Lady Chatterley's Lover & Sons and Lovers. D. H. Lawrence

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Lady Chatterley's Lover & Sons and Lovers - D. H.  Lawrence

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      “Fanny's is better, to my fancy,” said Emma.

      “You needn't try to make a fool of me,” said Fanny, flushing deeply.

      “No, but she has, Paul; she's got beautiful hair.”

      “It's a treat of a colour,” said he. “That coldish colour like earth, and yet shiny. It's like bog-water.”

      “Goodness me!” exclaimed one girl, laughing.

      “How I do but get criticised,” said Fanny.

      “But you should see it down, Paul,” cried Emma earnestly. “It's simply beautiful. Put it down for him, Fanny, if he wants something to paint.”

      Fanny would not, and yet she wanted to.

      “Then I'll take it down myself,” said the lad.

      “Well, you can if you like,” said Fanny.

      And he carefully took the pins out of the knot, and the rush of hair, of uniform dark brown, slid over the humped back.

      “What a lovely lot!” he exclaimed.

      The girls watched. There was silence. The youth shook the hair loose from the coil.

      “It's splendid!” he said, smelling its perfume. “I'll bet it's worth pounds.”

      “I'll leave it you when I die, Paul,” said Fanny, half joking.

      “You look just like anybody else, sitting drying their hair,” said one of the girls to the long-legged hunchback.

      Poor Fanny was morbidly sensitive, always imagining insults. Polly was curt and businesslike. The two departments were for ever at war, and Paul was always finding Fanny in tears. Then he was made the recipient of all her woes, and he had to plead her case with Polly.

      So the time went along happily enough. The factory had a homely feel. No one was rushed or driven. Paul always enjoyed it when the work got faster, towards post-time, and all the men united in labour. He liked to watch his fellow-clerks at work. The man was the work and the work was the man, one thing, for the time being. It was different with the girls. The real woman never seemed to be there at the task, but as if left out, waiting.

      From the train going home at night he used to watch the lights of the town, sprinkled thick on the hills, fusing together in a blaze in the valleys. He felt rich in life and happy. Drawing farther off, there was a patch of lights at Bulwell like myriad petals shaken to the ground from the shed stars; and beyond was the red glare of the furnaces, playing like hot breath on the clouds.

      He had to walk two and more miles from Keston home, up two long hills, down two short hills. He was often tired, and he counted the lamps climbing the hill above him, how many more to pass. And from the hilltop, on pitch-dark nights, he looked round on the villages five or six miles away, that shone like swarms of glittering living things, almost a heaven against his feet. Marlpool and Heanor scattered the far-off darkness with brilliance. And occasionally the black valley space between was traced, violated by a great train rushing south to London or north to Scotland. The trains roared by like projectiles level on the darkness, fuming and burning, making the valley clang with their passage. They were gone, and the lights of the towns and villages glittered in silence.

      And then he came to the corner at home, which faced the other side of the night. The ash-tree seemed a friend now. His mother rose with gladness as he entered. He put his eight shillings proudly on the table.

      “It'll help, mother?” he asked wistfully.

      “There's precious little left,” she answered, “after your ticket and dinners and such are taken off.”

      Then he told her the budget of the day. His life-story, like an Arabian Nights, was told night after night to his mother. It was almost as if it were her own life.

      Chapter VI

       Death in the Family

       Table of Contents

      Arthur Morel was growing up. He was a quick, careless, impulsive boy, a good deal like his father. He hated study, made a great moan if he had to work, and escaped as soon as possible to his sport again.

      In appearance he remained the flower of the family, being well made, graceful, and full of life. His dark brown hair and fresh colouring, and his exquisite dark blue eyes shaded with long lashes, together with his generous manner and fiery temper, made him a favourite. But as he grew older his temper became uncertain. He flew into rages over nothing, seemed unbearably raw and irritable.

      His mother, whom he loved, wearied of him sometimes. He thought only of himself. When he wanted amusement, all that stood in his way he hated, even if it were she. When he was in trouble he moaned to her ceaselessly.

      “Goodness, boy!” she said, when he groaned about a master who, he said, hated him, “if you don't like it, alter it, and if you can't alter it, put up with it.”

      And his father, whom he had loved and who had worshipped him, he came to detest. As he grew older Morel fell into a slow ruin. His body, which had been beautiful in movement and in being, shrank, did not seem to ripen with the years, but to get mean and rather despicable. There came over him a look of meanness and of paltriness. And when the mean-looking elderly man bullied or ordered the boy about, Arthur was furious. Moreover, Morel's manners got worse and worse, his habits somewhat disgusting. When the children were growing up and in the crucial stage of adolescence, the father was like some ugly irritant to their souls. His manners in the house were the same as he used among the colliers down pit.

      “Dirty nuisance!” Arthur would cry, jumping up and going straight out of the house when his father disgusted him. And Morel persisted the more because his children hated it. He seemed to take a kind of satisfaction in disgusting them, and driving them nearly mad, while they were so irritably sensitive at the age of fourteen or fifteen. So that Arthur, who was growing up when his father was degenerate and elderly, hated him worst of all.

      Then, sometimes, the father would seem to feel the contemptuous hatred of his children.

      “There's not a man tries harder for his family!” he would shout. “He does his best for them, and then gets treated like a dog. But I'm not going to stand it, I tell you!”

      But for the threat and the fact that he did not try so hard as he imagined, they would have felt sorry. As it was, the battle now went on nearly all between father and children, he persisting in his dirty and disgusting ways, just to assert his independence. They loathed him.

      Arthur was so inflamed and irritable at last, that when he won a scholarship for the Grammar School in Nottingham, his mother decided to let him live in town, with one of her sisters, and only come home at week-ends.

      Annie was still a junior teacher in the Board-school, earning about four shillings a week. But soon she would have fifteen shillings, since she had passed her examination, and there would be financial peace in the house.

      Mrs. Morel clung now to Paul. He was quiet and not brilliant. But still he stuck to his painting, and still he stuck to his mother. Everything he did was for her. She waited for his coming home in the evening, and then she unburdened herself of all she had pondered, or of all that had occurred to her during the day. He sat and listened with his earnestness. The two shared lives.

      William was engaged now to his brunette, and had bought her an engagement ring that cost eight guineas. The children gasped at such a fabulous price.

      “Eight guineas!” said Morel. “More fool him! If he'd gen me some on't, it 'ud ha' looked better on 'im.”

      “Given YOU some of it!” cried Mrs. Morel. “Why give YOU some of it!”

      She remembered HE had bought no engagement ring at all, and she preferred William, who was not mean, if he were foolish. But now the young man talked only of the dances to which he went with his

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