Dispeller of Obstacles. Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche

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Dispeller of Obstacles - Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche

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Chant the elaborate visualization for recitation. For the Medium Practice Manual, just follow the text; for the other two, combine it with them.

      When concluding a session at the time of doing the life recitation, do as much as you can of the Seven Syllables, Vajra Guru, and Tötreng Tsal mantras as well as the Harinisa mantra, following the Medium Practice Manual; also chant the Vowels and Consonants and the Essence of Causation mantras. As indicated by this, when doing the Seven Syllables and so forth, simply maintain the continuity of the preceding and following recitations.

      If you follow the Extensive Practice Manual, say, “Wisdom deities, I invite you, please come…” Make the praises saying, “OM. Wisdom of the Bliss-Gone Recite the Barchey Lamsel supplication and confess faults with “OM. Entire assembly of vidyadhara mandala deities…” Saying, OM AH HUNG SVAHA…, toss the flower of awareness and dissolve the wisdom beings in front into you; then stabilize that with the Hundred Syllables. Saying, “HUNG. In unborn emptiness… “, perform the dissolution and emergence down to the verses of auspiciousness.

      If you follow the Medium Practice Manual, proceed through the Vowels and Consonants and Essence of Causation mantras as above. Make the Thousand-Point offering, saying, “Gathering of wisdom deities…” At the end of the Barchey Lamsel supplication, confess faults with the Hundred Syllables. Saying, JAH HUNG BAM HOH, imagine that the wisdom beings in front dissolve into you, stabilize with the Hundred Syllables, dissolve with the triple HUNG, and continue through to the utterance of auspiciousness in the general way.

      In this order, chant eleven times 100,000 of the Amarani mantra; for a two-month duration, chant four times 100,000. Recite ten, seven, or four times 100,000 for the Seven Syllables, according to what is possible, as in the general manner. Be sure to do a full twelve times 100,000 of the Vajra Guru mantra as well as the amending number.

      Following that, if you can integrate the accomplishment, the detailed way is to do this according to the system of the Great Accomplishment liturgy. If you cannot do that, perform the elaborate planting of the poles of the great kings and engage in the accomplishment. If you have to interrupt in the middle, it will be fine at this point to do the accomplishment practice in an abbreviated manner, along with the activity applications. Thus, combining this with the key points for visualization according to the Medium Practice Manual, recite four times 100,000 Tötreng Tsal mantras and 10,000 Harinisa mantras.

      It is good if you can perform the fire ritual of amendment; if not, chant the Hundred Syllables at the end of the session for a few days. Finish retreat after performing 100 ganachakras, mending and confession prayers to the dharmapalas, and thanksgiving offerings.

      If you are engaging in the accomplishment practice, get the details elsewhere. It is fine to plant the poles of the great kings at the time of the preliminaries; otherwise, follow the general system.

      It is best if you can begin the recitation practice in the afternoon during the waning moon with auspicious astrology; plant the poles of the great kings at that time. When finishing, elaborately perform the ritual for receiving the siddhis at the end of the dawn session on a day with auspicious astrology during the waxing moon; then come out as the sun is rising.

      You can learn about what to avoid, adopt, and so forth while in retreat from the general recitation manuals.

      This was composed by Khyentse Wangpo. May it be virtuous.


      (top) King Trisong Deutsen; (above) Vairochana

      A Concise Composition of Notes on the Approach and Accomplishment for Lamey Tukdrub Barchey Künsel, The Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles

       Jamgön Kongtrül

       The thought of you dispels all obstacles

       And when supplicated, you bestow the two siddhis.

       Lord Guru, embodiment of all buddhas,

       Accept me throughout all my lives.

       I will now, in accord with my master’s words,

       Compose an application of the Approach and Accomplishment

       For this unique buried treasure,

       The wondrous essence of one-billion guru sadhanas.

      Generally, for the basic descriptions of how to practice this, take the third chapter taught in the Sheldam Nyingjang as the basis and apply it, following your teacher’s oral advice in the extensive, medium, or concise version (Trinley Nyingpo), whichever is appropriate, and in accordance with the situation, in terms of place, time, and type of person.

      Whether you begin the practice of development or completion, first perform the general preliminaries of the fourfold mind training and the four special preliminaries.

      For the main part, according to the specifications of Terchen Chokgyur Lingpa, take Sheldam Nyingjang as the basis and first practice dharmakaya Amitayus, followed by sambhogakaya Great Compassionate One, combined with the Lotus Magical Net. After that, practice the nirmanakaya aspect combined with the extensive or medium version, whichever is suitable, and complete the set numbers of individual recitations for approach and accomplishment. Following that, it is necessary to perform successively the specific approach recitations, by combining the twelve manifestations with Trinley Nyingpo, and to complete the four activities and the four ancillary practices as well as the practice of the teaching guardians.

      According to the directions of the omniscient master, Padma Ösel Do-Ngak Lingpa (Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo): Perform the single mudra according to the Gyüngyi Köljang, the Concise Daily Practice Manual, as the beginning of the main part for the approach; perform the condensed outer mandala of Trinley Nyingpo, the Yoga of Essential Activity, for the full approach; do the Trinley Dringpo, the Medium Practice Manual, for the accomplishment; and perform Trinley Gyepa, the Extensive Practice Manual, together with Dzapkyi Köljang, the Recitation Manual, and so forth in a detailed way for the great accomplishment. The samadhis (concentrations) and visualizations for recitation of these should conform with the third chapter of the root text (Sheldam Nyingjang). Having properly performed the four aspects of approach and accomplishment, he taught that one should then perform the “specific practices,” such as those for dharmakaya, sambhogakaya, and so forth, whichever are suitable.

      There is no difference between following either of these two sets of directions, since they are both lords of these profound teachings. Nevertheless, in harmony with the methods of both great treasure masters, I will structure what they have taught on the way of performing the approach and accomplishment recitations, by means of only the Leyjang, Practice Manual, (Trinley Dringpo). I will describe it in a way that is easy to apply and in conformity with the present day’s general practitioners of number recitations. This structure has two parts: the extensive and the concise ways.


      It is essential to first have completed the mind training of the general preliminaries, such as the difficult-to-find freedoms and riches, and so forth. If you have not practiced them, they can be linked to the special preliminaries in this following way:

      Train your mind in the difficult-to-find freedoms and riches, thinking, “I will engage myself in taking refuge, the basis of all means for utilizing these freedoms and riches!” With this thought, visualize the objects of refuge. The chief figure is your own master as Nangsi Zilnön, the glorious subjugator of all that appears and exists, surrounded by the masters of the lineage. Before him are the yidams. To his right is the nirmanakaya Buddha. Behind him is the Dharma. To his left is the Sangha. All around him you imagine the dakinis, dharma protectors, and wealth gods.

      While understanding the general way of taking refuge and so forth, take refuge 100,000 times together with the amending

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