The History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century (Vol.1-5). Jean-Henri Merle d'Aubigne
Читать онлайн книгу.me attinet, scripsi ad eum has, ut vides, amicissimas et plenas literas humanitate, erga eum." (Ibid.) As far as regards myself, I have, as you see, written him in the most kindly and friendly terms.
446. "Nihil neque literarum, neque verborum ne participem fecit." (Ibid.) I have had no communication from him, either by word or writing.
447. Luth. Op. Leips. vii, p. 1086.
448. "Nicht die Werke treiben die Sünde aus; sondern die Anstreibung der Sünde thut gute Werke," (Luth. Op. (Lat.) xvii, p. 162.)
449. "Christus dein Gott wird dir nicht lugen: noch wanken." (Ibid.)
450. "Ob es schon ein Weib oder ein kind ware." (Ibid.)
451. "Also siehst du dass die ganze Kirche voll von Vergebung der Süden ist." (Ibid.)
452. "Und Hauptmann im Felde bleibe." (Ibid.)
453. Ibid., Ep. i, p. 98.
454. "Pedester veniam." I will come on foot. (Luth., Ep. i, p. 98.)
455. Ibid., p. 105.
456. Ibid., p. 104.
457. Ibid., p. 106.
458. "Ihr habt bei Gott einen köstlichen Credenz." (Luth. Ep. i, p. 111.)
459. "Justorum opera essent mortalia nisi pio Dei timore, ab ipsismet justis, ut mortalia timerentur." (Luth. Op. Lat. i, 55.)
460. "Lex iram Dei operatur, occidit, maledicit reum facit, judicat, damnat, quicquid non est in Christo." (Ibid.)
461. "Lex dicit: Fac hoc! et nunquam fit. Gratia dicit: Crede in hunc! et jam facta sunt omnia." (Ibid.)
462. "Amor Dei non inventit sed creat suum diligibile; amor hominis fit a suo diligibili." (Ibid.)
463. Bucer, in Seultetet, Annal. Evangel. Renovat." p. 22.
464. "Si rustici hæc audirent, certe lapidibus vos obruerent et interficerent." (Luth. Ep. i, p. 111.)
465. "Prudentioribus monachis spem de se præclaram excitavit;" (Melch. Adam. Vita Buceri, p. 211.)
466. "Cum doctrinam in eis traditam cum sacris litteris contullisset quædam in pontificia religione suspecta habere cœpit." (Ibid.) When he had compared the doctrine delivered in them with the Sacred Scriptures, he began to have some suspicions of the pope's religion.
467. "Primam lucem purioris sententiæ de justificatione in suo pectore sensit." (Melch. Adam. Vita Buceri, p. 211.) He felt the first dawn of a purer opinion on justification rising in his breast.
468. "Ingens Dei beneficium lætus Brentius agnovit, et grata mente amplexus est." (Ibid.) Brentius joyfully recognised the inestimable gift of God, and with grateful mind embraced it.
469. "Crebris interpellationibus eum voti quod de nato ipso fecerat, admoneret; et a studio juris ad theologiam quasi conviciis avocaret." (Melch. Adami, Snepfii Vita.) She frequently interposed to remind him of the vow which she had made at his birth, and, as it were, by her reproaches drew him off from the study of law to theology.
470. Gerdesius, Monument. Antiq., etc.
471. Luth. Ep. i, p. 412.
472. Luth. Ep. i, p. 112.
473. "Veni autem curru qui ieram pedester." (Ibid., p. 110.) I went on foot, but returned in a chariot.
474. "Omnibus placitis meis nigrum theta præfigit." (Luth. Ep. i, p. 111.) He puts a black theta before all my opinions.
475. Ibid.
476. "Nisi dictamine rationis naturalis, quod apud nos idem est, quod chaos tenebratum, qui non prædicamus aliam lucem, quam Christum Jesum lucem veram et solam." (Ibid.)
477. "Ita ut nonnullis videar factus habitior et corpulentior!" (Ibid.) So that some think me fuller in habit, and more corpulent.
478. Luth. Op., (Leips.) xvii, pp. 29-113.
479. On the First Thesis.
480. Thesis 26.
481. Ibid. 80.
482. Thesis 37.
483. "Non ut disputabilia sed asserta acciperentur." (Luth., Ep. i. 214.)
484. Ineptias.
485. He adds: "Sed cogit necessitas me anserem strepere inter olores." (Luth. Ep. i, p. 121.) But necessity forces me, a goose, to hiss among the swans.
486. "Quam pure simpliciterque ecclesiasticam potestatem et reverentiam clavium quæsierim et coluerim." (Ibid.)