A Comparative Vocabulary Study Guide: Spanish to English. Robert D. O'Brian

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A Comparative Vocabulary Study Guide: Spanish to English - Robert D. O'Brian

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      AGRESIVO (A), aggressive, combative, antagonistic

      AGRESOR (A), aggressor, attacker, assailant

      AGRESTE, wild, rough; uncouth person

      AGRÍCOLA, agricultural, farming

      AGRICULTOR (A), farmer

      AGRICULTURA, agriculture, farming

      AGRONOMÍA, agronomy

      AGRÓNOMO (A), agronomist

      AGRUPACIÓN, group, association, grouping

      AGRUPAMIENTO, grouping

      AGUA, water

      AGUADO (A), watery, thin; watered down, weak

      AGUAMARINA, aquamarine

      AIRE, air

      ALABASTRO, alabaster

      ALARMA, alarm

      ALARMANTE, alarming, frightening, terrifying, shocking

      ALBATROS, albatross

      ÁLCALI, alkali

      ALCALINO, alkaline

      ALCALOIDE, alkaloid

      ALCOHÓLICO (A), alcoholic

      ALCOHOLISMO, alcoholism

      ALEGACIÓN, declaration, statement

      ALEGORÍA, allegory; symbol; metaphor

      ALEGÓRICO (A), allegorical, allegoric; figurative

      ALERGIA, allergy

      ALÉRGICO (A), allergic

      ALERTA, alert, watchful; wary, cautious

      ALFA, alpha

      ALFABETO, alphabet

      ALGEBRAICO (A), algebraic

      ALIENACIÓN, alienation, distance, antagonize

      ALIENÍGENA, alien

      ALINEACIÓN, alignment; lineup (DEP)

      ALITERACIÓN, alliteration

      ALOCUCIÓN, address, speech, allocution

      ALPINO (A), Alpine

      ALTAMENTE (adv), highly

      ALTERACIÓN, alteration, change; upset, disturbance

      ALTERADO (A), upset

      ALTERCADO, altercation, argument

      ALTERNADOR, alternator

      ALTERNANCIA, alternation, rotation

      ALTERNATIVA, alternative, option, choice

      ALTERNATIVAMENTE, alternatively

      ALTERNATIVO (A), alternating; alternative

      ALTITUD, altitude

      ALTIVO (A), haughty, arrogant

      ALTRUISMO, altruism, selflessness, unselfish

      ALTRUISTA, altruistic, altruist

      ALTURA, height, high, lofty, peak

      ALUCINACIÓN, hallucination

      ALUMINIO, aluminum

      ALUMNADO, student body

      ALUMNO (A), student, pupil

      ALUSIÓN, allusion; reference, hint

      ALUSIVO (A), allusive, passing, covert, indirect

      AMABILIDAD, kindness, courtesy

      AMABLE, kind, nice

      AMABLEMENTE, kindly

      AMALGAMA, amalgam, mixture, blend

      AMATISTA, amethyst

      ÁMBAR, amber

      AMBICIÓN, ambition, drive, enterprise, initiative

      AMBICIOSO (A), ambitious, zealous, energetic

      AMBIDEXTRO (A), ambidextrous

      AMBIENTAL, background, environmental

      AMBIENTACIÓN, atmosphere, ambient; setting

      AMBIENTE, surroundings

      AMBIGUAMENTE, ambiguously

      AMBIGÜEDAD, ambiguity

      AMBIGUO (A), ambiguous, equivocal, vague

      AMBIVALENTE, ambivalent

      AMBULANCIA, ambulance

      AMBULANTE, mobile

      AMENO, pleasant, nice, agreeable, amenable

      AMIGABLE, amicable, friendly, sociable

      AMIGO (A), friend

      AMISTAD, friendship

      AMISTOSO (A), friendly, amiable, cordial, genial

      AMNISTÍA, amnesty, pardon, reprieve, remission

      AMONÍACO, ammonia

      AMOROSO (A), amorous, loving, affectionate

      AMORTIZACIÓN, amortization, redemption

      AMPERIO, ampere

      AMPLIABLE, expandable

      AMPLIACIÓN, expansion, extension, enlargement

      AMPLIFICACIÓN, amplification

      AMPLITUD, roominess, spaciousness

      AMPUTACIÓN, amputation

      AMULETO, amulet

      ANAGRAMA, anagram

      ANALGÉSICO, analgesic

      ANÁLISIS, analysis

      ANALISTA, analyst

      ANALÍTICO (A) (adj), analytical, analytic

      ANALÓGICO (A), analogical

      ANALOGÍA, analogy, similarity

      ANÁLOGO (A), analogous, similar; analogue

      ANATEMA, anathema; detested, rejected

      ANATOMÍA, anatomy

      ANATÓMICO (A), anatomical

      ANCESTRO, ancestor, predecessor, precursor

      ANCHOA, anchovy

      ÁNCORA, anchor

      ANDROIDE, android

      ANÉCDOTA, anecdote, short story

      ANECDÓTICO, anecdotal; trivial, superficial

      ANÉMICO (A), anemic

      ANEXIÓN, annexation

      ANEXO (A), connected, attached, enclosed; enclosure

      ANFIBIO (A), amphibious, amphibian

      ÁNFORA, amphora

      ANGLÓFILO (A), anglophile

      ANGLÓFOBO (A), anglophobe

      ÁNGULO, angle (MAT)

      ANGULOSO (A), angular, sharp

      ANIMACIÓN, liveliness, activity, animation

      ANIMOSIDAD, animosity, ill will, antagonism, acrimony

      ANIMOSO (A), spirited, lively

      ANISETE, anisette

      ANIVERSARIO, anniversary

      ÁNODO, anode

      ANOMALÍA, anomaly, irregularity, oddity


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