The Urantia Book. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book - Urantia Foundation

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they are always and wholly original.

      18:2.4 (209.2) The architecture, natural embellishment, morontia structures, and spirit creations are exclusive and unique on each sphere. Every world is a place of everlasting beauty and is wholly unlike any other world in the central universe. And you will each spend a longer or shorter time on each of these unique and thrilling spheres on your way inward through Havona to Paradise. It is natural, on your world, to speak of Paradise as upward, but it would be more correct to refer to the divine goal of ascension as inward.

      18:3.1 (209.3) When mortals of time graduate from the training worlds surrounding the headquarters of a local universe and are advanced to the educational spheres of their superuniverse, they have progressed in spiritual development to that point where they are able to recognize and communicate with the high spiritual rulers and directors of these advanced realms, including the Ancients of Days.

      18:3.2 (209.4) The Ancients of Days are all basically identical; they disclose the combined character and unified nature of the Trinity. They possess individuality and are in personality diverse, but they do not differ from each other as do the Seven Master Spirits. They provide the uniform directorship of the otherwise differing seven superuniverses, each of which is a distinct, segregated, and unique creation. The Seven Master Spirits are unlike in nature and attributes, but the Ancients of Days, the personal rulers of the superuniverses, are all uniform and superperfect offspring of the Paradise Trinity.

      18:3.3 (209.5) The Seven Master Spirits on high determine the nature of their respective superuniverses, but the Ancients of Days dictate the administration of these same superuniverses. They superimpose administrative uniformity on creative diversity and insure the harmony of the whole in the face of the underlying creational differences of the seven segmental groupings of the grand universe.

      18:3.4 (209.6) The Ancients of Days were all trinitized at the same time. They represent the beginning of the personality records of the universe of universes, hence their name — Ancients of Days. When you reach Paradise and search the written records of the beginning of things, you will find that the first entry appearing in the personality section is the recital of the trinitization of these twenty-one Ancients of Days.

      18:3.5 (209.7) These high beings always govern in groups of three. There are many phases of activity in which they work as individuals, still others in which any two can function, but in the higher spheres of their administration they must act jointly. They never personally leave their residential worlds, but then they do not have to, for these worlds are the superuniverse focal points of the far-flung reflectivity system.

      18:3.6 (209.8) The personal abodes of each trio of the Ancients of Days are located at the point of spiritual polarity on their headquarters sphere. Such a sphere is divided into seventy administrative sectors and has seventy divisional capitals in which the Ancients of Days reside from time to time.

      18:3.7 (210.1) In power, scope of authority, and extent of jurisdiction the Ancients of Days are the most powerful and mighty of any of the direct rulers of the time-space creations. In all the vast universe of universes they alone are invested with the high powers of final executive judgment concerning the eternal extinction of will creatures. And all three Ancients of Days must participate in the final decrees of the supreme tribunal of a superuniverse.

      18:3.8 (210.2) Aside from the Deities and their Paradise associates, the Ancients of Days are the most perfect, most versatile, and the most divinely endowed rulers in all time-space existence. Apparently they are the supreme rulers of the superuniverses; but they have not experientially earned this right to rule and are therefore destined sometime to be superseded by the Supreme Being, an experiential sovereign, whose vicegerents they will undoubtedly become.

      18:3.9 (210.3) The Supreme Being is achieving the sovereignty of the seven superuniverses by experiential service just as a Creator Son experientially earns the sovereignty of his local universe. But during the present age of the unfinished evolution of the Supreme, the Ancients of Days provide the co-ordinated and perfect administrative overcontrol of the evolving universes of time and space. And the wisdom of originality and the initiative of individuality characterize all the decrees and rulings of the Ancients of Days.

      18:4.1 (210.4) There are just two hundred and ten Perfections of Days, and they preside over the governments of the ten major sectors of each superuniverse. They were trinitized for the special work of assisting the superuniverse directors, and they rule as the immediate and personal vicegerents of the Ancients of Days.

      18:4.2 (210.5) Three Perfections of Days are assigned to each major sector capital, but unlike the Ancients of Days, it is not necessary that all three be present at all times. From time to time one of this trio may absent himself to confer in person with the Ancients of Days concerning the welfare of his realm.

      18:4.3 (210.6) These triune rulers of the major sectors are peculiarly perfect in the mastery of administrative details, hence their name — Perfections of Days. In recording the names of these beings of the spiritual world, we are confronted with the problem of translating into your tongue, and very often it is exceedingly difficult to render a satisfactory translation. We dislike to use arbitrary designations which would be meaningless to you; hence we often find it difficult to choose a suitable name, one which will be clear to you and at the same time be somewhat representative of the original.

      18:4.4 (210.7) The Perfections of Days have a moderate-sized corps of Divine Counselors, Perfectors of Wisdom, and Universal Censors attached to their governments. They have still larger numbers of Mighty Messengers, Those High in Authority, and Those without Name and Number. But much of the routine work of major sector affairs is carried on by the Celestial Guardians and the High Son Assistants. These two groups are drawn from among the trinitized offspring of either Paradise-Havona personalities or glorified mortal finaliters. Certain of these two orders of creature-trinitized beings are retrinitized by the Paradise Deities and then are dispatched to assist in the administration of the superuniverse governments.

      18:4.5 (211.1) Most of the Celestial Guardians and the High Son Assistants are assigned to the service of the major and the minor sectors, but the Trinitized Custodians (Trinity-embraced seraphim and midwayers) are the officers of the courts of all three divisions, functioning in the tribunals of the Ancients of Days, the Perfections of Days, and the Recents of Days. The Trinitized Ambassadors (Trinity-embraced ascendant mortals of Son- or Spirit-fused nature) may be encountered anywhere in a superuniverse, but the majority are in the service of the minor sectors.

      18:4.6 (211.2) Before the times of the full unfolding of the governmental scheme of the seven superuniverses, practically all administrators of the various divisions of these governments, excepting the Ancients of Days, served apprenticeships of varying duration under the Eternals of Days on the various worlds of the perfect Havona universe. The later trinitized beings likewise passed through a season of training under the Eternals of Days before they were attached to the service of the Ancients of Days, the Perfections of Days, and the Recents of Days. They are all seasoned, tried, and experienced administrators.

      18:4.7 (211.3) You will early see the Perfections of Days when you advance to the headquarters of Splandon after your sojourn on the worlds of your minor sector, for these exalted rulers are closely associated with the seventy major sector worlds of higher training for the ascendant creatures of time. The Perfections of Days, in person, administer the group pledges to the ascending graduates of the major sector schools.

      18:4.8 (211.4) The work of the pilgrims of time on the worlds surrounding a major sector headquarters is chiefly of an intellectual nature in contrast with the more physical and material character of the training on the seven educational spheres of a minor sector and with the spiritual undertakings on the four hundred ninety university worlds of a superuniverse headquarters.

      18:4.9 (211.5) Although you are entered only upon the registry of the major sector of Splandon, which embraces the local universe of your origin, you will have to pass through every one of the ten

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