The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition). Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition) - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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precious, never to be enough valued parchment that secures

       to the new Church the old privileges of free ringing and 60

       open psalmody. But since he of Steiermärk has ruled over

       us, that is at an end; and after the battle of Prague, in

       which Count Palatine Frederick lost crown and empire, our

       faith hangs upon the pulpit and the altar — and our brethren

       look at their homes over their shoulders; but the letter 65

       royal the Emperor himself cut to pieces with his scissors.

      Neumann. Why, my good Master of the Cellar! you are

       deep read in the chronicles of your country!

      Master of the Cellar. So were my forefathers, and for that

       reason were they minstrels, and served under Procopius and 70

       Ziska. Peace be with their ashes! Well, well! they fought

       for a good cause though — There! carry it up!

      Neumann. Stay! let me but look at this second quarter.

       Look there! That is, when at Prague Castle the Imperial

       Counsellors, Martinitz and Stawata were hurled down head 75

       over heels. ‘Tis even so! there stands Count Thur who

       commands it.

      [Runner takes the service-cup and goes off with it.

      Master of the Cellar. O let me never more hear of that day.

       It was the three and twentieth of May, in the year of our

       Lord one thousand, six hundred, and eighteen. It seems to me 80

       as it were but yesterday — from that unlucky day it all began,

       all the heart-aches of the country. Since that day it is now

       sixteen years, and there has never once been peace on the earth.

      [Health drunk aloud at the second table.

      The Prince of Weimar! Hurra!

      [At the third and fourth table.

      Long live Prince William! Long live Duke Bernard! 85

       Hurra! [Music strikes up.

      First Servant. Hear ‘em! Hear ‘em! What an uproar!

      Second Servant (comes in running). Did you hear? They have

       drunk the Prince of Weimar’s health.

      Third Servant. The Swedish Chief Commander! 90

      First Servant (speaking at the same time). The Lutheran!

      Second Servant. Just before, when Count Deodate gave out

       the Emperor’s health, they were all as mum as a nibbling


      Master of the Cellar. Po, po! When the wine goes in, 95

       strange things come out. A good servant hears, and hears

       not! — You should be nothing but eyes and feet, except when

       you are called.

      Second Servant (to the Runner, to whom he gives secretly a flask

       of wine, keeping his eye on the Master of the Cellar, standing

       between him and the Runner). Quick, Thomas! before the

       Master of the Cellar runs this way—’tis a flask of 100

       Frontignac! — Snapped it up at the third table. — Canst go off

       with it?

      Runner (hides it in his pocket). All right!

      [Exit the Second Servant.

      Third Servant (aside to the First). Be on the hark, Jack! that

       we may have right plenty to tell to father Quivoga — He will 105

       give us right plenty of absolution in return for it.

      First Servant. For that very purpose I am always having

       something to do behind Illo’s chair. — He is the man for speeches

       to make you stare with!

      Master of the Cellar (to Neumann). Who, pray, may that 110

       swarthy man be, he with the cross, that is chatting so

       confidentially with Esterhats?

      Neumann. Ay! he too is one of those to whom they confide

       too much. He calls himself Maradas, a Spaniard is he.

      Master of the Cellar (impatiently). Spaniard! Spaniard! — I 115

       tell you, friend; nothing good comes of those Spaniards. All

       these outlandish fellows are little better than rogues.

      Neumann. Fy, fy! you should not say so, friend. There are

       among them our very best generals, and those on whom the

       Duke at this moment relies the most. 120

      Master of the Cellar (taking the flask out of the Runner’s


       My son, it will be broken to pieces in your pocket.

      [TERTSKY hurries in, fetches away the paper, and calls

       to a Servant for pen and ink, and goes to the

       back of the stage.

      Master of the Cellar (to the Servants). The Lieutenant-General

       stands up. — Be on the watch. — Now! They break up. — Off,

       and move back the forms.

      [They rise at all the tables, the Servants hurry off

       the front of the stage to the tables; part of the

       guests come forward.

       Table of Contents

      OCTAVIO PICCOLOMINI enters in conversation with MARADAS, and both place

       themselves quite on the edge of the stage on one side of the proscenium.

       On the side directly opposite, MAX PICCOLOMINI, by himself, lost in

       thought, and taking no part in any thing that is going forward. The

       middle space between both, but rather more distant from the edge of the

       stage, is filled up by BUTLER, ISOLANI, GOETZ, TIEFENBACH, and KOLATTO.

      Isolani (while the company is coming forward). Good night,

       good night, Kolatto! Good night, Lieutenant-General! — I should

       rather say, good morning.

      Goetz (to Tiefenbach). Noble brother!

      Tiefenbach. Ay! ‘twas a royal feast indeed. 5

      Goetz. Yes, my Lady Countess understands these matters.

       Her motherin-law, heaven rest her soul, taught her! — Ah!

       that was a housewife for you!

      Tiefenbach. There was not her like in all Bohemia for setting

       out a table. 10

      Octavio (aside to Maradas). Do me the favour to talk to

       me — talk of what you will — or of nothing. Only preserve the

       appearance at least of talking. I would not wish to stand by

       myself, and yet I conjecture

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