The Dare Collection June 2019. Rachael Stewart

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The Dare Collection June 2019 - Rachael Stewart

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have an early start. I’m going to call it a night.’

      ‘You haven’t finished your drink.’

      I shrugged as my phone buzzed again. Tyler, with gushing remarks about the Westport resort that made me smile. Soothed me in ways I hadn’t known I needed.

      ‘Tyler again?’ Damian asked curtly when I set the phone down.

      ‘Hmm. He likes the resort.’

      Damian snorted.


      His smile was cocky. ‘None that I foresee.’

      His arrogance grated.

      ‘You sure?’ I goaded.

      ‘You want me, Neve. You might be a little conflicted right now about how much but we’ll work through it.’

      The grounded assurance in his voice made something fragile lurch inside me. ‘Why should I go through the trouble? Why not pick someone else entirely to scratch my itch who isn’t you?’

      Thunder rumbled over his face, devouring his cockiness. ‘If you’re trying to pick another fight with me, forget it. You want me just as badly as I want you. You’re not going to fuck anyone else just to spite me.’

      Again his conceit grated. Badly. I forced a smile as I rounded the bar. ‘I guess if you say so then it must be true,’ I mocked.

      He caught hold of me before I could walk past him. ‘Tell me this is another game,’ he breathed, irritation stamped all over his face that made me want to smile and smile and smile.

      ‘Why, Damian? Would it bother you?’

      His lips flattened as if he didn’t want to answer. Then, ‘Yes, it’ll fucking bother me. I don’t know what the hell you think you’re playing at but—’

      ‘I haven’t been fucked properly in a very long time, Damian. I was busy, you see, trying to get back on my feet after what you did. But now my business is thriving again and I’m on the brink of striking an exciting new deal. Why the hell not see to my needs with an orgasm or six with someone I have a connection with?’

      I was goading him. It was turning me on. I needed to stop.

      The fingers gripping my waist dug in. Not enough to hurt but enough to confirm I had his sizzling, unwavering attention. The weight of it dripped right through to my bones. ‘You have a connection with me,’ he replied cuttingly, right before his mouth crashed on mine.

      A part of me had seen this coming the moment I’d started taunting him. That part joined the rest of my body to sing with lustful joy as sparks turned into flames and engulfed me.

      For two long years I’d relived the electrifying thrill of kissing Damian.

      Reality was, oh, so much better.

      There was no tentative exploration. Our tongues boldly stroked and duelled, dragging taste and texture from each other as my arms wound around his neck.

      He pulled me roughly into his body, his feverish hands relearning my every curve. In turn, I ground those curves into him, imprinted myself against his hardness as hunger became a living, twisting entity I couldn’t control.

      He rolled his hips sinuously, refreshing my memory of how expertly he could move. My fingers tunnelled into his hair, my nails scraping his scalp in a frenzied need to keep him where he was, delivering pleasure I’d been seriously starved of.

      With a thick groan, his fingers dug into my ass, tugged me up tighter into his groin and pivoted me against the bar.

      Heat exploded between my legs, my clit swelling with enough crazed enthusiasm to draw a whimper from me.

      Damian pulled away for a scant second and eyes ablaze with carnal intent met mine. ‘You taste even better than I remember.’ One hand roved my body, caressed my ribcage, my lower back, and then palmed one breast. ‘And you’re just as lush,’ he muttered thickly before squeezing my nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

      I cried out, jerking against his hold. ‘Ah...’

      My reaction triggered a rabid response. His breathing grew harsher and his mouth returned to devour mine. Sounds continued to trip unaided from my throat and I was convinced I’d orgasm just from kissing Damian.

      Abruptly he gripped my waist, lifted me up and strode purposefully towards the sofa.

      The moment my back hit the cushions, he crawled over me and dragged me into another erotically charged kiss.

      Urgent hands returned to my breasts.

      Double the torture, double the pleasure, he moulded them, then toyed mercilessly with the stiff peaks, driving me even further insane. When desperation for oxygen drove us apart, he raised his head, staring down at me. The sight of lips bruised from our kiss and hair falling tangled by my hands, was almost too arousing to bear.

      Lust and a touch of bewilderment crowded his face. ‘I didn’t think it was possible.’

      ‘What?’ I cringed at the husky slur to my speech.

      ‘That I could be this turned on by you. Just kissing you for a minute is already screwing with my head.’ He lowered his head and took my mouth in another sizzling kiss before he abruptly broke off. ‘How long?’

      ‘What?’ How was he forming words when my brain was under threat of turning into mush?

      ‘You said you hadn’t been fucked in a while.’

      ‘You think now’s the time to remind me why I’m in this state?’ I parried.

      The stinging resentment I should’ve felt didn’t surface. It was buried beneath the colossal weight of my arousal.

      His fingers didn’t stop torturing my nipples, nor did his expression show an ounce of regret. ‘Tell me,’ he demanded in a low, sexy voice.

      Did he really think I was going to inflate his ego by divulging that I hadn’t slept with anyone since him? My hands trailed down his back to dig into his ass. Simultaneously, I undulated my hips, bringing his cock into singeing contact with my pussy. ‘Do you want to do this or do you want to ask questions I won’t answer?’

      He stared at me with eyes almost black with desire. ‘Do what exactly?’

       Fuck me hard. Make me scream with ecstasy the way you did in Boston.

      But not until he begged for it.

      I removed my hands from his ass, dropped them to my side, long enough for a wave of uncertainty to shimmer in his eyes. I wanted him to taste the possibility that I might walk away from him, leave us both high and dry.

      When his face began to tighten, I nudged him away until he braced onto his elbows and knees, then reached down and slowly dragged up the hem of my cocktail dress. Feverish eyes dropped to follow the movement, his breathing growing erratic as my French lace knickers were exposed.

      The hand cupping my breasts clenched for one unguarded second. ‘Fuck.’

      Involuntarily, he squeezed my nipples again. My back arched and another bolt of heat shot to my pussy. God, I was going to climax long before Damian got anywhere near the centre of my need. Striving for control, I drew out the moment, dragged my panties down my legs and kicked them off.

      He watched me with hooded eyes that burned with the promise of insane pleasure.

      I took hold of one hand and slowly pried it off my breast. Drawing it down, I kissed his knuckle, then slowly drew his middle digits into my mouth. Eyes locked with his, I flicked my tongue over his fingers, smiling when his breath hissed out.

      For a minute, I toyed with him, then sucked him deep into my mouth.

      ‘Jesus,’ he groaned.


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