The Dare Collection June 2019. Rachael Stewart

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The Dare Collection June 2019 - Rachael Stewart

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I could be in the throes of resurgence...that Neve was the instrument of that reversal...unnerved me, enough to slow my approach.

      She didn’t seem anywhere near as afflicted. She eyed me, her smile so annoyingly neutral I yearned to pin her against the nearest wall until she begged for my cock.

      ‘Welcome to Nevirna Resort and Spa, Westport.’

      ‘Thanks,’ I replied, unable to resist checking her out one more time before glancing around. ‘This place looks great.’ Much better than the pictures in the report my people had put together.

      ‘Thank you.’

      We locked gazes as a member of staff offloaded my weekend bag. For several exquisite seconds, everything we did last night flashed between us. The fire banked by that unsatisfactory jacking off roared back to life.

      It was pointless to hide it so I let my lust blaze in my gaze.

      Her nostrils flared for a nanosecond, my only hint that she’d registered my intention before she regained control.

      ‘Did you have a good flight, Mr Mortimer?’ Sam asked as she and Tyler joined us.

      ‘It was uneventful.’ I’d buried myself in work to stop me from thinking about Neve or Gideon.

      Each problem would have my attention soon enough. One sooner than the other.

      Neve waved us towards a deluxe golf buggy. ‘Would you like a quick tour before you’re delivered to your room?’

      ‘Sure, why not?’

      We headed for the four-man buggy and I slid beside her as she took the wheel. Unlike last night’s evocative scent, her perfume today was light, wispy, like the first burst of spring. Hints of apple and lemongrass teased me, sparking an intense need to bury my nose in that sweet curve of her neck and inhale her skin. Or take a juicy bite out of her.

      I contented myself with placing my arm along the top of the bench seat, letting strands of her unfettered hair fall over and caress my arm as we set off. Aware that I risked another hard-on if I stared too long at the legs exposed by her hitched-up dress, I redirected my attention to my surroundings.

      Tastefully manicured gardens, artistic stone fountains, infinity pools, intimate outside dining areas perfect for al fresco or candlelit dinners—the resort was charming and very well put-together. And much bigger than I’d originally thought.

      ‘Do you get much business from the golf club next door?’ I’d spotted the golf course as we’d come in to land.

      ‘About twenty per cent.’

      I nodded. It was a balanced ratio that meant she wouldn’t be at the mercy of the club if it went bust. Unlike last time when she’d had very few contingencies.

      She pulled up in front of a sprawling two-storey building that looked like the main hub of the resort, stepped out and nodded to a hovering valet.

      ‘I’ve arranged lunch for us. My chef cooks a mean lobster. I hope you’re hungry.’ Her smile was aimed at the twins but the look in her eyes was reserved for me. Echoes of lustful moans, lashes of pleasure, grunts of hunger bounced between us. My gaze dropped to her chest and her nipples were hard points beneath the thin layer of her dress.

      Saliva rushed into my mouth, the need to taste the rosy buds I’d been denied last night pounding through my veins. ‘I’m ravenous. Lead the way.’

      The faintest blush stained her cheeks as she turned and headed inside.

      The main reception area was just as impressive as the outside. A glass-and-stone muted waterfall feature formed an eye-catching centrepiece with the reception desk and seating area framed around it. Wide hallways shot off at intermittent angles and it was down one of them that she led us into the bright sunlit restaurant.

      She took charge, confidently making recommendations on food and wine. I nodded without really paying attention and ate whatever was placed in front of me.

      I was too busy wondering when I could get Neve alone, how best to batter down the hostility bristling from her, when I noticed the silence.

      I looked up to find three pairs of eyes fixed on me with varying expressions of irritation and discomfort.

      ‘Beg your pardon, can you repeat that?’

      Sam smiled. ‘We were talking about our families. Did you know that when Neve inherited this place from her grandparents it was nothing but a four-bedroom B & B?’

      I switched my attention to Neve, saw the wariness in her watchful gaze. Shit, I really did a number on her if divulging news of what had to be an amazing accomplishment made her tetchy.

      ‘I didn’t know that. Consider me impressed.’

      ‘Yeah, so were we.’ Tyler smiled as he rose. ‘Thank you for a lovely lunch, but, if you’ll excuse us, we need to get back to work.’

      I switched my gaze to Neve as the twins departed. Her expression remained sceptical but marginally less guarded.

      ‘The other question Sam asked was about your family,’ she said. ‘Are your parents back in England too?’

      I tensed, then forced myself to relax.

      So she was interested in me beyond sex. While the thought was gratifying, the subject matter was far from welcome. My parents belonged to a box I rarely liked to visit. A box that represented secret childish yearnings that would never be fulfilled. A box I’d buried a very long time ago when I’d learned to thrive without emotional crutches.

      I wanted to refuse but the look in her eyes compelled an answer.

      ‘No. They live in Greece.’

      She leaned forward. ‘Oh? Where? I visited Athens very briefly a long time ago. Loved it. The people are so warm and friendly.’

      My smile felt as tight as the bitterness twisting inside me. ‘My parents didn’t go to Greece for the warmth or friendliness, I’m sure. Their reasons were far less ecologically inclined.’

      She flinched, and silence dropped like an anvil, smashing a briefly pleasant atmosphere. I felt a little bad. Not enough to dilute the brutal truth though.

      The uncomfortable silence was broken by the waiter’s arrival to clear away our plates. Neve chatted with him for a minute but through it all, my gaze resting on her face as she talked, I saw the fiery what the fuck? looks she sent me.

      The temptation to tell her to down her sword, tell her she’d won in the business stakes this time rose.

      I stopped myself just in time. I wasn’t going to let sex get in the way of this deal.

      Business was what I was best at. And staying close, keeping an eye on how Fantasy Rooms progressed, was prudent.

      The waiter finally left, leaving me blessedly alone with Neve. Her expression didn’t bode well; nevertheless my dark mood receded, replaced by deep carnal anticipation.

      ‘Suggestion. Maybe you should make more of an effort in the presence of my new business partners, huh?’

      I smiled. ‘Don’t you mean our business partners?’

      Her plump lips flattened in an irritated line.

      ‘If they wanted to keep my interest they should’ve stuck to talking business. But that’s not what this is about, is it, Neve? I’m a Mortimer. If you didn’t want to hear about my unsightly baggage or hear unsavoury truths, you shouldn’t have asked.’

      She glared harder. ‘It’s called getting to know each other.’

      ‘Go on, then, it’s your turn.’

      ‘If you wanted to know, then you should’ve paid attention.’

      Shit. What did I miss? ‘I’m paying attention now.’


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