The House of God. Rev. John Peter Bodner

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The House of God - Rev. John Peter Bodner

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      3 Jesus our Lord, in Prophets, Law and Psalms,

      Thyself reveal, and of Thee let us learn;

      Upbraid our hardened hearts, our doubts and qualms—

      Speak, till our hearts again within us burn!

      4 O pass us not, Lord Jesus, by the way;

      We would constrain Thee with us to abide:

      Still with us tarry, far spent is the day;

      We fain would know Thee now in breaking bread.

      5 Jesus our Lord, who still amidst us stands,

      Open the Scriptures, all Thy glory show;

      Open our eyes, display Thy feet and hands:

      Open our understanding, Thee to know!

      6 Here do we tarry, witnesses to Thee:

      Spirit-endued, with power from on high,

      Preaching repentance, and redemption free—

      We bless Thee, praise Thee, ever in Thee joy!

      Preparatory Reading: Old Testament: Genesis 14; New Testament: Matthew 3 Psalm: 3

      1 Timothy 1:1–2

      Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God our Saviour, and Lord Jesus Christ, which is our hope; 2Unto Timothy, my own son in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord.

      Unto Timothy, mine own son in the faith: Paul is now about to open all his counsels, commandment, precepts, passions and life-long ambition to please Christ and win His crown from his heart, and entrust them all to Timothy: here is his legacy, here is the future of the apostolic Gospel, the apostolic Scriptures, the apostolic Churches. All are “committed” to “his own son in the faith.” To the Savior Paul has committed his own soul (2 Tim. 1:14). To Timothy Paul now commits his own work (1 Tim. 6:20).

      Paul, being dead, will yet speak through Timothy; and Timothy in turn will speak for Paul through us, and this Word is committed to us (2 Tim 2:2). So Paul is committing that same trust down the centuries to our day, to us, and to me.

      Mine own son in the faith: Paul has “begotten” Timothy by the Gospel in Lystra and Derbe (1 Cor 4:15, Acts 14:6–21, 16:1–2). The lad, with his mother and grandmother are the travail of his soul (Gal 4:19) for whom he bears the scars of being stoned and left for dead (Gal 6:17; Acts 14:6–7, 19–22). He sees the impress of his doctrine and desires upon this young man in the faith; he recalls now years of faithful, routine service to Christ with him as “father and son” (Phil. 2:22), cherishing him with his interventions (1 Cor 16:10–11) and intercessions (2 Tim. 1:3). Other men now see me as a son in the faith—let me pray that I too may “beget” others “by the Gospel” and to others commit the faith, my charge and my “good things” (2 Tim. 1:13–14).

      Paul blesses this his son and prepares him for all he must learn, by commending him to God in Christ Jesus—to His grace, despite all our sin and corruption; to His mercy, despite all our sorrow and misery; to His peace, despite all our trials and troubles. Enveloped in the presence and power, the favor and love of the Father and the Savior, sin cannot overcome grace, Satan cannot assail mercy, circumstance cannot perturb peace. The flesh, the devil and the world are shut out behind the closet door where God alone sees in secret (Matt 6:6; Isa 26: 20).

      Wall my soul round; hedge me in, O Father God, in Thy grace, greater than my sin; in Thy mercy, in every time of need; in Thy peace which passes all understanding—keep my heart and mind by Jesus Christ our Lord!

      4. My Only Comfort

      1 My only comfort would you know

      Amid this world of sin and woe

      That keeps my heart through all its strife—

      The pangs of death, the pains of life?

      2 In life, in death, is this alone

      My comfort—I am not my own:

      With soul and body I belong

      To Jesus Christ, my Strength and Song.

      3 My faithful Savior, with His Blood,

      Full satisfaction made to God

      For all my sins, and rescued me

      From all the devil’s tyranny.

      4 He so preserves and keeps me still

      That now, without my Father’s will

      No hair can fall from off my head

      Yea, all must serve my good instead.

      5 My soul He therefore doth assure

      Shall to eternal life endure:

      And me His Spirit willing makes

      Henceforth to live for Jesu’s sake.

      6 My guilt, though I cannot forget

      Is great, His grace surpasses yet:

      My gratitude shall ever praise

      His glory to eternal days!

      7 Let heaven and earth acclaim abroad

      Jehovah—one, true living God

      Eternal King and Lord of hosts:The Father, Son and Holy Ghost!


      Preparatory Reading: Old Testament: Genesis 15; New Testament: Matthew 4 Psalm: 4

      1 Timothy 1:3–4

      3As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine, 4Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.

      Abide still . . . so do: Lord Jesus, arm me and nerve me to persevere and discharge my calling where I am; to keep on with my task and get it done—without loitering, malingering, or hesitation. What I am to do, I know; how I am to live, I know. Make me a doer and no mere hearer of Thy Word—and bless me in my deed! (1 Cor 7:20, 24; Jas 1:22, 25).

      To my hearers, and all believers, I must charge them that they teach no other doctrine: to stick to the Scriptures, not to meddle with the Gospel message, neither to add nor take away jot nor title. This is so vital, and yet so hard. So prone are we to love novelty; to flatter ourselves with vain embellishment—as if we might enhance a rare painting with graffiti to show we were there! No other doctrine than the good confession of Thy Word in truth need I know, need I learn, need I heed. Such a vast treasure have I in the Bible, so unsearchable are the riches of Christ—I have a life’s work even fairly to master it all or really use it. What need then of other doctrine? (Ps 119:72, 96; Eph 3:8).

      I may and must insist that my people and hearers give heed to no other doctrine, for none other is divinely revealed (1 Tim.6:1), guaranteed to save (1 Thess. 2:13), effectual in power, or able to make us free (John 8:31). This is “the doctrine according to godliness” (1 Tim. 6:3), the “doctrine of God our Saviour” (Tit. 2:10), “the doctrine of Christ” (2 John 9) “good doctrine” (Prov 4:2), “sound doctrine” (Tit. 2:1)—doctrine that drops as the rain and distills as the dew (Deut 32:21).

      No other doctrine has any claim or place in my life, or my hearers’ lives. If I am not wise in my own conceits, and not wise above what is written, what of it? The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God; I am Christ’s, and Christ is God’s (Rom 12:16; 1 Cor 4:6, 3:19–23).

      The world passes away, and the lusts thereof; only he who does the will of God abide for ever. (1 John 2:17). Savior, let me abide still and so do.

      5. Jesus, Thou art My Shepherd


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