Dispeller of Obstacles. Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche

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Dispeller of Obstacles - Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche

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that are interwoven at appropriate places. Additionally, verses from the Barchey Lamsel are inserted as a supplication and an offering prayer. Sometimes merely one line and the etcetera sign reference these. In the past, the practitioner was expected to know most of these verses by heart or at least be capable of flipping back and forth very quickly between the two primary parts. For the sake of ease, for both us modern-day yogis and the reader, I have combined them all together in the way they are chanted. It helps to get a clearer idea of the meaning, even though it falls short of strict purity.

      Please excuse any breaches.

      —Marcia Dechen Wangmo


       I, Padma Tötreng,%

       Am the embodiment of the ocean of the Three Roots.%

       Like the infinite mandala circles,%

       Which arise from and dissolve back into space,%

       I manifest mantras, mudras,%

       And various kinds of inconceivable activities,%

       In every possible way, for those who need to be tamed.%

       The meaning and words of the wisdom essence,%

       Of the especially profound tantra sections,%

       Known as Vidyadhara Mayajala,%

       Are unfailing and have swift blessings%

       For helping the devoted to accomplish siddhi.%

       Having resolved this essence of the most profound heart practice,%

       Through ascertaining the oral instructions,%

       I now teach the magical wheel of the visualizations for reciting%

       The Approach, Accomplishment, and Activities%

       Of the inner practice of Barchey Künsel,%

       For the benefit of the qualified king and my present disciples,%

       As well as for those of future generations.%


       To accomplish this, first there is the threefold approach,%

       Benefiting self and other separately and mutually.%

       First, chiefly for the benefit of self,%

       There is the gathering of the blessings and siddhis%

       And the practice of vidyadhara life,%

       By means of the Lord of the Family.%

       Spin the magical wheel of visualization in this way:%

       HUNG HRIH!%

       Lord of the Family, Amitayus, manifest from space.%

       Uttering the sounds of recitation, I invoke you.%

       From the core of your heart-samaya, please come!%

       With apparent and empty bodily forms, you fill the billionfold universe.%

       With resounding and empty mantra tones of speech, you roar like thunder.%

       With the aware and empty space of mind, you rest in the state of luminosity.%

       All the deities, delighting in the dance of bliss,%

       Invoke the mantras with effortless vajra songs.%

       The liberating life force of wisdom endows your mind%

       Until attaining clarity, I will endeavor in visualization and recitation.%

       Until I reach perfection, please don’t forsake your intentions!%

       Do not forget me; the time for your great heart-samaya has come!%

       On this very seat, let me perfect the fourfold Approach and Accomplishment,%

       And make me realize the lord of the mandala.%

       From the HRIH in the heart center of Lord Amitayus, the lord of the family above my head,%

       Rays of light radiate throughout the ten directions,%

       Restoring my life and vitality, which have been cut, damaged, or dwindled away.%

       Externally, the essences of the universe’s elements of earth, water, fire, and wind,%

       Internally, the life, merit, and power of its inhabitants, the beings of the three realms,%

       And innermostly, the wisdom qualities of knowledge, compassion, and ability%

       Of all the victorious ones and their sons,%

       Are all summoned back in the form of five-colored nectar,%

       Which enters the vase he holds in his hand, where it melts and boils.%

       Passing down through the top of my head, it fills my entire body.%

       The four obscurations are purified, the empowerments and siddhis are obtained,%

       And the vajra life of immortal great bliss is accomplished.%

       Thinking this, recite:


       At times, make offerings and praises:%

       Offering Prayer

       Assembly of wisdom deities, I invite you. Please come!%

       I offer you outer, inner, and secret offerings.%

       I praise your body, speech, mind, qualities, and activities.%

       I confess careless transgressions and errors.%


      Thus, play music and, after each cycle of one-thousand mantras, repeat the offerings and praises.

       With your palms joined, say:


       From the amazing, excellent, abundant realm of Great Bliss,%

       Perfectly arranged, immeasurable palace,%

       All buddhas of the three times,%

       The essence of the dharmakaya,%

       The vividness of all wisdom appearances,

       The lord of all the victorious ones, Amitayus,%

       Master and lady, son and queen,%

       With all of your assembled retinues,%

       With your compassion, bestow your blessings upon me.%

       With your love, guide me and others on the path.%

       With your realization, grant me the siddhis.%

       With your powers, dispel my obstacles and those of others.%

       Clear the outer obstacles externally.%

       Clear the inner obstacles internally.%

       Clear the secret obstacles into space.%

       Respectfully, I bow down and take refuge in you.%


      By that reflection,

      Supplicate in this way.

       Recite four or twelve times one hundred thousand%

       To meet the deity in actuality,%

       Hear his voice, and find attainment in samadhi.%

       Or when these occur in vivid visions,%

       Or when, finally, in dreams, the sun and moon rise,%

       Recognize the signs of accomplishment

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