Survival: The Ultimate Mission. Robert M.D. Skaf
Читать онлайн книгу.for survival. According to many paleontologists and neurologists, human beings still utilize less than 20% of their brain capacity. This is not a mere speculation; this is the finding of scientific researchers and experts with accreditation. In view of this observation and in view of the fact that the brain has hardly changed since our race surfaced on this planet, one may deduce that early humans did not even need 1% of the brain capacity we have for their survival. In fact, human beings led a very simple life until the introduction of agriculture which in turn saw the establishment of settlement that gave birth to extended clans which eventually saw the introduction of tribes or governments in their simplest forms. Some may argue that humans evolved through different stages and the version we are linked to did not evolve until sixty thousand years ago. But even at that relative recent age, there was no need for all this brain power. Actually, there was no need for a large and sophisticated brain even ten thousand years back - let alone sixty thousands. Still, there must be reasons for any species to acquire such a complex apparatus with such a huge capacity not only to think in the abstract and learn so many skills, but more importantly to be inventive and creative. In fact, some ancient inventions like the mechanical calendar were so complex and sophisticated that even modern scientists are still unable to unlock the secrets behind them. Since those reasons cannot be found on earth we must look at different planets with different environments. Although may be lacking in intelligence, evolution happens to provide all living forms with a highly sophisticated method of adaptation to the environment they live in. Looking at the way we have been treating our environment; observing how cumbersome and complex our social structure has turned out to be ( particularly in the industrialized nations where people can no longer establish true and meaningful relationship, a subject which will be discussed at length later on in this essay ); noticing how torture has been practiced in the past and still goes on even as this essay is being written; seeing how men and women are being raped and used as sex slaves; reflecting on the atrocities perpetrated on the innocents; remembering the holocaust and other genocides; witnessing in shock and disbelieve the senseless killings occurring on daily basis; all this and more leave me no choice but to conclude that our biological and physiological evolution is much inferior to the evolution of other mammal, and perhaps all other living things that happen to make this planet their home. There is no doubt in my mind that all animals are by far kinder, gentler, more civilized and content than humans. They do not torture or commit atrocities. Just by examining the peaceful life of most mammals and the gentle ways they go about their business, one has to wonder how we alone turned out to be the exception. There is but one explanation: we did not evolve on this planet. We have stopped evolving in a biological and physiological fashion some millions if not billions of years ago, back where we lived on a different planet. Long ago our distant ancestors must have realized how ineffective this strategy was when it comes to dealing with the sudden changes brought about by the awesome power of nature. What they had been subjected to in terms of hardship must have exceeded anything we are familiar with on this planet. We are looking at an environment that is completely different from anything we have seen on earth. So severe that climate was that none of the tactics used by any terrestrial species to survive would have been of any use - the Emperor Penguin included. Despite the frigid temperature of Antarctica where the mercury could easily dip below one hundred degrees Celsius, when the wind factor is included, this wonderful bird is able to survive without any artificial shelter for months. Like many other species, this particular Penguin saw no need to evolve beyond biology and physiology. For our species to evolve beyond that one must assume that the conditions we were exposed to must have been by far more atrocious and these hostile conditions could have only been found on another planet. Despite having a tilted axel, extreme weather conditions happen to be the norm at the earth poles. Imagine a planet with a straight axel where extreme conditions prevail on one side where a species had to survive. This species could have been us. This planet could have been located beyond our solar system and our predecessors could have lived on it billions of years before our galaxy was even formed. Actually, if the big bang theory is correct, no living form would have survived after this cosmic explosion. Technically speaking, life could have only restarted by making its journey back to earth from another galaxy if not from another universe. In this case, intelligent life would be much older than our own universe. Our fascination with heavens must indicate something to us. I have never seen any other species interested in the cosmos or praying. Chances are we could have even visited other galaxies before we made it to earth. The origin of astrology may be more scientific than one might thing. Imagine for a moment that intergalactic travel was to become possible, knowing how space is warped and how worm holes can shorten a journey as such would become as important as acquiring the technology to travel beyond any solar system. Ancient civilization must have known something about stars that we still have to discover. What seems to be a superstitious exercise to us today may have been a serious advanced science millennia past? There must be a connection to something far more sophisticated than anything known to us. And who knows, we, ourselves, might have even originated from another universe which could have existed before the big bang and which we are unable to detect at the present time. Where and when did we really originate is and will always remain a mystery. In any case, if the big bang theory is accurate, life should have been wiped out. The only way it could have been restarted would have been from a source originating from another universe. Nevertheless, whenever and wherever we first lived we must have started like any other living form on this planet that store food for a harsh season. However, at some point drastic changes in the weather must have forced us to start growing our own food. Those events must have taken place billions of years earlier, under a climate that is completely different from the one known to us on planet earth. Our own planet was subjected to such extreme weather conditions on several occasions known as the ice ages. So, if our docile planet can suffer such events, imagine what could happen on less hospitable planets. For instance an ice age on such planets may cover the whole globe and might occur quite often. Or a heat wave could last for centuries. Another possibility, the planet we originated from could have turned colder by pulling away from its star or could have gone in the opposite direction and gotten much hotter. The earth tilted axel is responsible for changing the seasons. From what I have learned, it is almost impossible to find two planets with identical axel. A minute inclination in the axel could translate into drastic change in the climate, for instance the planet we are talking about could have a summer that lasted several year in one zone with an equally long harsh winter in another zone. A more extreme scenario would be living on a planet that is being constantly bombarded by asteroids, or could have been subjected to violent storms, or tremors, or tsunamis. In fact, this is where the idea of a structure like the pyramids could have been useful - for although it can’t be proven, this early knowledge in geometry could be the connection between this planet and a distant civilization. In fact, one may be justified in speculating that ancient civilizations had seen signal towers long before they began building pyramids. These signal towers would have been needed to maintain communication between the original planet and the pioneers who first landed on earth. They could have been used for observation as well. Not only that, but as we shall suggest later on, pyramids are the perfect design for a space elevator. I am not an expert on the subject, but the way the Egyptians prepared their monarchs for the afterlife, or even the common people for that matter, implies a connection to an origin or to space travelling that took place in the distant past. In fact the word travel is used often in describing how by following certain steps a deceased could be set on a journey to reach another world. Combine that with all ancient civilizations interest in astronomy and see why this writer strongly believes in humanity descending from an alien origin. There was nothing practical for any of these practices, yet some findings even suggest knowledge about cosmic rays and waves.
Going back to our original topic, one may speculate that as time went by, our distant ancestors ended up losing the knowledge and technology they brought along with them. Their descendant could only duplicate what they did by building these pyramids that look like signal towers. (In a latter part the subject of pyramids will be brought back to illustrate how such a structure may be essential to survive in a world devoid of any sunlight). Regardless of whether one can prove any connection between the pyramids and an alien civilization, my argument was that the reason we are so different than any other species goes back to the fact that our evolution took place on another planet with a different climate where drastic change in the weather would have forced many animals to perish. Under these circumstances it would be very difficult to tell which