Survival: The Ultimate Mission. Robert M.D. Skaf
Читать онлайн книгу.earth allow only one species like ours to evolve in complete contrast to other mammals that either hibernate or ruminate? In terms of efficiency we even rank below cattle. Even without the modern toys we have invented, our way of life would still be taxing on the environment. Simply put, we require more resources than any other species. Without the ability to hibernate or ruminate we require more resources than any other living thing. From clothing to fuel to shelter… you name it. And if this was not enough, we also require an enormous amount of resources for defense and recreation. Think golf courses, stadiums, football fields and many more. Just how much energy a single arena requires? Still, this misfit goes beyond what we do to nature, it is probably better pronounced in the way we behave. Considering the number of people who commit suicide every day in the most affluent of societies, and bearing in mind that one in five people in our society may suffer from one type of mental illness or another, is a clear indication on how our unnatural way of life causes the mind to become totally fixated on self-destruction - even when the physical needs of the body are met. Satisfying the soul requires more than materialistic gratification. We need other functions to stave off sadness, loneliness, emptiness and boredom, all of which, if they persist can lead to suicide. It is a sad fact that in Canada the highest rate of suicide is found in remote regions. We may have been convinced or try to convince ourselves that intelligence is always advantageous to survival; however, the facts have shown this assumption to be false. It is time we recognize that biological intelligence is perhaps more suitable for survival on this planet. Only then would we be willing to consider evolutionary theories other than the ones proposed by evolutionists like Darwin. Looking at evolutionary biology from this perspective helps us understand why it makes sense for an intelligent species to devolve into a non-intelligent one and why apes could be the descendants of an intelligent species. Only utter arrogance makes us belief that evolutionary biology must unfold in a Darwinian fashion. Even though, I happen to believe that we are the descendants of a supreme species, unlike Darwin, I am also convinced that under extreme conditions we are capable of turning into vicious self-destructive beings. Just because we have developed a sophisticated brain does not mean, as a species, we have completely forgotten about our urges and instinctive biological survival methods including cannibalism. Furthermore, I am sure that at the present time we are not better equipped to survive longer than any other unintelligent species. Let’s face it, in purely biological terms; all other species are better equipped than us to survive. Many of them have been around for millions if not billions of years. To be around for this long, we must be very inventive and creative and it all depends on how much preparation we are going to make which will help us cope with the pending dramatic changes in the climate and how successful in fighting diseases. (In my life time, humanity was threatened with extermination by the Hon Kong flu, AIDS, SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), the avian flu and lately the swine flu). Failing to deal with pending catastrophes as such would lead to outcomes: a) death and annihilation, b) a more pragmatic and logical solution for any species, intelligent or otherwise, would be to copy the evolution of similar terrestrial species - especially the ones that have successfully developed an effective immunity to viruses. This is exactly what this aforementioned distant intelligent alien species did when it had decided to turn into apes. Not only would this theory explain why our species and the ape species share so many traits and genes in common, while looking completely different from all other species, but it would also propose that apes happen to be the descendants of an alien species. The difference between humans and primates can be demonstrated in the way they deal with nature. Chimps and apes have evolved to blend in with nature, we may look alike, but we are the complete opposite when it comes to nature. We change our natural surroundings to meet our needs. Still, this is not the entire story. Apes and primates have nothing in commons with arthropods, we do. Of all species, we happen to be the only one that is known to practice imprisonment, torture, extortion and genocide. For anyone who believes us to be at pinnacle of civilization, the refined version of a sophisticated evolution, the finest Darwinian extraction, I ask: how can this be the case when we are still capable of committing this sort of atrocious acts? As I was editing this page, the media was reporting the story of an Austrian father (Josef Fritzl) who locked his own daughter in a dungeon for over 24 years while abusing her, sexually, mentally, and psychologically, in the process fathering seven children with her. In my view, this type of behaviour is only encountered among insects. This incident and many more lend more convincing support to my argument about our strong connection to insects. Darwin and most religions are of the view that humans are the finest beings ever created. This, I find very hard to believe. Look at us, there is no other species that comes close to being troubled, insecure, confused and violent like us. Look at how many of us are addicted to chemicals and alcohol. Just compare our conditions to the pure processes of evolutionary biology. For a moment take us out of the picture of a living earth. What do you see? What does nature imply? All around, you see beauty, peace and serenity. In other word you see paradise or in biblical terms a jumbo size Garden of Eden. This is what evolutionary biology was able to create. What did we do with this creation? Not only did we abuse it, but more importantly we failed to realize that this gift is paradise, even worse, we completely ignored the possibility that this earth with all its amazing beauty could be paradise and that we should feel lucky to live on it. If the purpose of evolution is to improve the odds for survival we certainly have a paradox here. On one hand we happen to be well equipped to survive as a species yet we sure manage to make it very miserable to live - for ourselves and all others. Furthermore, if we do not change our habits we may end up destroying everything. This possibility gives me another reason to doubt the theory of us being remotely connected to anything earthly - let alone apes. It simply defies logic to expect this wonderful ecosystem we call nature, which is the creation of evolutionary biology, to give birth to a species like ours which has the potential of destroying it - not on its own free will anyway. In addition to all of that, according to Darwin, and in purely biological terms, all sorts of living forms can be recreated as long as the seeds of life survive, notwithstanding the fact that the new living forms may evolve to be different than their former. Strangely enough, our own body may be the source of new life forms as well. Many insects and worms, in addition to bacteria and viruses, choose to live as parasites by simply attaching themselves to higher forms such as birds, fishes and mammals- which of course include us. It is a fact that the human eye happens to be the host for tiny mites that help it stay moist. On the other hand some worms are able to make their way through our digestive system and survive as parasites without us even noticing their intrusion. So, observing how living forms interact amongst each other’s, one would have to agree with Darwin. Simply put, if our own body can make the perfect host for lower life forms, what is to prevent us from turning them to hosts for us or what is to stop them from playing a host for our birth? If our body and that of all other living forms make an ideal host for all kinds of bacteria and viruses, who is to say they are not in turn the perfect seeds for the birth of new life forms. Despite all of that, nothing human like has been created and why? My only answer is a repeat of what I have been saying all along: we are not the product of earth. This placid planet is not even the origin of the Neanderthals. There is no reason for any earthly species to acquire any type of intelligence. However, that does not mean this may not happen in the future. In so far, and as long as the conditions on earth are so hospitable, no species will evolve to develop a large complex brain like ours. We have seen the products of this planet, they do not include any species that has the same mental capacity or creative mind we happen to have. Earth gives birth to gentle and peaceful mammals. Intelligent, destructive species like ours evolve on a different planet where and extremely harsh and violent environment has been able to prevail for a long time.
The scenario portrayed by evolutionists cannot be applied to us in purely biological terms, let alone intelligent evolution where things turn out to be completely different. It is very simplistic, if not naive, to expect that intelligent life could spring back to existence by the mere reaction of certain chemicals or organic materials. It is a mystery to me why an evolution must go through so many stages to find intelligence. If one was to agree that different life forms may evolve from bacteria, why must we assume that this new life form should first go through a dumb stage in order to reach intelligence? Furthermore, we are told that certain neurons are responsible for the function of the brain, if this is the case, which is to stay that these so called neurons could only form in brains and not in different environments. In fact, recent research proves that even micro-organisms including parasites are able to communicate and