Survival: The Ultimate Mission. Robert M.D. Skaf

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Survival: The Ultimate Mission - Robert M.D. Skaf

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      My point could be summarized as follows: Darwin may be right in theorizing that species are continuously evolving, however, his theory does not cover all the possibilities that might occur during this process. A species may reach an intelligent state but an intelligent species may also revert to a non-intelligent survival, for the reason stated earlier. Conversely, an insect species, or for that matter a fish species may evolve into an intelligent one, before evolving into a mammal or primate. There are women, even with a degree in medicine who suffer through a depression after giving birth - it is called postpartum syndrome. Some may even commit suicide and kill their own new born at the same time. This type of compulsive behaviour, this strange syndrome is alien to mammals. Insects and fish are known to expire after laying their eggs. Drones (male bees) are so exhausted after mating that they die right after copulating with the bee queen. Most salmons fail to make it back to the ocean after spawning. This so called postpartum syndrome, that inflicts a high percentage of new parents, is and but one indication on how we may be related to insects more so than primates. Later on I will explain how this connection may have played a significant role in the rise of almost every warmonger, from Alexander the great to Hitler. Scientists have not bothered investigating this possibility - perhaps for the fear or becoming the subject of ridicule by their peers. I do not claim to be a scientist - much less an expert on anything in particular- but as long as there is no solid proof that our race has evolved from apes, I would be more inclined to believe that in reality what could have taken place is the opposite; which is to say that the human race or definitely an intelligent race is responsible for the birth of many living forms. Sometime in the distant past - billions of years before our planet had even existed - somewhere in this Continuous Creation an intelligent species became very tired of living with awareness and decided to survive without this heavy burden. Since then, it has given birth to other living forms such as mammals. From a purely biological existence, this type of devolution makes perfect sense. The argument may go this way: suppose an intelligent species comes to the realization that regardless of how high the cultural and technological levels attained, nothing can be done to be saved from dying off as the ultimate catastrophe strikes (examples: the death of a star, or the total pulverization of a planet upon colliding with another one). Furthermore, suppose that this intelligent species was also able to discover that biological life can be recreated without the need of any biological seeds. For a species that has developed this type of reasoning, it would be easy to question the sanity of living with intelligence and all its agonies. Look at our situation, who wants to live with wars, cruelty, torture and violence. This aspect alone of an intelligent life should justify taking a different approach to survival. In this case other mammals would not only be our descendants, but also, prior to choosing a more simple and peaceful sort of evolution, they must have been able to reach higher levels of knowledge and analytical reasoning than the ones known to us. Biologists may have convinced us to see ourselves as the refined version of a long and arduous evolution; however, looking at things from a different perspective, one cannot deny that our species still has a long way to go before being able to live in the same peaceful manners as most mammals do. We may try very hard to convince ourselves that we are the only species with brain power, however, who is to say that other mammals brain works in a way we are yet to decipher. Perhaps they have developed a mind which turns into a force that is able to influence physiology, whereas in our case, we happen to focus outward on mental and intellectual evolution. Our mind is the creative type that is geared to influence what is around us, theirs is the biological type that evolved to focus inward on the physiology of the body. We are definitely from two different planets. We may share many biological features with many earthly species; however, things are much different when one compares our brain to theirs. For instance, scientists have not been able to offer any answers on why so many of us become addicted to a myriad of substances and habits. Even over eating is a puzzle. In my opinion addictions, as many other bizarre human behaviours can only be explained by accepting the fact that our species had evolved on a different planet. Addiction on this planet may be harmful to our survival. At first glance, we may see no reason for a sophisticated brain to allow such a deviancy to develop. However, if one takes a more profound look at writing, composing music, painting, discovering, inventing, exploring and other human activities, one may realize that each and every one of these activities is in many ways a form of addiction. Our brain does not suffer from any deficiency. The chemicals that draw us to addiction are the product of the brain. Here on earth only few among us require these chemicals to become addicted to writing or engaging in any intellectual activities. But the situation would have been completely different on a distant hostile planet where any task would have been much more arduous and meticulous than anything known to us on this planet. This book is the perfect example on how addiction can be helpful in bringing a literary work to fruition. It is even hard for me to believe that if has been over 40 years since the concept of this essay was first conceived. Without this addictive obsession to accomplishment, no commitment could have been sustained for this long. The situation is no different with other artists and scientists. For instance it is not abnormal for a senior scientist to spend a lifetime researching a single topic. It is obsessive addiction that helps sustain our yearning to explore and discover. Unfortunately, a person leading an aimless life is prone to become lost in the wilderness, like a huge idle engine, the brain is activated but has nowhere to go; a case in which keeping it running becomes too expensive for the body and too taxing for the mind. Chemicals such as alcohol, cocaine or even prescription drugs become the only restrains available to subdue this raging beast. But even if this was not the case, just the fact that we are so easily prone to addiction is a clear indication that at one time in our history we needed many drugs to deal with all sorts of ailments with depression and mental illnesses being some of them. Ancient civilizations abused all types of drugs even mercury pills were known to be consumed long before any new drugs became available. Right from the start, we had trouble fitting in the new environment. Surviving on earth does not require the abuse of any drugs. Only in extreme situation of pain do we need to resort to some sort of sedatives. Ancient civilizations had no trouble discovering several natural tranquilizers. That by itself is very helpful to our survival. Suicide would be the alternative. That said the reason that some of us become addicted to chemicals goes back to our outer space experience. Whether they were useful for our survival or not is hard to answer. How else can one explain the proliferation of such scourge into our lives? There must be a reason for this self-destructive behaviour. Other species don’t have to deal with these problems, they happen to be the products of earth, a gentle and hospitable planet. We are or must be the product of a planet of harsh climate where water was scarce and resources were very limited. Most species found a way to live in peace and harmony with the environment. Most of them lead a simple predictable stable existence. In most cases their serenity and joy of life can be compared to heaven. Biologically and physiologically they are far ahead of our flimsy approach to nature which leaves us susceptible to all sorts of dangers. We incessantly seek new drugs to numb our physical and emotional pain. Some researchers are even introducing a new drug which would help erase any memories associated with trauma and tragedy. We are constantly finding new ways to process our food and protect ourselves from nature. We have not and we will never be able to adapt to this planet because our origin belongs to a different one with extreme conditions. The irony is that it is in such an atmosphere where arts, particularly music, become essential for survival and where science trumps nature. Even to this date, humans can survive on earth without the benefits of arts. It was a different story on another planet. A species like ours found music and arts to be useful for its survival and decided to invent them. Perhaps, this explains why no other species on this planet bothers with arts. Again, one can see why I keep refuting the Darwinian connection between us and any other earthly primate. One may speculate that our evolution is very similar to that of two sub-species of bees. One that evolved in the fertile conditions of Europe and one in the harsh arid desert of Africa. In the late eighties, the so called killer bees of Africa invaded Europe; to everyone’s surprise, the more aggressive African bees ended up destroying all other timid bees. We happened to be the killers’ bees of the animal kingdom. Despite our intellect, we can be cruel, mean, vengeful, vindictive, atrocious and abusive. On the other hand, other living forms may act in a cruel way, yet they never subscribe to the rest of our less attractive uncontrollable urges and behavioural tendencies - abuse and torture in particular. Basically, if it were not for our creativity, it would be very difficult for anyone of us to see any hope for our species

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