaffected by monoliths, iron filings burn in the air, whereas an iron nail, except in pure oxygen …

      Dusty laser?

      But the question

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