A Comparative Vocabulary Study Guide: Spanish to English. Robert D. O'Brian

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A Comparative Vocabulary Study Guide: Spanish to English - Robert D. O'Brian

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access; entrance, entry; admittance

      ACCESORIO (A), accessory, incidental, extra

      ACCIDENTADO (A), rough, uneven; troubled

      ACCIDENTALMENTE, accidentally, unintentionally

      ACCIDENTE, accident, chance; collision, accident

      ACCIÓN, action, act; movement

      ACELERACIÓN, acceleration

      ACELERADO (A), rapid, quick, accelerated

      ACELERADOR, accelerator, gas pedal

      ACENTO, accent, stress, emphasis

      ACENTUACIÓN, accentuation; emphasis, force

      ACEPTABLE, acceptable, passable

      ACEPTACIÓN, acceptance, approval; popularity

      ACERBO, bitter, sour; harsh

      ACETATO, acetate

      ACETONA, acetone

      ACIDEZ, acidity; sourness

      ÁCIDO (A), acid, sharp, sour; acid (QUIM)

      ACLAMACIÓN, acclamation, applause

      ACOMODADIZO (A), accommodating, obliging; pliable

      ACORDE, in accord/agreement with; compliance

      ACOTACIÓN, marginal note

      ACORDEÓN, accordion

      ACRÓBATA, acrobat

      ACROBÁTICO (A), acrobatic

      ACTITUD, attitude, position, feeling, view

      ACTIVIDAD, activity

      ACTIVISTA, activist

      ACTIVO (A), active, hardworking, lively, energetic

      ACTO, act, action

      ACTRIZ, actress

      ACTUACIÓN; performance

      ACTUALIDAD, nowadays; currently, presently

      ACTUALIZACIÓN, updating

      ACTUALMENTE (adv), currently, at present, presently

      ACUÁRIUM, aquarium

      ACUÁTICO (A), aquatic

      ACUMULACIÓN, accumulation, accretion

      ACUMULANDO, accumulating, increasing, adding

      ACUMULATIVO (A), cumulative; progressive

      ACUPUNTURA, acupuncture

      ACUSACIÓN, charge, accusation, indictment

      ACUSADO (A), accused; marked, pronounced

      ACUSATORIO (A), accusatory, accusing

      ACÚSTICA, acoustics

      ACÚSTICO (A), acoustic

      ADAGIO, adage, proverb; adagio (MUS)

      ADAPTABILIDAD, adaptability, versatility

      ADAPTACIÓN, adjustment, adaptation

      ADHERENCIA, adherence

      ADHERENTE, adhesive, sticky

      ADHESIVO (A), adhesive, adherent

      ADICCIÓN, addiction to drugs, food

      ADICIÓN, addition (MAT); check

      ADICIONAL, additional, extra

      ADICTIVO (A), addictive, compulsive, obsessive

      ADICTO (A), addict, abuser; enthusiast

      ADITIVO, additive

      ADJETIVO, adjective

      ADMINISTRACIÓN, administration, management

      ADMINISTRADOR (A), administrator, manager

      ADMINISTRATIVO (A), administrative, managerial

      ADMIRACIÓN, admiration

      ADMIRADOR (A), admirer

      ADMISIBLE, admissible, acceptable

      ADMISIÓN, admission, acceptance

      ADMONICIÓN, warning, reprimand, admonition

      ADOLESCENCIA, adolescence

      ADOLESCENTE (adj), adolescent

      ADOPCIÓN, adoption, acceptance, assumption

      ADORACIÓN, adoration, worship

      ADORNO, adornment, ornament, ornamentation

      ADQUISICIÓN, acquisition, purchase

      ADRENALINA, adrenaline

      ADULACIÓN, adulation, flattery

      ADULTERACIÓN, adulteration

      ADULTERIO, adultery

      ADÚLTERO (A), adulterer, adulteress

      ADULTO (A), adult, grown-up

      ADVERBIO, adverb

      ADVERSARIO (A), adversary, opponent

      ADVERSIDAD, adversity, setback, mishap

      ADVERSO (A), adverse

      ADVERTENCIA, warning, word of advice

      AERONÁUTICO (A), aeronautical

      AEROPUERTO, airport

      AFABLE, affable, genial

      AFAMADO (A), famous, noted

      AFECCIÓN (MED), complaint, disease

      AFECTACIÓN, affectation

      AFECTADO (A), affected, moved, touched; afflicted

      AFECTO, affection, fondness

      AFECTUOSO (A), affectionate, loving, attached

      AFICIONADO (A), keen, enthusiastic, fan (DEP)

      AFILIACIÓN, affiliation, membership

      AFÍN, similar, related

      AFINIDAD, affinity, similarity

      AFIRMACIÓN, affirmation, assertion, confirmation

      AFIRMATIVO (A), affirmative, positive

      AFLAUTADO (A), high, fluty

      AFLICCIÓN, suffering, sorrow, affliction

      AFORTUNADAMENTE, fortunately, luckily

      AFORTUNADO (A), lucky, fortunate

      AGENCIA, agency, office, bureau

      AGENTE, agent

      ÁGIL, agile, quick, swift; dexterous; lively

      AGILIDAD, agility, nimbleness

      ÁGILMENTE, nimbly, quickly, swiftly

      AGITACIÓN, shaking, stirring, bustle

      AGITADO (A), choppy, rough, turbulent, bumpy, agitated

      AGITADOR (A), political activist

      AGNÓSTICO (A), agnostic

      AGONÍA, death throes, dying moments

      AGONÍAS (adj), moaner, whiner

      AGONIZANTE, dying

      AGORAFOBIA, agoraphobia

      AGOSTO, August

      AGRADABLE, pleasant, nice, agreeable

      AGRAVAMIENTO, aggravation; worsening (MED)

      AGRAVANTE, aggravating circumstance/ factor

      AGRAVIO, offense, insult, grievance


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