The House of God. Rev. John Peter Bodner

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The House of God - Rev. John Peter Bodner

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      Grace be with thee. Amen.

      1. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

      1 Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

      Praise our God forevermore

      Saints and angels, earth and heaven,

      Worship, bless Him and adore:

      O declare His glory now

      Till to Him all nations bow!

      2 Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

      Tell the sovereign, boundless love

      Of our God, th’Almighty Father

      Who in mercy, from above

      Gave His own beloved Son

      For the sins which we had done!

      3 Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

      Sound the Name of Jesus Christ,

      God th’incarnate Son, our Savior,

      Only Prophet, King and Priest

      Who to save us, once hath bled,

      Died, and risen from the dead!

      4 Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

      Now the Holy Spirit laud

      Who through prophets and apostles

      Breathed the oracles of God,

      Witness with the written Word

      Unto Christ our risen Lord!

      5 Hallelujah, Hallelujah!

      One true living God proclaim,

      Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

      Who possess the Sacred Name

      Of Jehovah: at His throne

      Bow and worship Him alone!

      Preparatory Reading: Old Testament: Genesis 12 New Testament: Matthew 1 Psalm: 1

      1 Timothy : Reading the entire Epistle

      The Book of God is in my hand—the Holy Scriptures. Let me pray that God may be pleased to give me freely the mind of Christ in these words which the Holy Ghost teaches. And let me prayerfully, slowly, thoughtfully take up and read this whole Epistle that I may give more earnest heed to the great salvation, and the great Savior it reveals.

      Savior Jesus! Cleanse and purge me as a vessel fit and meet for Thy use, my Master! How can I “make full proof” of Thy call and “my ministry?” Thou hast set Thy servant and Apostle Paul as a “teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity.” He has written by Thy Spirit to instruct Timothy, “how to behave in the House of God, which is the Church of the living God, the ground and pillar of the truth.” To him he declared, “Commit the same unto faithful men able to teach others also.” And so in my hands through Thy churches’ instruction, I hold my Bible, and in it hold this Epistle. Help me give myself wholly to these things, and continue in them, that my progress may be clear to all. Use this meditation, line upon line, precept upon precept, that I may take heed to myself and to the doctrine, and so to save myself and all who hear me (2 Tim 2:21; 4:5; 2 Tim 1:11)

      A Prayer for Illumination

      Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts:

      Heaven and earth is full of Thy glory!

      How excellent is Thy Name in all the earth,

      Who hast exalted Thy glory above the heavens.

      Thou hast magnified Thy Word above all Thy Name:

      Thy Word is truth:

      Almighty Father, only-begotten Son, Holy Spirit of God

      Thou art Jehovah, which dwelt in the bush:

      Who hast given the Law by Moses,

      Who spakest by the Prophets,

      Who in these last days hast spoken to us

      In Thy Son Jesus Christ, full of grace and truth:

      No man hath seen Thee at any time;

      No man can look upon Thee and live.

      Thou hast spoken: we have heard only a voice.

      Thou art neither in the fire, the wind or the earthquake,

      But in a still, small voice.

      Yet Thou who hast commanded the light the shine out of darkness

      Hast shined in our hearts to give us the knowledge of Thy glory

      In the face of Jesus Christ.

      That which was from the beginning, even the eternal Life

      That was with Thee, O God, that with Thee is God,

      Seen, heard, handled, witnessed

      The Word made flesh—God manifest in the flesh

      Is declared to us by the Apostles;

      That we also might have fellowship with Thee

      And with Thy Son Jesus:

      These things are written that our joy might be full.

      We have received the Gospel

      How that Christ died for our sins

      according to the Scriptures,

      That He was buried and rose again the third day

      according to the Scriptures;

      For thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer and to rise

      That repentance and remission of sins be preached in His Name

      To all nations,

      Preaching Jesus beginning at the same Scriptures.

      And we have known these Holy Scriptures

      Which are able to make us wise to salvation

      Through faith that is in Christ Jesus:

      We, even we who once were without God

      and without hope in the world

      are now built together a very habitation of God by the Spirit

      founded upon the Apostles and Prophets,

      Jesus Christ Himself the chief cornerstone.

      We come to Thee, O Lord Jesus,

      For to whom else can we go?

      Thou hast these words of eternal life!

      We believe and are sure that Thou art that Christ,

      The Son of the living God!

      We sit and hear Thy Word now at Thy feet,

      Prince and Savior

      Angel of the Covenant

      In whom we delight:

      Show us now what is noted in the Scripture of truth!

      No Scripture has come by private interpretation;

      But holy men spake as they were moved of the Holy Ghost:

      We beseech Thee then, Lord Jesus,

      Pray the Father, that He send us the Comforter, the Holy Ghost

      To lead us into all truth,

      To bring to remembrance whatsoever Thou hast said

      To glorify Thee!

      Come to us Thyself, in Him:Open the Scriptures and expound in them all

      The things concerning Thyself

      In the Law, the Prophets and the Psalms,

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