The Urantia Book. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book - Urantia Foundation

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      19:2.6 (216.4) The versatility of the Perfectors of Wisdom enables them to participate in practically all of the celestial services of the ascendant creatures. The Perfectors of Wisdom and my order of personality, the Divine Counselors, together with the Universal Censors, constitute the highest orders of beings who may and do engage in the work of revealing truth to the individual planets and systems, whether in their earlier epochs or when settled in light and life. From time to time we all make contact with the service of the ascending mortals, from an initial-life planet on up through a local universe and the superuniverse, particularly the latter.

      19:3.1 (216.5) These Trinity-origin beings are the counsel of Deity to the realms of the seven superuniverses. They are not reflective of the divine counsel of the Trinity; they are that counsel. There are twenty-one billion Counselors in service, and three billion are assigned to each superuniverse.

      19:3.2 (217.1) Divine Counselors are the associates and equals of the Universal Censors and the Perfectors of Wisdom, from one to seven Counselors being associated with each of these latter personalities. All three orders participate in the government of the Ancients of Days, including major and minor sectors, in the local universes and constellations, and in the councils of the local system sovereigns.

      19:3.3 (217.2) We act as individuals, as I do in inditing this statement, but we also function as a trio whenever the occasion requires. When we act in an executive capacity, always there are associated together a Perfector of Wisdom, a Universal Censor, and from one to seven Divine Counselors.

      19:3.4 (217.3) One Perfector of Wisdom, seven Divine Counselors, and one Universal Censor constitute a tribunal of Trinity divinity, the highest mobile advisory body in the universes of time and space. Such a group of nine is known either as a fact-finding or as a truth-revealing tribunal, and when it sits in judgment upon a problem and renders a decision, it is just as if an Ancient of Days had adjudicated the matter, for in all the annals of the superuniverses such a verdict has never been reversed by the Ancients of Days.

      19:3.5 (217.4) When the three Ancients of Days function, the Paradise Trinity functions. When the tribunal of nine arrives at a decision following its united deliberations, to all intents and purposes the Ancients of Days have spoken. And it is in this manner that the Paradise Rulers make personal contact, in administrative matters and governmental regulation, with the individual worlds, systems, and universes.

      19:3.6 (217.5) Divine Counselors are the perfection of the divine counsel of the Paradise Trinity. We represent, in fact are, the counsel of perfection. When we are supplemented by the experiential counsel of our associates, the perfected and Trinity-embraced beings of evolutionary ascent, our combined conclusions are not only complete but replete. When our united counsel has been associated, adjudicated, confirmed, and promulgated by a Universal Censor, it is very probable that it approaches the threshold of universal totality. Such verdicts represent the nearest possible approach to the absolute attitude of Deity within the time-space limits of the situation involved and the problem concerned.

      19:3.7 (217.6) Seven Divine Counselors in liaison with a trinitized evolutionary trio—a Mighty Messenger, One High in Authority, and One without Name and Number—represent the nearest superuniverse approach to the union of the human viewpoint and the divine attitude on near-paradisiacal levels of spiritual meanings and reality values. Such close approximation of the united cosmic attitudes of the creature and the Creator is only surpassed in the Paradise bestowal Sons, who are, in every phase of personality experience, God and man.

      19:4.1 (217.7) There are exactly eight billion Universal Censors in existence. These unique beings are the judgment of Deity. They are not merely reflective of the decisions of perfection; they are the judgment of the Paradise Trinity. Even the Ancients of Days do not sit in judgment except in association with the Universal Censors.

      19:4.2 (217.8) One Censor is commissioned on each of the billion worlds of the central universe, being attached to the planetary administration of the resident Eternal of Days. Neither Perfectors of Wisdom nor Divine Counselors are thus permanently attached to the Havona administrations, nor do we altogether understand why Universal Censors are stationed in the central universe. Their present activities hardly account for their assignment in Havona, and we therefore suspect that they are there in anticipation of the needs of some future universe age in which the Havona population may partially change.

      19:4.3 (218.1) One billion Censors are assigned to each of the seven superuniverses. Both in an individual capacity and in association with Perfectors of Wisdom and Divine Counselors, they operate throughout all divisions of the seven superuniverses. Thus the Censors act on all levels of the grand universe, from the perfect worlds of Havona to the councils of the System Sovereigns, and they are an organic part of all dispensational adjudications of the evolutionary worlds.

      19:4.4 (218.2) Whenever and wherever a Universal Censor is present, then and there is the judgment of Deity. And since the Censors always render their verdicts in liaison with Perfectors of Wisdom and Divine Counselors, such decisions embrace the united wisdom, counsel, and judgment of the Paradise Trinity. In this juridical trio the Perfector of Wisdom would be the “I was,” the Divine Counselor the “I will be,” but the Universal Censor is always “I am.”

      19:4.5 (218.3) The Censors are universe totaling personalities. When a thousand witnesses have given testimony—or a million—when the voice of wisdom has spoken and the counsel of divinity has recorded, when the testimony of ascendant perfection has been added, then the Censor functions, and there is immediately revealed an unerring and divine totaling of all that has transpired; and such a disclosure represents the divine conclusion, the sum and substance of a final and perfect decision. Therefore, when a Censor has spoken, no one else may speak, for the Censor has depicted the true and unmistakable total of all that has gone before. When he speaks, there is no appeal.

      19:4.6 (218.4) Most fully do I understand the operation of the mind of a Perfector of Wisdom, but I certainly do not fully comprehend the working of the adjudicating mind of a Universal Censor. It appears to me that the Censors formulate new meanings and originate new values from the association of the facts, truths, and findings presented to them in the course of an investigation of universe affairs. It seems probable that the Universal Censors are able to bring forth original interpretations of the combination of perfect Creator insight and the perfected creature experience. This association of Paradise perfection and universe experience undoubtedly eventuates a new value in ultimates.

      19:4.7 (218.5) But this is not the end of our difficulties regarding the working of the minds of the Universal Censors. Having made due allowances for all that we know or conjecture about the functioning of a Censor in any given universe situation, we find that we are still unable to predict decisions or to forecast verdicts. We very accurately determine the probable result of the association of Creator attitude and creature experience, but such conclusions are not always accurate forecasts of Censor disclosures. It seems likely that the Censors are in some manner in liaison with the Deity Absolute; we are otherwise unable to explain many of their decisions and rulings.

      19:4.8 (218.6) Perfectors of Wisdom, Divine Counselors, and Universal Censors, together with the seven orders of Supreme Trinity Personalities, constitute those ten groups which have been sometimes designated Stationary Sons of the Trinity. Together they comprise the grand corps of Trinity administrators, rulers, executives, advisers, counselors, and judges. Their numbers slightly exceed thirty-seven billion. Two billion and seventy are stationed in the central universe and just over five billion in each superuniverse.

      19:4.9 (219.1) It is very difficult to portray the functional limits of the Stationary Sons of the Trinity. It would be incorrect to state that their acts are finite limited, for there are transactions of superuniverse record which indicate otherwise. They act on any level of universe administration or adjudication that may be required by time-space conditions and that pertains to the past, present, and future evolution of the master universe.

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