The topos of Divine Testimony in Luke-Acts. James R. McConnell

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The topos of Divine Testimony in Luke-Acts - James R. McConnell

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now, it is Jupiter who brought it about that they happen. He is not present at every event for every person but he gives the signal, the force, the cause, to all” (Nat. 2.46.1). For Pliny the Elder’s discussion of this topic, see Nat. 2.52.137–54.141.

      “Son: How then do you distinguish between the two kinds of arguments you speak of?

      Father: Arguments thought of without using a system I term arguments from outside, for instance the evidence of witnesses. . . .

      [At this point there is a question and answer concerning internal arguments.]

      Son: What kinds of evidence are there?

      Father: Divine and human. Divine evidence is for instance oracles, auspices, prophecies, the answers of priests and augurs and diviners; human evidence is what is viewed in the light of authority and inclination and things said either freely or under compulsion—the evidence that includes written documents, pledges, promises, statements made on oath or under examination” (Part. or. 2.6).

      “Wait till the time shall come when a mule is monarch of Media:

      Then, thou delicate Lydian, away to the pebbles of Hermus;

      Haste thee and no longer stay, nor have awe of being a coward” (37.7).

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