The History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century (Vol.1-5). Jean-Henri Merle d'Aubigne
Читать онлайн книгу.rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_e1b55892-6d06-555d-baa3-231d8801b04c">367. Vehementer præcipit." (Ibid.) Earnestly commands.
368. "Er sollte still halten; es wäre eine grosse Sache." (Matthes. 13.)
369. Walthahr. v. Luther, p. 45.
370. Myconius, Hist. of the Ref., p. 23.
371. "Das Lied wollte meiner stimme zu hochwerden." (Luth. Op.)
372. "In alle hohe Schullen und Klöster." (Mathes. 13.)
373. "Ad hoc præstandum mihi videbatur ille, et natura compositus et accensus studio." (Erasm. Ep. Campegio Cardinali, i, p. 650.) For accomplishing this, he seemed to me both fitted by nature, and inflamed by zeal.
374. Müller's Denkw, iv, 256.
375. "Alle welt von diesem, Weissenberg, Weissheit holen und bekommen." (p. 13)
376. "Dass er uns den Munch Luther fleisig beware." (Mathes. 15.)
377. Schmidt Brand Reformationsgesch, p. 124.
378. "Che frate Martino Luthero haveva un bellissimo ingegnoe che coteste erano invidie fratesche." (Brandelli, contemporary of Leo, and a Dominican, Hist. Trag. Pars 3.)
379. Melch. Adami Vita Myconii.
380. "Legit tunc cum Joanne Voite, in angulum abdtius, libellos Lutheri." (Ibid.)
381. "Qui potuit quod voluit."
382. "Darvon Magister Johann. Huss, geweissaget." (Mathes. 13.)
383. He adds, "Totque uxorum vir," The husband of so many wives, (Heumann Documenta lit. p. 167.)
384. "Frater, abi in cellam, et dic: Miserere mei." (Lindner in Luther's Leben, p. 93.)
385. "Bene sum contentus: mala obedire quam miracula facere, etiam si possem." (Ep. i, 71.)
386. "Suumque dolorem sæpe significavit, metuens discordias majores." (Melancth. Vita Luth.) And often expressed his sorrow, fearing worse dissension.
387. Luth. Op. (L.) vi, p. 518.
388. "Finge enim ipsam humilitatem nova conari, statim superbiæ subjicietur ab iis qui aliter sapiunt." (Luth. Ep. i, p. 73.)
389. "Solus primo eram." (Luth. Op. Lat. in Præf.) At first I was alone.
390. "Consilium immanis audaciæ plenum." (Pallavicini, i, 17.) A measure of infinite daring.
391. "Miserrimus tunc fraterculus, cadaveri similior quam homini." (Luth. Op. Lat. i, p. 49.)
392. "Et cum omnia argumenta superassem per Scripturas, hoc unum cum summa difficultate et angustia, tandem Christo favente, vix superavi, Ecclesiam scilicet esse audiendam." (Luth. Op. Lat. i, p. 49.)
393. "Hi furores Tezelii et ejus satellitum imponunt necessitatem Luthero, de rebus iisdem copiosius, disserendi et tuendæ veritatis." (Melancth. Vita Luth.) The fury of Tezel and his satellites compelled Luther to treat these subjects more copiously, and to defend the truth.
394. "Dass er die Schrift, unsern Trost, nicht anders behandelt wie die Sau einen Habersack."
395. Luth. Op. Leips. xvii, 132.
396. "Tibi gratias ago; imo quid tibi non debeo?" (Luth. Ep. i, p. 74.)
397. "Quanto magis conamur ex nobis ad sapientiam, tanto amplius appropinquamus insipientiæ." (Luth. Ep. i, p. 74.)
398. "Sed salvum est nunc etiam jurare, quod sine scitu Ducis Frederici exierint." (Ibid., p. 76.) But now it is safe even to swear, that they have gone forth without the knowledge of Duke Frederick.
399. "Primum id certissimum est, sacras literas non posse vel studio, vel ingenio penetrari. Ideo primum officium est, ut ab oratione incipias."
400. "Igitur de tuo studio desperes oportet omnino, simul et ingenio. Deo autem soli confidas, et influxui Spiritus. Experto crede ista." (Luth. Ep. i, p. 88, 18th Jan.)
401. "Luther writes him:—"Literæ tuæ animum tuum erga meam parvitatem candidum et longe ultra merita benevolentissimum probaverunt." (Ibid., p. 79.) Your letter proves your candid opinion of me, and your most kind affection for me, both to a degree far exceeding my deserts.
402. "Non fuit consilium neque votum eas evulgari, sed cum paucis apud et circum nos habitantibus primum super ipsis conferri." (Ibid., p. 95.)
403. "Ut me pœniteat hujus fœturæ." (Ibid.)
404. "Quæ istis temporibus pro summa blasphemia et abominatione habeo et execror." (Luth. Op. Lat. Wit. in Præf.)
405. "Accepi simul et donum insignis viri Alberti Durer." (Luth., Ep. i, 95.)
406. "Mein Hofkleid verdienen." (Luth. Ep. Lat. i, pp. 77, 78.)