A Comparative Vocabulary Study Guide: Spanish to English. Robert D. O'Brian

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A Comparative Vocabulary Study Guide: Spanish to English - Robert D. O'Brian

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      ARMONÍA, harmony

      ARMÓNICA, harmonica, mouth organ

      ARMÓNICO, harmonic

      ARMONIOSO (A), harmonious

      AROMÁTICO (A), aromatic, fragrant

      AROMATIZADOR, air freshener

      ARPA, harp

      ARPÍA, harpy, old hag, witch; harridan

      ARPÓN, harpoon

      ARQUEOLOGÍA, archeology

      ARQUEÓLOGO (A), archeologist

      ARQUETIPO, archetype

      ARQUITECTO (A), architect

      ARQUITECTÓNICO (A), architectural

      ARQUITECTURA, architecture

      ARRESTO, arrest; detention (MIL); confinement

      ARROGANCIA, arrogance, presumptuous, assertive

      ARROGANTE, arrogant, haughty, assuming, pompous

      ARROYO, stream, brook

      ARSÉNICO, arsenic

      ARTE, art

      ARTEFACTO, device, machine, appliance; artifact

      ARTERIA, artery (MED); arterial street

      ÁRTICO (A), Arctic

      ARTICULACIÓN, articulation, joint; fluent, coherent

      ARTICULADO (A), articulated, hinged, joined

      ARTÍCULO, article, item, thing; news article

      ARTIFICIALMENTE (adv), artificially

      ARTIFICIO, device; artifice, trick; cunning, sly

      ARTIFICIOSO (A), contrived

      ARTILLERÍA, artillery

      ARTISTA, artist

      ARTÍSTICO (A), artistic

      ARTRÍTICO (A), arthritic

      ARTRITIS, arthritis

      ASALTANTE, attacker, assailant, raider

      ASALTO, assault, robbery, attack

      ASAMBLEA, assembly, meeting, law body

      ASBESTO, asbestos

      ASCENDENTE, ascending, rising, increasing, ascendant

      ASCENSIÓN (f) ó ASCENSO (m), ascent, rise

      ASCENSOR, elevator

      ASÉPTICO (A) (adj), aseptic (MED); detached

      ASERCIÓN (f) ó ASERTO (m), assertion, declaration

      ASEVERACIÓN, contention, claim, affirmation, assertion

      ASFALTO, asphalt, blacktop

      ASFIXIA, suffocation, asphyxiation; asphyxia

      ASFIXIANTE, stifling, asphyxiating; suffocating

      ASIGNACIÓN, assignment, allocation, allowance

      ASIMÉTRICO (A), asymmetrical; asymmetric

      ASIMILACIÓN, assimilation, absorption

      ASISTENTE, orderly (MIL); assistant, helper

      ASMA, asthma

      ASMÁTICO (A), asthmatic

      ASOCIACIÓN, association, union, organization, society

      ASOCIADO (A), associated, affiliated, aligned, united

      ASPECTO, aspect, look; face, bearing; appearance

      ASPIRACIÓN, inhalation (MED); short pause (MUS)

      ASPIRANTE, aspiring; candidate, applicant

      ASPIRINA, aspirin

      ASTERISCO, asterisk

      ASTEROIDE, asteroid

      ASTIGMATISMO, astigmatism

      ASTRINGENTE, astringent

      ASTRO, star, heavenly body; movie star

      ASTROLOGÍA, astrology

      ASTRÓLOGO (A), astrologer, astrologist

      ASTRONAUTA, astronaut

      ASTRONOMÍA, astronomy

      ASTRONÓMICO (A), astronomical

      ASTRÓNOMO (A), astronomer

      ASTUCIA, cunning, astuteness, cleverness, guile

      ASTUTO (A), astute, clever; crafty, sly

      ATÁVICO (A), atavistic

      ATEMPORAL, timeless, everlasting, immortal, endless

      ATENCIÓN, attention; concentration; regard

      ATENTAMENTE, attentively, intently, carefully

      ATENTO (A), attentive, watchful, alert, aware

      ATENUANTE, extenuating, mitigating, tempering

      ATESTADO (A), affidavit, statement; packed/stuffed with

      ÁTICO, attic, penthouse

      ATÍPICO (A), atypical, exceptional

      ATLÁNTICO, Atlantic (ocean, seaboard)

      ATLÉTICO (A), athletic

      ATMÓSFERA, atmosphere

      ATMOSFÉRICO (A), atmospheric

      ATOLÓN, atoll

      ATÓMICO (A), atomic

      ÁTOMO, atom

      ATONÍA, lethargy, apathy, indifference

      ÁTONO (A), atonic, unstressed

      ATRACCIÓN, attraction, attractiveness, charm

      ATRACTIVO (A), attractive person, idea, offer; appeal

      ATRIBUCIÓN, attribution; assignment, connection (POL)

      ATRIBUTIVO (A), attributive

      ATRIBUTO, attribute, characteristic, quality

      ATROCIDAD, atrocity, outrage, crime, offense

      ATROFIA, atrophy (MED), deterioration

      ATROZ, atrocious; cruel, inhuman

      AUDACIA, audacity, boldness; imprudence; rashness

      AUDAZ, bold, audacious, daring, intrepid

      AUDICIÓN, audition, concert; medical hearing

      AUDIENCIA, audience

      AUDITORIO, auditorium, hall

      AUGUSTO (A) (adj), august, venerable, impressive

      AUMENTO, increase, rise; magnification

      AURORA, dawn

      AUSPICIOS, sponsorship; protection, support

      AUSPICIOSO (A), promising, encouraging, favorable

      AUSTERIDAD, austerity

      AUSTERO (A), austere

      AUTENTICIDAD, authenticity

      AUTÉNTICO (A), genuine, real, authentic

      AUTISMO, autism

      AUTISTA, autistic

      AUTOADHESIVO (A), self-adhesive

      AUTOBIOGRAFÍA, autobiography

      AUTOBIOGRÁFICO (A), autobiographical

      AUTOBÚS, bus

      AUTOCOMPASIÓN, self-pity

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