The Urantia Book. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book - Urantia Foundation

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heads, the Seven Master Spirits, appears to co-ordinate the far-flung activities of God the Sevenfold:

      17:8.4 (205.5) 1. Collectively the Master Spirits near-equivalate to the divinity level of the Trinity of Paradise Deities.

      17:8.5 (205.6) 2. Individually they exhaust the primary associable possibilities of triune Deity.

      17:8.6 (206.1) 3. As diversified representatives of the Conjoint Actor they are the repositories of that spirit-mind-power sovereignty of the Supreme Being which he does not yet personally exercise.

      17:8.7 (206.2) 4. Through the Reflective Spirits they synchronize the superuniverse governments of the Ancients of Days with Majeston, the Paradise center of universal reflectivity.

      17:8.8 (206.3) 5. In their participation in the individualization of the local universe Divine Ministers, the Master Spirits contribute to the last level of God the Sevenfold, the Creator Son-Creative Spirit union of the local universes.

      17:8.9 (206.4) Functional unity, inherent in the Conjoint Actor, is disclosed to the evolving universes in the Seven Master Spirits, his primary personalities. But in the perfected superuniverses of the future this unity will undoubtedly be inseparable from the experiential sovereignty of the Supreme.

      17:8.10 (206.5) [Presented by a Divine Counselor of Uversa.]

      The Urantia Book

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      Paper 18

      18:0.1 (207.1) SUPREME Trinity Personalities are all created for specific service. They are designed by the divine Trinity for the fulfillment of certain specific duties, and they are qualified to serve with perfection of technique and finality of devotion. There are seven orders of the Supreme Trinity Personalities:

      18:0.2 (207.2) 1. Trinitized Secrets of Supremacy.

      18:0.3 (207.3) 2. Eternals of Days.

      18:0.4 (207.4) 3. Ancients of Days.

      18:0.5 (207.5) 4. Perfections of Days.

      18:0.6 (207.6) 5. Recents of Days.

      18:0.7 (207.7) 6. Unions of Days.

      18:0.8 (207.8) 7. Faithfuls of Days.

      18:0.9 (207.9) These beings of administrative perfection are of definite and final numbers. Their creation is a past event; no more are being personalized.

      18:0.10 (207.10) Throughout the grand universe these Supreme Trinity Personalities represent the administrative policies of the Paradise Trinity; they represent the justice and are the executive judgment of the Paradise Trinity. They form an interrelated line of administrative perfection extending from the Paradise spheres of the Father to the headquarters worlds of the local universes and to the capitals of their component constellations.

      18:0.11 (207.11) All Trinity-origin beings are created in Paradise perfection in all their divine attributes. Only in the realms of experience has the passing of time added to their equipment for cosmic service. There is never any danger of default or risk of rebellion with Trinity-origin beings. They are of divinity essence, and they have never been known to depart from the divine and perfect path of personality conduct.

      18:1.1 (207.12) There are seven worlds in the innermost circuit of the Paradise satellites, and each of these exalted worlds is presided over by a corps of ten Trinitized Secrets of Supremacy. They are not creators, but they are supreme and ultimate administrators. The conduct of the affairs of these seven fraternal spheres is wholly committed to this corps of seventy supreme directors. Though the offspring of the Trinity supervise these seven sacred spheres nearest Paradise, this group of worlds is universally known as the personal circuit of the Universal Father.

      18:1.2 (208.1) The Trinitized Secrets of Supremacy function in groups of ten as co-ordinate and joint directors of their respective spheres, but they also function individually in particular fields of responsibility. The work of each of these special worlds is divided into seven major departments, and one of these co-ordinate rulers presides over each such division of specialized activities. The remaining three act as the personal representatives of triune Deity in relation to the other seven, one representing the Father, one the Son, and one the Spirit.

      18:1.3 (208.2) Although there is a definite class resemblance which typifies the Trinitized Secrets of Supremacy, they also disclose seven distinct group characteristics. The ten supreme directors of Divinington affairs are reflective of the personal character and nature of the Universal Father; and so it is with each of these seven spheres: Each group of ten resembles that Deity or Deity association which is characteristic of their domain. The ten directors who rule Ascendington are reflective of the combined nature of the Father, Son, and Spirit.

      18:1.4 (208.3) I can reveal very little about the work of these high personalities on the seven sacred worlds of the Father, for they are truly the Secrets of Supremacy. There are no arbitrary secrets associated with the approach to the Universal Father, the Eternal Son, or the Infinite Spirit. The Deities are an open book to all who attain divine perfection, but all the Secrets of Supremacy can never be fully attained. Always will we be unable fully to penetrate the realms containing the personality secrets of Deity association with the sevenfold grouping of created beings.

      18:1.5 (208.4) Since the work of these supreme directors has to do with the intimate and personal contact of the Deities with these seven basic groupings of universe beings when domiciled on these seven special worlds or while functioning throughout the grand universe, it is fitting that these very personal relations and extraordinary contacts should be held sacredly secret. The Paradise Creators respect the privacy and sanctity of personality even in their lowly creatures. And this is true both of individuals and of the various separate orders of personalities.

      18:1.6 (208.5) To beings of even high universe attainment these secret worlds ever remain a test of loyalty. It is given us fully and personally to know the eternal Gods, freely to know their characters of divinity and perfection, but it is not granted us fully to penetrate all of the personal relations of the Paradise Rulers with all of their creature beings.

      18:2.1 (208.6) Each of the billion worlds of Havona is directed by a Supreme Trinity Personality. These rulers are known as the Eternals of Days, and they number exactly one billion, one for each of the Havona spheres. They are the offspring of the Paradise Trinity, but like the Secrets of Supremacy there are no records of their origin. Forever have these two groups of all-wise fathers ruled their exquisite worlds of the Paradise-Havona system, and they function without rotation or reassignment.

      18:2.2 (208.7) The Eternals of Days are visible to all will creatures dwelling in their domains. They preside over the regular planetary conclaves. Periodically, and by rotation, they visit the headquarters spheres of the seven superuniverses. They are close of kin to, and are the divine equals of, the Ancients of Days, who preside over the destinies of the seven supergovernments. When an Eternal of Days is absent from his sphere, his world is directed by a Trinity Teacher Son.

      18:2.3 (209.1) Except for the established orders of life, such as the Havona natives and other living creatures of the central universe, the resident Eternals of Days have developed their respective spheres entirely in accordance with their own personal ideas and ideals. They visit each other’s planets, but they do not copy or imitate;

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