The Collected Works of Anton Chekhov: Plays, Novellas, Short Stories, Diary & Letters. Anton Chekhov

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The Collected Works of Anton Chekhov: Plays, Novellas, Short Stories, Diary & Letters - Anton Chekhov

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black Kutka and said:

      “I see you are dull, sir. Let’s have supper.”

      And without waiting for my consent he crept on his stomach into the shanty, rummaged about there, making the whole edifice tremble like a leaf; then he crawled back and set before me my vodka and an earthenware bowl; in the bowl there were baked eggs, lard scones made of rye, pieces of black bread, and something else…. We had a drink from a little crooked glass that wouldn’t stand, and then we fell upon the food…. Coarse grey salt, dirty, greasy cakes, eggs tough as indiarubber, but how nice it all was!

      “You live all alone, but what lots of good things you have,” I said, pointing to the bowl. “Where do you get them from?”

      “The women bring them,” mumbled Savka.

      “What do they bring them to you for?”

      “Oh… from pity.”

      Not only Savka’s menu, but his clothing, too, bore traces of feminine “pity.” Thus I noticed that he had on, that evening, a new woven belt and a crimson ribbon on which a copper cross hung round his dirty neck. I knew of the weakness of the fair sex for Savka, and I knew that he did not like talking about it, and so I did not carry my inquiries any further. Besides there was not time to talk…. Kutka, who had been fidgeting about near us and patiently waiting for scraps, suddenly pricked up his ears and growled. We heard in the distance repeated splashing of water.

      “Someone is coming by the ford,” said Savka.

      Three minutes later Kutka growled again and made a sound like a cough.

      “Shsh!” his master shouted at him.

      In the darkness there was a muffled thud of timid footsteps, and the silhouette of a woman appeared out of the copse. I recognized her, although it was dark — it was Agafya. She came up to us diffidently and stopped, breathing hard. She was breathless, probably not so much from walking as from fear and the unpleasant sensation everyone experiences in wading across a river at night. Seeing near the shanty not one but two persons, she uttered a faint cry and fell back a step.

      “Ah… that is you!” said Savka, stuffing a scone into his mouth.

      “Ye-es… I,” she muttered, dropping on the ground a bundle of some sort and looking sideways at me. “Yakov sent his greetings to you and told me to give you… something here… .”

      “Come, why tell stories? Yakov!” laughed Savka. “There is no need for lying; the gentleman knows why you have come! Sit down; you shall have supper with us.”

      Agafya looked sideways at me and sat down irresolutely.

      “I thought you weren’t coming this evening,” Savka said, after a prolonged silence. “Why sit like that? Eat! Or shall I give you a drop of vodka?”

      “What an idea!” laughed Agafya; “do you think you have got hold of a drunkard? …”

      “Oh, drink it up…. Your heart will feel warmer…. There!”

      Savka gave Agafya the crooked glass. She slowly drank the vodka, ate nothing with it, but drew a deep breath when she had finished.

      “You’ve brought something,” said Savka, untying the bundle and throwing a condescending, jesting shade into his voice. “Women can never come without bringing something. Ah, pie and potatoes…. They live well,” he sighed, turning to me. “They are the only ones in the whole village who have got potatoes left from the winter!”

      In the darkness I did not see Agafya’s face, but from the movement of her shoulders and head it seemed to me that she could not take her eyes off Savka’s face. To avoid being the third person at this tryst, I decided to go for a walk and got up. But at that moment a nightingale in the wood suddenly uttered two low contralto notes. Half a minute later it gave a tiny high trill and then, having thus tried its voice, began singing. Savka jumped up and listened.

      “It’s the same one as yesterday,” he said. “Wait a minute.”

      And, getting up, he went noiselessly to the wood.

      “Why, what do you want with it?” I shouted out after him, “Stop!”

      Savka shook his hand as much as to say, “Don’t shout,” and vanished into the darkness. Savka was an excellent sportsman and fisherman when he liked, but his talents in this direction were as completely thrown away as his strength. He was too slothful to do things in the routine way, and vented his passion for sport in useless tricks. For instance, he would catch nightingales only with his hands, would shoot pike with a fowling piece, he would spend whole hours by the river trying to catch little fish with a big hook.

      Left alone with me, Agafya coughed and passed her hand several times over her forehead…. She began to feel a little drunk from the vodka.

      “How are you getting on, Agasha?” I asked her, after a long silence, when it began to be awkward to remain mute any longer.

      “Very well, thank God…. Don’t tell anyone, sir, will you?” she added suddenly in a whisper.

      “That’s all right,” I reassured her. “But how reckless you are, Agasha!… What if Yakov finds out?”

      “He won’t find out.”

      But what if he does?”

      “No… I shall be at home before he is. He is on the line now, and he will come back when the mail train brings him, and from here I can hear when the train’s coming… .”

      Agafya once more passed her hand over her forehead and looked away in the direction in which Savka had vanished. The nightingale was singing. Some night bird flew low down close to the ground and, noticing us, was startled, fluttered its wings and flew across to the other side of the river.

      Soon the nightingale was silent, but Savka did not come back. Agafya got up, took a few steps uneasily, and sat down again.

      “What is he doing?” she could not refrain from saying. “The train’s not coming in tomorrow! I shall have to go away directly.”

      “Savka,” I shouted. “Savka.”

      I was not answered even by an echo. Agafya moved uneasily and sat down again.

      “It’s time I was going,” she said in an agitated voice. “The train will be here directly! I know when the trains come in.”

      The poor woman was not mistaken. Before a quarter of an hour had passed a sound was heard in the distance.

      Agafya kept her eyes fixed on the copse for a long time and moved her hands impatiently.

      “Why, where can he be?” she said, laughing nervously. “Where has the devil carried him? I am going! I really must be going.”

      Meanwhile the noise was growing more and more distinct. By now one could distinguish the rumble of the wheels from the heavy gasps of the engine. Then we heard the whistle, the train crossed the bridge with a hollow rumble… another minute and all was still.

      “I’ll wait one minute more,” said Agafya, sitting down resolutely. “So be it, I’ll wait.

      At last Savka appeared in the darkness. He walked noiselessly on the crumbling earth of the kitchen gardens and hummed something softly to himself.

      “Here’s a bit of luck; what do you say to that now?” he said gaily. “As soon as I got up to the bush and began taking aim with my hand it left off singing! Ah, the bald dog! I waited and waited to see when it would begin again, but I had to give it up.”

      Savka flopped clumsily down to the ground beside Agafya and, to keep his balance, clutched at her waist with both hands.

      “Why do you look cross, as though your aunt were your mother?” he asked.

      With all his soft-heartedness and goodnature, Savka despised women. He behaved

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