Instabilities Modeling in Geomechanics. Jean Sulem

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Instabilities Modeling in Geomechanics - Jean Sulem

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provide an experimental illustration of a local instability, under the assumption of the absence of localization (diffuse plastic strain), is almost impossible. Figure 1.3(a) shows a series of triaxial test results with increasing confining stress values, from Paterson (1958) for Wombeyan marble. All but those with the highest confining stress eventually exhibit unstable behavior, but for pressure values lower than 35 MPa the material exhibits localized instability, either as a vertical spalling (1) or single (2) or conjugate (3) shear bands, whereas for larger confining stress the behavior is qualified as ductile (4,5) for 70 and 100 MPa (3,4) (Figure 1.3(b)).


      In contrast, for all tests below 35 MPa of confining stress, one or more of stability criteria are failed, but the deformation is invariably localized at a certain point.

Schematic illustration of axial and lateral stress measured on a set of agillaceous quartzite with the corresponding evolution of the distribution microcracking. Photo depicts biaxial compression of sand with visible localized shear band. Graphs depict (a) low and (b) high confining stress compression of a quartz sand. (c) deviatoric stress-strain curves showing stable behavior at 24-degree Celsius at high confining pressure. Graphs depict the comparison of uniaxial compression of rock salt, granite and marble, with a different intensity of acoustic emission at different stages of loading. Schematic illustration of the evolution of the distribution of acoustic emission during uniaxial compression of salt rock, granite and marble. Graphs depict unstable behavior during an undrained test of Hosun sand.
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