The Dare Collection June 2019. Rachael Stewart

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The Dare Collection June 2019 - Rachael Stewart

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      ‘You want to know how long it’s been? Feel for yourself.’

      Damian boldly cupped my heat. ‘Fuck, Neve, you’re soaking wet,’ he rasped in a ragged voice.

      One thick knuckle grazed my clit and I cried out as electricity forked through my body. He repeated the action, over and over until my hips fell into a desperate, eager rhythm.

      God, I was going to disgrace myself by climaxing just from Damian rubbing my pussy. How utterly humiliating would that be? I forced my body to stop twitching in an effort to make this last.

      As if sensing the challenge, Damian grazed me one last time, then flipped his hand and parted my folds in a brazen V.

      Fingers wet from my mouth and my own slickness pinched my clit. My hands flew to his shoulders and dug in as waves of pleasure rolled over me.

      ‘Oh, God!’

      He swooped down, tasting my pleasure with a hot and hard kiss while he intermittently tweaked my nipple. A whimper surged from my throat.

      ‘You like that?’ he growled against my mouth.

      ‘Yes,’ I replied breathlessly.

      With a harshly drawn breath, he caught the corner of my lip between his teeth, bit down lightly as he plunged his fingers inside me.

      My cry of pleasure was unfettered, the clench of my pussy urgent and shameless.

      ‘Bloody hell, Neve. You’re so fucking tight,’ he groaned. ‘So damn glorious.’

      He withdrew, then fed his fingers back into me, biting me again, then licked the sting before moving back to watch the delicious havoc he was creating between my legs. Against my thigh, his cock grew thicker.

      ‘Just watching you fuck my fingers is going to blow my load. You know that?’ he slurred.

      Blind need overtook me. ‘More. I want one more. Stretch me, Damian. Fill me up.’

      I couldn’t stop the words tumbling from my lips any more than I could stop myself from racing towards the peak that promised pure bliss.

      A wave of red washed over Damian’s cheekbones as he inserted another finger inside me. Pressure increased. Intensified. My fingers clawed at him, desperate for more connection. ‘Kiss me,’ I panted.

      He fell on me like a starving predator, his tongue mimicking what his fingers were doing to me.

      Sensation grew too much. My fingers dug into his skin and he groaned.

      ‘Yes, darling,’ he muttered hotly against my mouth. ‘Come for me. Let me feel you drench my fingers. I want to taste it so badly.’ Tense hunger filled his voice, echoing mine.

      No, I wasn’t going to go there. This was for me and me alone.

      ‘Harder,’ I moaned. ‘Faster.’

      His laugh was low, sexy and pained. ‘Yes, beautiful. Whatever you need.’

      That simple concession from my nemesis flipped the switch to bliss.

      With a cry ripped from deep within me, I succumbed to rapture. It flowed through me in an endless wave, singeing every cell in my body, reawakening every pleasure point.

      ‘God, you feel amazing, but I’m dying to taste you again,’ he rasped.

      With a savage grunt, he reared away, gripped my thigh to open me wider before his head swooped between my legs.

      He drew my clit hard between his lips, sucked and sucked and unbelievably triggered another orgasm.

      ‘Oh, God, I’m coming again!’

      ‘Yes,’ he groaned against my pussy. ‘Give it to me, Neve. I want all of it.’

      Fingers digging into his hair, I surrendered all until every ounce of oxygen was wrung from my lungs. I melted into the cushions, his firm grip my only anchor to reality.

      Slowly, he withdrew his fingers from me, kissed his way up my body until his lips hovered above mine.

      Unwilling to let the sensation end, I dragged him down. Our lips met and I tasted myself on him. Another minute of furious kissing passed before he raised his head.

      ‘You taste even better than I remember.’ His voice was guttural. Barely coherent. And just as he’d drowned me in pleasure I wanted to see him lost in ecstasy too. Which sort of defeated the object of this exercise.

      Despite my head swimming with the force of my extended orgasm, I needed to take control of the situation. I managed to curve my lips in a sultry smile. ‘Well, I’m very happy for you, then.’

      The stare we traded was weighted with tense, unwanted questions.

      But when his head swooped low again I knew it was time to end this.

      Hands that weren’t as firm as I needed them to be pushed at his chest as I swung my legs to the floor.

      I ignored Damian’s probing gaze as I hunted for the heels that had fallen off at some point. My panties were nowhere in sight. Unwilling to suffer the indignity of hunting for them, I stood, praying my legs would support me. Relieved when they did, I adjusted my clothes, straightened my hair, went to the door and threw it open with a pointed look.

      ‘You’re tossing me out?’ Disbelief rang through the cut-glass English accent.

      I drew in a shaky breath. ‘Were you expecting something else? Something more?’

      He greeted my clear challenge with narrowed, blazing eyes before dragging unsteady fingers through his hair.

      After a full minute, he stood, whatever he’d wanted to say imprisoned between his clenched teeth as his gaze flamed over my body. The sight of the erection tenting his fly nearly undid me. I might have experienced a ground-shaking orgasm but clearly my body craved more.

      I held my breath as he prowled towards me, all heat and need and brooding watchfulness, his eyes probing for weaknesses.

      My hand tightened on the door, fighting the desperation clawing at me. ‘My car service is on speed dial, if you need it?’

      His gorgeous hazel eyes lingered on my face and the flush still burning my cheeks before dropping to my chest. ‘No. My driver’s downstairs.’

      ‘In that case...goodnight, Damian.’

      He stopped in the doorway, filling it with his wide, magnificent body. ‘You won’t always have things your way, Neve.’

      I clung tighter to the door so I didn’t do something crazy, like lunge for him. ‘You don’t think so? Well, I look forward to our next skirmish.’

      I shut the door in his face, but the memory of a sexily dishevelled Damian with his cock hard and his expression holding that curious mixture of bewilderment, arousal and disbelief didn’t fade away as quickly as I wanted it to.

      I’d triumphed over need and weakness. It should’ve pleased me. Instead I wondered if I wasn’t digging a grave for both of us.


      What the hell had just happened?

      Back in my penthouse suite, high above the feverish pulse of Manhattan, I paced my living room in a semi-daze. Stopping before the wall of glass I wished were another wall in another hotel, I reached into my pocket and pulled out the scrap of contraband from my pocket.

      Neve’s panties.

      Yes, I’d turned into that creep.

      The feel of the delicate lace between my fingers arrested my restless prowl. My cock throbbed even harder, its anguish at being denied echoing agonisingly through my body. A quick jacking off would ease the discomfort. Hell, in my desperate state I’d probably only

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