The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition). Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition) - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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The wording satisfies you. They’ve all read it, 15

       Each in his turn, and each one will subscribe

       His individual signature.

      Max (reads). ‘Ingratis servire nefas.’

      Isolani. That sounds to my ears very much like Latin,

       And being interpreted, pray what may’t mean?

      Tertsky. No honest man will serve a thankless master. 20

      Max. ‘Inasmuch as our supreme Commander, the illustrious

       Duke of Friedland, in consequence of the manifold affronts and

       grievances which he has received, had expressed his determination

       to quit the Emperor, but on our unanimous entreaty has

       graciously consented to remain still with the army, and not to 25

       part from us without our approbation thereof, so we, collectively

       and each in particular, in the stead of an oath personally taken,

       do hereby oblige ourselves — likewise by him honourably and

       faithfully to hold, and in nowise whatsoever from him to

       part, and to be ready to shed for his interests the last drop of 30

       our blood, so far, namely, as our oath to the Emperor will permit

       it. (These last words are repeated by ISOLANI.) In testimony of

       which we subscribe our names.’

      Tertsky. Now! — are you willing to subscribe this paper?

      Isolani. Why should he not? All officers of honour 35

       Can do it, aye, must do it. — Pen and ink here!

      Tertsky. Nay, let it rest till after meal.

      Isolani (drawing Max along). Come, Max.

      [Both seat themselves at their table.

       Table of Contents


      Tertsky (beckons to Neumann who is waiting at the side-table, and

       steps forward with him to the edge of the stage). Have you the

       copy with you, Neumann? Give it.

       It may be changed for the other?

      Neumann. I have copied it

       Letter by letter, line by line; no eye

       Would e’er discover other difference,

       Save only the omission of that clause, 5

       According to your Excellency’s order.

      Tertsky. Right! lay it yonder, and away with this —

       It has performed its business — to the fire with it —

      NEUMANN lays the copy on the table and steps back again to the


       Table of Contents

      ILLO (comes out from the second chamber), TERTSKY.

      Illo. How goes it with young Piccolomini?

      Tertsky. All right, I think. He has started no objection.

      Illo. He is the only one I fear about —

       He and his father. Have an eye on both!

      Tertsky. How looks it at your table: you forget not 5

       To keep them warm and stirring?

      Illo. O, quite cordial,

       They are quite cordial in the scheme. We have them.

       And ‘tis as I predicted too. Already

       It is the talk, not merely to maintain

       The Duke in station. ‘Since we’re once for all 10

       Together and unanimous, why not,’

       Says Montecuculi, ‘aye, why not onward,

       And make conditions with the Emperor

       There in his own Vienna?’ Trust me, Count,

       Were it not for these said Piccolomini, 15

       We might have spared ourselves the cheat.

      Tertsky. And Butler?

       How goes it there? Hush!

       Table of Contents

      To them enter BUTLER from the second table.

      Butler. Don’t disturb yourselves.

       Field Marshal, I have understood you perfectly.

       Good luck be to the scheme; and as to me,

       You may depend upon me.

      Illo. May we, Butler?

      Butler. With or without the clause, all one to me! 5

       You understand me? My fidelity

       The Duke may put to any proof — I’m with him!

       Tell him so! I’m the Emperor’s officer,

       As long as ‘tis his pleasure to remain

       The Emperor’s general! and Friedland’s servant, 10

       As soon as it shall please him to become

       His own lord.

      Tertsky. You would make a good exchange.

       No stern economist, no Ferdinand,

       Is he to whom you plight your services.

      Butler. I do not put up my fidelity 15

       To sale, Count Tertsky! Half a year ago

       I would not have advised you to have made me

       An overture to that, to which I now

       Offer myself of my own free accord. —

       But that is past! and to the Duke, Field Marshal, 20

       I bring myself together with my regiment.

       And mark you, ‘tis my humour to believe,

       The example which I give will not remain

       Without an influence.

      Illo. Who is ignorant,

       That the whole army look to Colonel Butler, 25

       As to a light that moves before them?

      Butler. Ey?

       Then I repent me not of that fidelity

       Which for the length of forty years I held,

       If in my sixtieth year my old good name

       Can purchase for me a revenge so full. 30

       Start not at what I say, sir Generals!

       My real motives — they concern not you.

       And you yourselves, I trust, could not expect

       That this your game had crooked my judgment — or

       That fickleness, quick blood, or such light cause, 35

       Had driven the old man from the track of honour,

       Which he so long had trodden. — Come, my friends!


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